Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 661 - The Primordial Soul Pearl Appears

Chapter 661: The Primordial Soul Pearl Appears

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

To Mo Wen’s surprise, he had encountered the Red Scaled Earth Dragon, a monstrous beast with dragon blood. Even though there were many monstrous beasts in the demon clans, monstrous beasts from the Dragon Clan bloodline were still very rare.

However, the Beast King seemed to only be a descendant of the Red Scaled Earth Dragon: its bloodline heritage was very low. It could not be said to be a real Red Scaled Earth Dragon. Otherwise, with its Beast King cultivation, it would most likely have long become a demon.

Mo Wen walked cautiously towards the white jade box at the center of the altar. He didn’t know what kind of tricks did this altar was hiding, so could only proceed carefully.

With Mo Wen’s experience, he could conclude that the Beast King had indeed suffered severe injuries. It had fallen into a deep slumber.

Under such circumstances, as long as the Beast King’s life was not threatened, it would not wake up.

What else could it be if the danger hidden in the altar was not from the Beast King? For the moment, Mo Wen was perplexed.

When he was 50 meters away from the white jade box, a terrifying beast roar suddenly sounded. The vibration of the roar caused Mo Wen to feel dizzy and he subconsciously took a step back.

Had the Beast King awakened?

Mo Wen’s facial expression changed drastically. Immediately he looked at the Beast King. A red light lit up on the body of the Beast King. The red light accentuated the red scales on its body. The color was vivid.

A flame quietly flew out from the head of the Beast King. The flame was the size of a washbasin and burned frenziedly. A constantly shifting silhouette could be seen in the flame. It was a miniature figure of the monstrous beast. Even though it only was the size of a palm, it emanated a terrifying energy wave.

The Red Scaled Earth Dragon!

Mo Wen’s pupils contracted. He could tell from a glance that that was the miniature version of the Beast King. It looked exactly like the Red Scaled Earth Dragon on the floor. It must be the soul of the Red Scaled Earth Dragon, an illusionary body of a Beast King’s soul.

Giving the soul a form and projecting it outside of the body was something that only Primordial Soul Realm immortal cultivators could do. Even Martial Arts Grandmasters did not have such an ability. Primordial Soul realm immortal cultivators had to cultivate their souls into Primordial Souls before they could let the Primordial Soul out of their bodies.

Otherwise, without sufficient cultivation, forcing the soul out of the body would cause the soul to be lost and the person to be unable to reincarnate.

In theory, in the demon realm, only the Devil Clan had the ability to project their demon souls out of their bodies. It was impossible for even a Beast King monstrous beast to do so.

How did this Red Scaled Earth Dragon manage to do it?

Mo Wen was certain that the Red Scaled Earth Dragon before him was not from the Devil Clan. It only had Beast King’s cultivation.


The Beast King’s Demon Soul gradually floated out. Then, it raised its head and roared at the sky. Red light filled the sky. The fist-sized demon soul suddenly grew larger, becoming a huge Red Scaled Earth Dragon. Although it could not compare to the original, it was about a third of the original’s size.

A majestic soul aura kept emanating from the demon soul of the Red Scaled Earth Dragon. The aura was akin to real soul power and Mo Wen was frightened by it.

Mo Wen’s soul power was strong. Yet, compared to that of this Red Scaled Earth Dragon, his soul power paled into insignificance.

So, this was how an out-of-body experience worked.

Right now, Mo Wen finally understood what dangers lurked in the altar.

A Beast King’s Demon Soul! Even though it was not the real Beast King, a Beast King’s Demon Soul that was able to leave its body was still fatal to common ancient martial art practitioners.

Little wonder then that Hou Jingfeng and Gong Zhangyan had suffered serious injuries to their souls so quickly. They had most likely encountered the terrifying Beast King’s Demon Soul after they intruded into the altar. They had almost died at the hands of the Beast King’s Demon Soul.

The Beast King was in a comatose state now because it had suffered severe injuries, yet its soul could come out from of its body to block its enemies. This was most likely the last level in this hidden task.

Mo Wen did not know how the Beast King was able to make its demon soul come out from the body. However, right now, his facial expression had relaxed again.

Of course, the Beast King’s Demon Soul was still very terrifying. For common ancient martial art practitioners, the threat that it posed was way above that of the three Lord Monstrous Beasts. This type of attack from a soul would directly attack the soul. One practically could not defend against it. If their souls were not powerful enough, they would very easily be severely injured.

However, Mo Wen had a relaxed smile. His cultivation might not be high; however, his soul power was no weaker than that of a Martial Arts Grandmaster. The soul power of some common Martial Arts Grandmasters even paled into insignificance when compared to his. Mo Wen’s soul power was not as powerful as the Earth Dragon’s Demon Soul before him now, but it would not be an easy task for the Beast King’s Demon Soul to harm him.

The Beast King’s Demon Soul twisted and turned. Then, its red crystal eyes released two beams of mesmerizing red light which suddenly shined on Mo Wen’s body.

Masses of golden light lit up in Mo Wen’s eyes. The golden lights were like two suns. Mo Wen just blinked his eyes, and then acted as though nothing had happened. The soul ray released by the Beast King’s Demon Soul could not pose a threat to him.

The Beast King’s Demon Soul obviously had not expected that its soul ray was actually useless against a human ancient martial art practitioner. Didn’t he only have later stage Golden Elixir realm cultivation? How could he possibly block its soul attack?

A look of incredulity flashed in the eyes of the Beast King’s Demon Soul. It had reached the level of Beast King. Not only was its intelligence equal to that of humans, but it could also speak the language of humans and communicate with them. As for the Devil Clan who were a level above, they could even transform into human form. After they transformed, on the surface they would look no different to humans.

