Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 221: Cant Say Anything Anymore

After pondering for a while, Wu Hong decided to tell Wang Wei a few things, so she motioned for him to sit down on the ground in order to be more comfortable while talking. Of course they did not really sit on the ground, but floated a few centimeters above.

After organizing her words, Wu Hong then explained:

"Paragons are the noblest existence in All Heaven Myriad World, in all of Chaos. They are called the ’Darling of Chaos’ by all cultivators in the universe," replied Wu Hong.

However, Wang Wei was not satisfied with this answer, so he said: "Can you be a bit more specific?"

"I am getting there, so be patient," replied Wu Hong while giving him a stared--an act which made a little embarrassed.

"Paragon is both a title and a cultivation realm. To be precise, it is the last cultivation realm possible for Great Emperors. Once you reach that realm, you can be considered as having reached the end of the Dao, the end of the Cultivation Path as there are no more roads ahead."

Wang Wei started thinking about all the information he just learned. For one, according to Wu Hong’s words, one has to become a Great Emperor first before becoming a Paragon, so it must be a realm after Great Emperor.

However, it seems that Paragons are not that simple given a title like "Darling of Chaos".

Now, the question that Wang Wei is wondering is how could his soul be so powerful? Could it be because of all the blue lights that he absorbed after being swallowed by the space crack back on Earth?

After reigning in his thoughts, Wang Wei then asked: "If I have a Paragon soul like you said, shouldn’t I be more awesome? For example, I should be able to easily comprehend the Dao Laws in the Divine Punishment Thunder, or I should be completely unaffected by things like illusion, spiritual guidance, etc., but I am not!"

Wu Hong looked at Wang Wei with a speechless look on her face. This guy’s narcissistic nature can sometimes pop up out of nowhere.

"For one, that is because your soul only has the quality of Paragon, but not the quantity. Second, most Paragons have been baptized by the power of Dao Law, but your case is very rare where your soul quality reached their level without any Dao Law. You do not even have the power of ordinary Law.

"More importantly, you do not know how to properly use the power of your soul."

’Of course the truly most important reason is the fact that someone actually sealed the power of your Paragon Soul, but I cannot tell you about that,’ secretly thought Wu Hong to herself with a calm and peaceful look on her face.

Meanwhile, Wang Wei felt that something was wrong, but he could not wrap his head around what it was, so he placed his worries in the back of his mind.

"Could you teach me how to use the power of my soul?" he asked with a look of expectation in his face.

"Unfortunately, I cannot," replied Wu Hong still with the stoic look on her face.

"Why not?"

"It’s for your own good!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you start to use the power of Paragon in this world, then I can guarantee you that you would not live long. Even if the Dao Opening Sect used all Nine Emperor Formations and Emperor Artifacts, even if all the Dao Ancestors and Immortal Venerables that were secretly sleeping woke up, they could not protect you.

"Your only result would be death and the destruction of your sect with all your loved ones. Unless one of your sect’s Great Emperors reached the realm of Paragon and interfered, there would be no chance for you to survive.

"And even if a Paragon intervened for you, you would be forced to leave the Myriad Emperor World forever."

Wang Wei frowned after hearing this; he did not think that Paragons involved so many secrets and power in this world. He had to sigh how vast and complex this world is, let alone if you add the entire Endless Void.

On top of that, the Will of the Battle Maniac Emperor once insinuated that there is a world out there where Great Emperors go to after proving the Dao.

If you add that, how vast and complex the universe he is in actually is? What about Earth, is it out there somewhere, or in a completely different universe?

Wang Wei sighed at how insignificant he truly was in the grand scheme of things. His little accomplishments so far are truly nothing. His pursuit of one day being free and unfettered by pursuing the End of the Dao and beyond has barely begun.

So, he warned himself to never be complacent for any of his so-called "achievements".

"Let me ask you," said Wang Wei. "Where would I be forced to go if one of the sect’s Paragons were to interfere?"

