Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 657 - Killing the Lord

Chapter 657: Killing the Lord

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The four human practitioners present in the city all had similar cultivation levels. Since Mo Wen was the first of them to be targeted by the Lord Monstrous Beast, he would naturally have a more difficult time than the others. Hou Jingfeng and Gong Zhangyan were both pleased by that.

The wind blew wildly and a dark yellow colored wind swept through the air, accompanied by a terrifying aura. There was a collision.

The rest of the monstrous beasts had backed away when the Lord Monstrous Beast had appeared. They did not dare to fight alongside it.

The Lord Monstrous Beast had blood red eyes. It had been staring at Mo Wen’s pupils from the moment it had first appeared, its eyes flashing with a weird red light.

Suddenly, Mo Wen’s eyelids felt heavy and he felt sleepy. He was on the verge of closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep. Just as his eyelids were about to shut, he suddenly started awake. A terrifying soul power rushed forth to dispel the sleepiness.

“Hypnotism.” There was shock in Mo Wen’s eyes. He had looked straight into the monstrous beast’s eyes and had almost fallen for its tricks. He was so shocked that cold sweat ran down his back.

The monstrous beast was extremely powerful. It even knew the demonic art form of hypnotism. This sort of demonic art was one of the most terrifying because it could land a person in hot water, never to emerge, and with absolutely no realization of what was going on.

The art of hypnotism was a form of mental attack. However, it ran even deeper than ordinary mental attacks. Only those who were extremely skilled mentally could cultivate in the art of hypnotism. Even though Mo Wen’s mental strength was strong, his grasp on its capabilities was far from enough. He was not qualified to cultivate in the art of hypnotism, which was a soul secret skill.

The monstrous beast’s talent was in hypnotism. That was terrifying.

If Mo Wen’s mental strength had not been powerful enough, he would have already unwittingly died at the hands of the Lord Monstrous Beast.

Unless one possessed the bloodline of an ancient powerful beast or a Heaven and Earth Divine Beast, they would not be able to grasp the skill of hypnotism. This creature clearly had an extraordinary lineage.

The creature had been charging at Mo Wen, seemingly ready to tear him to shreds. However, when it saw that Mo Wen was not affected by the hypnosis, a flash of shock appeared in its eyes and it hesitated.

Then, it howled into the sky. The monstrous beast was strangely angry. It was as if it felt embarrassed for not succeeding in its first attack.

A ball of white light spread out, the monstrous beast in the middle of it. It immediately covered half the sky.

Mo Wen felt his body grow heavy. His expression looked grave. The attack of a monstrous beast at the pinnacle of the seventh rank was as strong as that of a human warrior.

The monstrous beast took a step forward and directed a strike at Mo Wen. Its enormous palm crashed down like a large mountain.

Mo Wen stretched out a finger, and the five beasts of the Five Beast Hoops turned into five golden chains. The chains were lithe and agile. They flashed through the air and wrapped themselves around the creature. Then, they tightened forcefully, binding the enormous Lord Monstrous Beast.

The palm that was heading for Mo Wen stopped suddenly as it was tugged back by the golden chains.

The monstrous beast let out a furious roar. A brilliant flash of white light shone from its body. Then, its body began to expand, seemingly filled with air. It rapidly grew to more than double its original size.

The beast’s hands grabbed hold of the five golden chains and tugged on them vigorously. The chains shattered with a crash, separating into more than a dozen links.

Mo Wen’s body shook and he urgently backed several dozen meters away. A trace of blood dribbled out from the corner of his lips.

The Lord Monstrous Beast was formidably strong. Over the next few minutes, the creature was able to keep shattering the hold the Five Beast Hoops had on it. It even used the reflecting energy to injure Mo Wen.

Mo Wen did not hesitate to remove a low-grade Healing Light from his medicine spiritual ring. A ray of red light enveloped him and his appearance immediately improved. He was completely healed in just the time it took to take a breath.

The Lord Monstrous Beast was indeed terrifying. Mo Wen was no match for it with his current abilities.

After shattering the Five Beast Hoops, the monstrous beast took a step forward, bringing its fist down towards Mo Wen. The space seemed to solidify and the fist was like a meteorite rubbing against the ozone layer. Flames erupted from its surface.

The Gray Mountain Peak flashed and immediately grew bigger, shielding Mo Wen from the front. The mountain peak’s surface shimmered, as if there were layers of water ripples on it. It had a top-grade spiritual weapon’s aura and was thick and solid.

The monstrous beast’s fist landed on top of the Gray Mountain Peak, which shook forcefully. Then, it punched the peak again. The Gray Mountain Peak could not withstand the attacks anymore. It hurtled forward, running away into the distance, smashing into several tall buildings while it ran.

The terrifying monster’s fist made a sharp whistling sound. The friction seemed to burn even the air as it hurtled towards Mo Wen.

A ball of stars appeared in front of Mo Wen. The starlight glittered brilliantly. The fist looked as if it could smash through it. But when it met the cloud of stars, it slowed down, as if it was a person walking through a swamp.

When the fist finally passed through the cloud of stars, its power had already been reduced by 90 percent.

Mo Wen’s body shimmered with gold light. The light appeared on his skin and gave the impression that he had been turned into gold.

