Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 984 - The Lie Ban Tribe

Chapter 984: The Lie Ban Tribe

The Red Hot Desert was more than a hundred million miles away from where Mo Wen was. With Mo Wen’s ability, it would take him a few days to fly over there.

Over the past few days, Mo Wen had gained a rough understanding of the preliminary ancient land. This ancient land was not smaller than a Inner world like the Floating Mystery Dimension. It might even be bigger. In the ancient land, there were trillions of living creatures. Hundreds of tribes lived here and divided the lands amongst themselves, each claiming their right to rule over their territories.

The foreigner that was leading Mo Wen was called Sa’anqi. He was a member of the Worm Shark Clan.

The Worm Shark Clan could be ranked among the ten largest clans in the ancient land. Their clan was full of experts. There were hundreds of Primordial Soul Realm cultivators like Sa’anqi in the Worm Shark Clan.

Sa’anqi was a cultivator with beginning stage Primordial Soul Realm cultivation. Also, because he was talented and had the body of a foreigner, his ability was far higher than humans of the same rank. However, his cultivation within the Worm Shark Clan was only at the upper-middle level.

In the preliminary ancient land, although there were no Tide Changing Realm Mighty Immortal Cultivators, there were many Primordial Soul Realm cultivators. The races that were imprisoned here were all ancient tribes that were the descendants of people from the Ancient Age. Their talents did not need to be mentioned. It was far easier for them to reach the Primordial Soul Realm compared to ordinary humans.

“My lord, the Red Hot Desert is just another ten thousand miles ahead. That is the territory of the Flame Horn Clan.”

In the sky above, two beams of light flashed past. They were Mo Wen and Sa’anqi. Their cultivations were not low, so flying without rest for a few days was nothing to them.

“The Flame Horn Clan is a large clan that claims the Red Hot Desert as their territory. In terms of the race’s overall ability, they might not rank among the top ten in the ancient land, but they are definitely among the top thirty. The specialty of the Flame Horn Clan is their strong life force. Their defense and endurance are also rather astonishing,” Sa’anqi said seriously. Although he did not know why Mo Wen was heading to the Red Hot Desert, he was a preliminary cultivator, and the Flame Horn Clan would not welcome him.

He was not speaking a human language nor the common speech of the Ancient Age, but rather a native language of the preliminary ancient land. After a few days together, Mo Wen had already learned the language of the preliminary ancient land by using the method of transfer with his soul and will. Communicating with the races of the ancient land would no longer pose a problem.

“Is the Red Hot Desert rich in Fire Leaving Stones?” Mo Wen asked.

“Fire Leaving Stones?”

Upon hearing this, Sa’anqi drew a cold breath. So this human had come here for Fire Leaving Stones. No wonder he had traversed such a long distance to come to the Red Hot Desert.

“The Red Hot Desert indeed produces Fire Leaving Stones. However, almost all the Fire Leaving Stones are monopolized by the Flame Horn Clan. It is difficult for outsiders to get their hands on them. My lord, if you are heading to the Red Hot Desert to find Fire Leaving Stones, you will probably be unsuccessful.”

Sa’anqi glanced over at Mo Wen carefully. Even in the Red Hot Desert, Fire Leaving Stones were precious treasures that others could only dream of but never obtain. The members of the Flame Horn Clan especially treated the Fire Leaving Stones as the most precious gemstones. Every time one appeared, the Flame Horn Clan would retrieve it immediately. An outsider finding one in the vast desert was more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

“If I foolishly search the desert and try my luck, I won’t be successful. However, the Flame Horn Clan should have Fire Leaving Stones, right?” Mo Wen said with a smile.

It was impossible that those who came here for the trials would foolishly search the desert for Fire Leaving Stones. Wise Man Ku Ji’s intention was for him to obtain them from the locals. It was extremely difficult for them to find Fire Leaving Stones on their own. However, the tribe that had lived here for generations would certainly have Fire Leaving Stones.

