Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

602 Opportunist

“Hahaha, a Son of an Era. Excellent, excellent, excellent news,” said Wang Wucheng as he magically appeared out of nowhere as he usually does, grinning from ear to ear.

“It’s alright,” replied Wang Wei nonchalantly.

“Why aren’t you happier?”

“Why should I?”

“As a Son of an Era, unless something peculiar occurs, you are destined to become an Eternal Emperor.”

“Without, I’m still destined to become one.”

“It’s not the same.”

“Yes, it is.”

Wang Wucheng shook his head. “What about the fact you get to lead the new Era?”

“Without it, I would still lead the new era. To be honest, Heavenly Dao gave me the position because it knows I’m one of the few people who want to change the world for the better.” 

If Heavenly Dao had to choose two people to lead the era based solely on ideology and the desire for change, only Wang Wei and Huo Fenghuang would be qualified as they are the only people with obvious ambitions of changing the world.

However, Huo Fenghuang is too biased toward the Ancient Clan, and her method might do more harm than good.

“The title only made things official,” added Wang Wei.

“You might not be happy, but I and the others are very excited. With this position and the Spirit of the Epoch, we don’t have to worry about the Nine Emperor Curse.”

“I thought the curse was no longer a problem?”

“It’s not, but until the final battle, you never know. But with Heavenly Dao giving you all the Destiny of the New Era, we no longer have to worry about it trying to restrict us.”

“That’s fair,” agreed Wang Wei. Then, he said goodbye to the ancestor before secretly exiting his mansion, heading straight to Feng Heng’s mansion. He secretly announced his presence and waited outside.

More than half an hour later, the formations opened. A maid led him to a room where Feng Heng waited for him with tea. Wang Wei unceremoniously sat before him, and Feng Heng poured tea for both of them.

“To what do I owe this visit, sect master Wang Wei?”

Wang Wei took a sip of the tea, and it was refreshing.

“Great tea. It would have been better without the poison.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re excused,” replied Wang Wei as he savored the tea. “It would not directly harm me but remain undetected in my body, rendering me weak or immobile at the right moment. I guess I should thank your benevolence for not wanting to kill me.”

“Sect master, these are severe accusations–especially without proof.”

“Forget it. Anyways, this is the kind of tactic I would use. So, there is no point in blaming you.”

What Feng Heng did is similar to what he did during his beach party. Unfortunately, this tactic has become useless. Mon Xingyun seemed to have detected and removed the thread for all the people in her alliance, which included Sun Jiaolong, Huang Yuan, and Fang Lijuan.

Zhen Biyu’s alternative personality also detected the thread and removed it. Su Yan appeared to have sealed herself, Zhang Xuan was basically dead, Jian Wushang was crippled, and Wang Wei never placed any on Xu Shi. The only person remaining is Huo Fenghuang, and Wang Wei already divined she would remove the thread after fusing it with Ao Tianyi’s bloodline.

Wang Wei wanted to try the same tactic now that he was more powerful. However, after Chu Luo revealed his method during the first dinner, these people have always been on guard against him.

“I came to get something from you,” said Wang Wei as he continued to drink the tea, not minding the poison in the slightest. “I theorized that Monk Wuzhi must have given you an alternative method of proving the Dao. As partners who share a bond deeper than time and space, please share.”

“An alternative method to prove the Dao? If such a thing existed, I would sacrifice anything to get my hands on it,” Feng Heng replied calmly.

“Feng Heng, no, Shi Fuyu, I’ll call you this since I feel it will make us a lot closer,” said Wang Wei with a gentle smile, making the latter squint his eyes. 

“You’re a man who has lived for a long time and is full of experience. Now, ask yourself, can you survive from me at such a close distance? Do you think the little formations in this room are enough?”

“Is that a threat?” Shi Fuyu asked with a sneer.

“Confident, I see. Let me guess; you’re very proud of your hiding capability. But, can you hide faster than I can kill you?” Wang Wei did not release any aura, but the atmosphere became tense.