He did not hide or dodge. Instead, he took a step forward, holding the Sacred Fire Sword in his hand and bringing it down forcefully on the neck of the monstrous beast.

Almost at the same time, the fist landed on Mo Wen’s body. The gold light on Mo Wen’s body cracked, but he only shook slightly.

The Sacred Fire Sword released a flame of astonishing power but the monstrous beast was agile. At the crucial moment, it just managed to avoid its vital areas being hurt. The sword did not cut down on its neck but merely slashed viciously at its left upper chest.

The sound of the blade cutting flesh could be heard. A terrifying wound appeared on the Lord Monstrous Beast’s chest. Boiling blood flowed out of it.

The creature had not only failed to attack Mo Wen but had been injured as well. It roared furiously. It did not back away but moved forward instead. It released an almost solid ray of white light. The white light locked onto the Sacred Fire Sword. The beast stepped forward, using its chest to block the Sacred Fire Sword’s power. Then, it tried to flatten Mo Wen once more with a punch.

Mo Wen was shocked. The monstrous beast was so resilient. It was trying even harder than Mo Wen!

Mo Wen had taken a punch from the monstrous beast. Even though the attack had been weakened by 90 percent, he had still been injured. He did not dare to go head to head with the monstrous beast. He used the Glory of Wind, and as the gentle breeze started, he disappeared from where he had been standing.

The Lord Monstrous Beast’s attack failed, and it was resentful. It looked at Mo Wen with its odd, blood red eyes. They flickered. It was trying to hypnotize Mo Wen again.

This time, Mo Wen was on his guard. Unlike the first time, the hypnosis would not get close to working on him. However, the Lord Monstrous Beast was shockingly talented. Even though Mo Wen was vigilant, he could not help but be affected by the hypnosis.

For just a moment, his mind went blank and his movements slowed.

The Lord Monstrous Beast possessed psychic abilities. Its mental capabilities were higher than Mo Wen’s. Mo Wen could not try to affect it mentally.

A moment of hesitation was enough for a Lord Monstrous Beast to do many things. Its enormous body flickered and it appeared in front of Mo Wen.

The two deer horns on top of its head released a startling light. Then, two golden water dragons flew out from the horns before tangling together, turning into a pair of scissors that stabbed viciously at Mo Wen.

By the time Mo Wen reacted, the water dragon scissors had already appeared in the air above him. The terrifying force made his hair stand on end.

If he could not defend against this attack, it was highly likely that he would lose his life.

The Five Beast Hoops and the Gray Mountain Peak had already been tossed away and could not help him this time. Mo Wen gritted his teeth. He could only depend on himself. Perhaps he would be able to block the attack if he used the three Glory techniques to the extreme.

Then, just as Mo Wen was preparing to give it his all, something unexpected happened.

The Purple Bottle Gourd, which had been standing on Mo Wen’s shoulder all the while, suddenly released a brilliant purple light.

The water dragon scissors immediately stopped, as did the Lord Monstrous Beast. Everything that was covered by the purple light came to a halt as if time had stopped.

Only the Purple Bottle Gourd continued to shine with a gentle purple light.

Mo Wen’s pupils shrank. The change had happened so suddenly that he was in a daze.

He soon discovered that he could still move and was not affected by the purple light.

How could Mo Wen miss out on an opportunity like this? He moved quickly, arriving in front of the Lord Monstrous Beast in the blink of an eye. The Sacred Fire Sword released a brilliant ray of light. He cut down with the sword, and blood splattered all over the place as the giant skull flew into the air.

There was a loud crash as the Lord Monstrous Beast’s body fell from the air. The terrifying water dragon scissors were like an illusion, dispersing as the breeze blew onto them.

A stunning shower of light surged from the ground into the sky like a pillar of light. It went against gravity and rushed upwards, surging into Mo Wen.

The power of the Lord Monstrous Beast was a great boost to Mo Wen. His cultivation levels had increased by a large amount. He was a little confused, surprised that he had managed to kill a Lord Monstrous Beast after being in this place for just half a day.

He looked at the monstrous beasts covered in purple light that seemed to have been cursed with a freezing spell. The Sacred Fire Sword in his hands flashed and he prepared to fly over and kill all of them.

However, something unexpected happened.

Before he could act, the Purple Bottle Gourd released several tendrils of purple light. The rays of purple light were innumerable and covered the entire area in just a moment. The monstrous beasts in the light were all shot by the purple light.

One, two, three, four…A large number of monstrous beasts started to collapse and turn into specks of starlight. The starlight gathered together, forming a terrifying cloud of stars that floated into the night sky, looking extremely stunning.

What shocked Mo Wen even more was that the starlight continued to gather around the Purple Bottle Gourd. The starlight flowed like tributaries into the sea into the Purple Bottle Gourd.

In just a blink of the eye, the large cloud of starlight had been sucked up clean.

Mo Wen looked at the scene with wide eyes and mouth agape. He looked at the Purple Bottle Gourd with an odd expression. It was stealing the power of the starlight. It was a spiritual weapon but it could absorb the power of the starlight like a human being!

What exactly was happening?

Everything that had happened up till now was beyond Mo Wen’s scope of understanding.

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