“You are prepared to exchange items with the Flame Horn Clan? The Flame Horn Clan has never exchanged treasures like the Fire Leaving Stones. It is not easy for even the ten major races of the ancient land to get one Fire Leaving Stone from the hands of the Flame Horn Clan.”

Sa’anqi frowned. The Flame Horn Clan would definitely not exchange the Fire Leaving Stone. Moreover, this person was a preliminary cultivator who had come to the ancient land. The living creatures of the ancient land did not look kindly upon these preliminary cultivators.

“Exchange? They probably will not exchange such a thing with me,” Mo Wen said with a smile. If he could make an exchange, then the difficulty of obtaining Fire Leaving Stones would not be so high. Wise Man Ku Ji would also not have needed to ask this of him. He would have long asked another person to exchange a Fire Leaving Stone with the Flame Horn Clan and take it back to him.

“Of course, they will not exchange it…”

Halfway through his sentence, Sa’anqi realized that something was off. He stared wide-eyed and stutteringly said, “My lord, you aren’t… planning to… snatch it… from the… Flame Horn Clan… Are you?”

“If they won’t give it to me, then I’ll have to take it from them. Relax, I will let you go after this trip is successful,” Mo Wen said.

Sa’anqi’s face froze. He was forced to suffer in silence. Although the Flame Horn Clan was not one of the ten major races in the ancient land, it was still a large clan. It had dozens of Primordial Soul Realm cultivators and even some super strong practitioners who had reached the pinnacle of the Primordial Soul Realm.

Would just the two of them dare to enter the Flame Horn Clan’s territory and forcibly snatch something from their hands?

Sa’anqi felt that they were practically committing suicide. However, his life was currently in the hands of this human. He could not escape even if he wanted to.

As they were talking, they flew for tens of thousands of miles. The view before them gradually broadened. A red line appeared at the edge of their vision, joining together with the sky and extending endlessly into the distance.

“The Red Hot Desert!”

In a few flashes, Mo Wen was already close. Endless desert stretched as far as the eye could see. Hot sand flew up in the air. The sand spread for tens of thousands of miles. Sandstorms were visibly raging in the distance.

The sand of the Red Hot Desert was deep red, like blood. Occasionally, when the wind blew the sand and made it roll, it appeared as though there was an ocean of boiling blood.

“The temperature is really high.”

Mo Wen was secretly surprised. The temperature of this place was a few hundred degrees Celsius. Ordinary people would be instantly burnt to death here. And this was only the border of the Red Hot Desert. The deeper they traveled into the desert, the hotter it would be.

Legend had it that during the Ancient Age, immortals were concocting pills when they accidentally tipped over an alchemy furnace. Heavenly fire descended upon the mortal realm and burnt the land, gradually forming this vast Red Hot Desert. Of course, that was just a myth. However, from this, it could be seen that the Red Hot Desert was indeed not an ordinary place.

“No wonder it can birth treasures such as the Fire Leaving Stone,” Mo Wen exclaimed to himself. The Fire Leaving Stone was a gemstone formed from the essence of the sun coalescing. It was not strange for Fire Leaving Stones to form after many years in this desert.

“My lord, there is a Flame Horn Clan tribe nearby called the Lie Ban Tribe. The area within a radius of a million miles is their territory. They are considered a large tribe among the Flame Horn Clan,” Sa’anqi said softly as he caught up with Mo Wen. As a local of the ancient land, he was very familiar with the Red Hot Desert. He had been to this Lie Ban Tribe a hundred years ago.

“Does the Lie Ban Tribe have Fire Leaving Stones?” Mo Wen asked.

“The Lie Ban Tribe is a large tribe in the Flame Horn Clan. The chief of the tribe is a cultivator with great attainment in the Primordial Soul Realm. He has more than five thousand years of cultivation. He probably will have some Fire Leaving Stones.”