Mo Wen ignored the Beast King’s Demon Soul. After confirming that this Beast King’s Demon Soul could not pose a threat to him, he began to walk boldly towards the white jade box in the center of the altar. Once he retrieved the white jade box, this task would be completed.

“Roar! Damned human, you dare to covet my valuable treasure. You deserve death!”

The Beast King’s Demon Soul did not expect that this human ancient martial art practitioner would actually ignore him and walked straight towards his beloved treasure. His action was totally intolerable. The Beast King was enraged and with a dash of red light, it pounced on Mo Wen. It wanted to kill this human’s soul and hang his corpse on the city gate.

Humph! Mo Wen coldly snorted. His eyes shined with a brilliant golden light. A formless wave instantly expanded with him as the center.

With Mo Wen’s current cultivation, the power of the Divine Soul Trillion Layers’ soul attack could even slightly disrupt Martial Arts Grandmasters. Against a soul body like this Beast King’s Demon Soul, its might was naturally even greater.

A formless wave crashed into the Beast King’s Demon Soul. The figure of the Beast King’s Demon Soul trembled, then suddenly stopped. It had no other way to pounce on Mo Wen.

Right now, Mo Wen had already walked up to the white jade box, reaching out to grab it in his hands. It was unclear whether the pillar of white light had sensed that the white jade box had been taken, but its light gradually dimmed, then slowly disappeared.

“How dare you. Put down my valuable treasure!” When the Beast King’s Demon Soul saw that its treasure had ended up in another’s hands, it immediately got anxious. Its eyes were crimson. Frightening soul power emanated from its body. The terrifying aura was enough to make a Martial Arts Grandmaster feel pressured.

“I’ll kill you, you robber!” The Beast King’s Demon Soul roared forlornly and the next moment, its figure appeared in front of Mo Wen. It was like a brilliant sun, with dashes of red light flickering.

A shapeless ripple was released from Mo Wen’s body. Mo Wen intended to utilize the Divine Soul Trillion Layers to send the Beast King’s Demon Soul flying again.

However, the Beast King’s Demon Soul demonstrated some unknown power. It merely paused for a moment. Then, it broke through Mo Wen’s soul attack and, the following instant, leaped onto Mo Wen.

Mo Wen’s body shook and his facial expression turned serious.

The Beast King’s Demon Soul didn’t have a physical body, so once it leaped on Mo Wen, it entered Mo Wen’s body and dashed towards Mo Wen’s declarative memory.

Once the Beast King’s Demon Soul took over his declarative memory, then Mo Wen would be completely under the control of the Beast King.

If Mo Wen was a common ancient martial art practitioner, he would surely die now. It was because when a soul had intruded one’s body, the person could only resist it with soul power equivalent to that of the intruder.

The Beast King’s soul power was so powerful. An ordinary ancient martial art practitioner naturally could not block it.

However, Mo Wen’s soul power had exceeded normal people’s understanding of soul power. Furthermore, he had practiced the Divine Soul Trillion Layers, which was a Primordial Soul technique.

Just when Mo Wen was about to organize his thoughts and get ready to battle the Beast King’s Demon Soul with his declarative memory as the battlefield, something unexpected happened.

The Beast King’s Demon Soul had just broken through to Mo Wen’s declarative memory and it had yet to locate Mo Wen’s soul core. Suddenly, an azure sun rose from the vast declarative memory.

The azure sun released dazzling light, shining over the entire declarative memory. It also enveloped the Beast King’s Demon Soul at the same time.

Vast soul power was unleashed, instantly enveloping the Beast King’s Demon Soul. The Beast King’s Demon instantly froze in its spot, unable to move at all.

It was as though it was hit by an Immobilization Technique or that it had instantly become an ice sculpture. Even the facial expression of the Beast King’s Demon Soul had frozen in place.


The eyes of the Beast King’s Demon Soul were full of horror. It started hysterically screaming loudly. It kept trying to struggle free, but it could not move at all.

The azure light descended, passing through the body of the Beast King’s Demon Soul. The Beast King’s Demon Soul then began to crack, becoming specks of light and dissipating in the endless declarative memory.

A golden light flashed past and Mo Wen’s soul appeared in the vast declarative memory. He stared at the Beast King’s Demon Soul dissipating slowly. His expression showed both amusement and annoyance.

The Primordial Soul Pearl!

The azure sun was the Primordial Soul Pearl that he had inherited from Ji Wuya not long ago in the Devil’s Heart Palace.

The Primordial Soul Pearl contained the inheritance of Ji Wuya and his Primordial Soul power. It had always been hidden in Mo Wen’s declarative memory. Before this, although Mo Wen had passed Ji Wuya’s trial, and from there obtained his inheritance, he had only inherited some knowledge of alchemy. It could even be said that he had not received Ji Wuya’s true inheritance. At most, he had only scratched the surface.

It was because, with his current cultivation, he could not come in contact things at Ji Wuya’s level at all. The alchemy arts that he had learned from Ji Wuya were just some basic skills and superficial knowledge.

The Primordial Soul Pearl contained the Primordial Soul power of Ji Wuya. Since it had acknowledged Mo Wen, it would protect Mo Wen’s declarative memory. It could be said that the Beast King’s Demon Soul had a huge stroke of bad luck when it entered Mo Wen’s declarative memory, and had, in fact, caused its own death.

To Mo Wen’s surprise, the Beast King’s Soul of an illusionary beast had actually triggered an attack from the Primordial Soul Pearl. Could it be that lives created by the Tower Spirit had reached a point where it could create confusion by passing off the spurious as genuine?

After the Beast King’s Demon Soul had dissipated, Mo Wen felt that his declarative memory was suddenly enriched. Even his soul had received great nourishment. It was as though he had absorbed the soul of a Beast King. He could sense that his soul power had gone up a notch.

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