‘Danmit, I’ve let my guard down,’ thought Shi Fuyu despite his face remaining calm. After surviving the previous catastrophe, and Monk Wuzhi hinting that Wang Wei was an ally, he lowered his guard and met him in person.

Feng Heng’s original plan was to scheme against the latter with a rare poison that was now extinct in modern times. So, although he was prepared in case something went wrong, he still made the mistake of showing up with his real body.

‘I currently have peak 3-Leaf Immortal strength, far from his 6-Leaf.’

Shi Fuyu checked his Divine Sea, and he had a Silver Law Tree similar to Wang Wei. After many years of comprehending the Dao, this was his achievement. Shi Fuyu has never revealed his full power because that would require him to use both Taoist and Buddhist techniques, and he could not risk exposure.

Many thoughts flashed across his mind as he pondered what to do. He cursed Wang Wei in his mind as he did not expect the latter to act in such a two-faced manner, changing his position so swiftly.

Feng Heng never expected to become friends with Wang Wei but expected some sort of corporation after the information Monk Wuzhi revealed.

‘*Sigh* This is a lesson to me. The closer I am to success, the more careful I need to be.’

Without hesitation, he handed a book titled [Merit Proving Dao Method]. Wang Wei took the book with a smile, knowing he was bluffing as he would never attack Feng Heng.

According to his analysis, only Supreme Unity or someone sent by him can kill Feng Heng in the entire Eternal Ascension World. And he would never try to be on Maitreya Buddha’s wrong side when he is so weak.

Luckily, he took a gamble, and Shi Fuyu was unaware of his importance.

Wang Wei briefly glanced at the book, and his eyes lit up. ‘I was correct. The method I created for my mother is possible.’

“Now that you have what you want, you can leave.”

“Don’t be so rude. I’ve come here for many purposes.”

“Don’t push it. Even a rabbit will fight back when pushed too far,” said Feng Heng, a dangerous light in his eyes.

“I’m serious. I’m also here to negotiate.”

“Negotiate what?”

“Negotiate my share of merit and incense from Buddhism.”

“What do you mean by this?”

“Monk Wuzhi tasked me to help you spread Buddhism, and I want my share of the profit.”

“Aren’t you doing it to pay your karma?”

“Yes. But it is not enough for me not to get a piece of the cake–especially since I’ve paid a great chunk by ensuring your safety. Plus, I’m a very valuable partner.”

Feng Heng frowned as he could deduct much information from this statement. He took a deep breath to calm down before asking: “Tell me how you are valuable.”

“Let me analyze things for you. I can tell you that you have zero chance of proving the Dao in this generation through the Heaven Will Battle. I’m sure this is why the monk gave you the alternative method.”

Feng Heng frowned but did not comment.

“Your only option is to gather enough merit and exchange enough merit for a Heaven Will through being the leader of Buddhism.  Unfortunately, you cannot spread Buddhism in the Myriad Emperor World because of the Taiyi Profound Gate. So, your only option is our world community’s Lower Realm or another World Communities.”

Wang Wei took a sip of his tea, letting his words marinate for a few seconds.

“After this incident, I’m sure the Taiyi Profound Gate will suspect you, and your hands will be tied for a while dealing with that mess, meaning you won’t have enough time to accomplish your mission.

“Plus, I can tell you the Dao Opening Sect has almost taken control of most of our World Community’s Lower Realm.”

“There is no way for that to be true,” commented Feng Heng, and Wang Wei waved his hand to manifest a map showing thousands of spheres. Immediately, Feng Heng’s face changed as he could tell these were world coordinates of the Myriad Emperor World Community.

Then, Wang Wei continued:

“If you wait until someone proves the Dao to begin spreading Buddhism, I don’t have to tell you the consequences.”

Feng Heng knew the consequences. Wang Wei waved his hand to show him another map, making Feng Heng squint his eyes.

“As you can see, the Demon Supremacy World Community. They are currently in a war between humans and demons. With Buddhist monks having a natural restraint to demons, this is the perfect place to begin preaching and spreading.

“And since I have access to these worlds coordinates, I want a share of the profit. “

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