The Fire Leaving Stone was a rare item for other clans. However, the Flame Horn Clan had been living in the Red Hot Desert for generations, and they would have collected some. It was likely that all the upper echelons of the Flame Horn Clan had a few Fire Leaving Stones in their possession.

“Let’s head towards the Lie Ban Tribe.” Mo Wen nodded.

Mo Wen’s target was acquiring a Fire Leaving Diamond; however, the Fire Leaving Stone was a rare item too. His schedule would not be delayed if he acquired some Fire Leaving Stones along the way.

“My lord, the Lie Ban Tribe Chief is a cultivator with great attainment in the Primordial Soul Realm dating back a thousand years. He has cultivated for a long time, and his remarkable powers are powerful. Besides that, he is in the Red Hot Desert where he has advantages over every aspect. Strong practitioners at the pinnacle of the Primordial Soul Realm would not be a match for him.”

Sa’anqi looked at Mo Wen carefully. He told Mo Wen the truth about the Lie Ban Tribe Chief’s ability, hoping that Mo Wen would retreat after realizing the challenge ahead. Even if Mo Wen did not retreat, Sa’anqi hoped that Mo Wen would at least compare himself with the tribe chief and be mentally prepared. At the very least, Mo Wen would not go to seek death blindly.

Even though Sa’anqi had no idea how strong this human was, he knew that preliminary cultivators from the human clan who entered here most likely had not broken through to the Primordial Soul Realm. Those who had broken through to the Primordial Soul Realm could not enter here at all. Even if they could break through to the Primordial Soul Realm while they were here, they were only at the beginning stage of the Primordial Soul Realm. They paled into insignificance when compared to the strong practitioners in the ancient land.

Normally, humans who entered the preliminary ancient land kept a low-profile and very dared to do whatever they pleased in the ancient land. Over trillions of years, countless preliminary cultivators from the human clan died in the ancient land. Sa’anqi was well-aware that this human was ridiculously powerful; however, even he would most likely not dare to look down on the tribes in the ancient land. Would he?

“Lead the way,” Mo Wen said plainly.

Upon hearing his words, Sa’anqi took a deep breath. Since this human insisted, he couldn’t do anything about it. Perhaps this human had some extraordinary power which rendered him so bold.

The Lie Ban Tribe was located nearby. The two of them flew for less than half a day and reached the territory where the Lie Ban Tribe lived. There were more and more foreign living creatures around the endless desert. Most of the living creatures were members of the Flame Horn Clan, but there were living creatures from other clans as well.

The other clans had come to the Red Hot Desert in search of materials that were needed for cultivation. Many of them also came to gain experience or to visit their friends.

The Red Hot Desert was rich with fire attribute treasures and medicinal herbs. It was a natural treasure trove. Unfortunately, Mo Wen did not have the time to go treasure hunting in the vast desert.

“My lord, there is a trade market in the main city of the Lie Ban Tribe. Will you take a look there? We might be able to find what you want.”

Two silhouettes, one after another, appeared in the sky above an ancient city. The city below was rather ancient. The city walls were covered in the traces of the winds and sands eating away at them over the years.

“This is Lie Ban City. This city has more than a hundred thousand years of history. It has withstood ninety seven large-scale sandstorms. It can be considered one of the Flame Horn Clan’s historical landmarks.”

Sa’anqi softly explained things to Mo Wen as he looked at the ancient city below. This city was established in the middle of the desert. It was indeed not easy for it to have survived more than a hundred thousand years. In Lie Ban City, there were more than three million residents. It was one of the large strongholds in the desert.

“Where is the Lie Ban Tribe Chief?” Mo Wen asked. Right now, he was wearing a cape and a bamboo hat. His entire person was hidden in the shade. This was the land of the foreign clans. If other people discovered his identity as a human preliminary cultivator, it would most likely stir up a lot of unnecessary trouble.

“Huh… he should be in the city.” Sa’anqi felt awkward. Was this human preparing to steal from the Lie Ban Tribe Chief?

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