However, as soon as he asked that question, the room inside this small world became black and white; it was as if all the colors in this room were completely removed, leaving only these two.

Then, a powerful will suddenly descended inside the room; this will was mighty, noble, cold and indifferent. At first Wang Wei thought that this was Heavenly Dao that appeared, but he could feel that this Will was more supreme and more noble than Heavenly Dao.

It was like Heavenly Dao was nothing but it’s slave and not worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as it.

As soon as the Supreme Will manifested, Wang Wei felt an instinctive dislike for this will that came out of nowhere; it was like it was deeply engraved in his soul.

Then, the Supreme Will started to scan everything around inside the room; it first scan Wang Wei. It saw through all of him; whether it was his fleshly body, physique, cultivation, and even his Dao Heart. However, when it approached his soul, a mysterious power appeared and blocked the will’s vision.

To be precise, it tricked that majestic will; the mysterious power made that Will think that there was nothing truly special about Wang Wei’ soul.

Meanwhile, during this entire process, Wu Hong had a frown on her face while thinking to herself.

’I went a little overboard and let Wang Wei’s previous vigilance of me get the best of me; I never should have revealed these secrets until after he became a Great Emperor. Now, even Great Dao showed up.’

After the Supreme Will finished scanning Wang Wei, it looked in the direction of Wu Hong; it seemed it also wanted to scan her.

However, she just raised her hand and said out loud: "I promise I won’t say anything again."

The Supreme Will paused for a few seconds, then it disappeared as if it never was here. No one in the entire world besides those two noticed its existence.

Of course the real reason that the Will of Great Dao did not scan or punish Wu Hong was because a similar mysterious power as Wang Wei secretly came from her and interfered.

Unfortunately, Wang Wei was too weak to notice any of these powers. So, after the Supreme Will left, he asked out loud with disgust:

"What was that? Heavenly Dao? And why do I feel so revolted?"

However, this time Wu Hong did not answer his question. She just raised her shoulders before saying: "You just saw what happened when I tried to tell you about some secrets of Heaven and Earth. So, until you manage to prove the Dao and become a Great Emperor, many things I cannot say to you."

Wang Wei frowned after hearing this; he realized that not only does he not know many things, he does not even know many things even about himself: He is shrouded in many secrets.

The worst part is the fact that someone he met a week ago knows him better than himself.

Of course, as intelligent as he is, Wang Wei can still guess the reason that so many things out of his understanding keep happening to him. Or at least, he has a working theory.

His theory is the fact that his future self is doing some shady business, and as a result, he is paying for it. Or to be precise, his future self is playing chess with another supreme being, and even time and space is nothing but a game for those two.

Although this sounds far-fetched, Wang Wei does not think so. In this cultivating world, it is not too far-fetched to control the power of time. Not to mention that there is even a scientific theory back on Earth that mentions such a thing.

It is called Retro-Causal Quantum Theory--which basically states that present you can affect past you, and future you can also affect present you. Although this was a simplified explanation of such a complex theory, the whole notion of this idea relied on the principle that time is not linear; that all of time is happening simultaneously.

So, Wang Wei does not believe that his theory is so far-fetched as it can explain a lot of weird phenomena occurring around him. For example why he went through two Heart Demon Tribulations without even reaching the Primordial Spirit Realm. It can also explain his powerful intuition and how he got such a talent.

More importantly, it can also explain the existence of Wu Hong. Why he was so easily attracted to her, why she knows him so well despite having met for the first time in the past week. More importantly, it can explain why she knows so many secrets.

Obviously she might be one of the players in that game that his future self is playing, and she is here for a reason. Of course, Wang Wei knew that he could also be wrong, so he did not place all his cards on that theory and is open to another or better explanation.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he asked Wu Hong: "Is there anything else that you could tell me without getting into trouble?"

After pondering for a while, she nodded: "Your Paragon Soul will make it virtually impossible for you to enter the Primordial Spirit Realm."

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