Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 648 - The Utmost Reward

Chapter 648: The Utmost Reward

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was a planned world. It was a world in which God made the rules and everything had to follow the game plan.

When all the human warriors had appeared in this world, a game of life and death would begin. All human ancient martial arts practitioners had a common task, which was to kill the Seventh rank fire domain beast king and to gain the spiritual fire. If they failed to do that, then they would all be killed.

In this world, death was the final ending.

The tower spirit had given them three days. During that time, the ancient martial arts practitioners could kill the illusionary beasts to lift their cultivation bans. Those who did not already have high enough cultivation could kill the illusionary beasts to increase their cultivation levels.

After three days, the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain and the spiritual fire would descend upon this world. They would not be limited by the rules of this world when they arrived but would be far more powerful than before. Their strength would be more than double what it had been previously.

If the human ancient martial arts practitioners could not gather enough power over three days and lift the ban on their cultivations, the only end they would face would be destruction by the seventh rank fire beast of the fire domain.

In this game, only one party could survive: the human warriors or the seventh rank fire domain beast king. There were only two paths. The ancient martial arts practitioners could kill the beast king and gain the spiritual fire, or the seventh rank beast king could kill all of them.

Some people turned pale when they realized the truth of their situation. This game of death was too cruel. Even if the humans eventually won, it was likely that most of them would die. Even though human ancient martial arts practitioners in the past had managed to suppress the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain, killing a beast king and the retaliation of a dying beast king would be disastrous to the human warriors in this place.

Furthermore, they were all facing limitations in their cultivation. They could only use cultivation levels at the intermediate stage of the golden elixir realm. If they could not recover their cultivation before the beast king arrived, and if the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain was far more powerful than before, then the result would be catastrophic.

After a short moment of silence, there was a flurry of discussion.

“What’s the situation. What kind of lousy rules are those? Why have our cultivation levels been suppressed but the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain has its power increased? If you want to kill us all, at least be upfront about it.”

“What sh*tty game is this. It is unfair right from the beginning. How are we going to continue playing it? We can’t use any immortal cultivation objects and we have to start at the intermediate level of the golden elixir realm. You might as well tell us to stand there and not move, and let the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain just kill us.”

“Our powers have been suppressed but the beast king’s power has been increased. We cannot possibly defeat the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain. Isn’t the Fighting Spirit Tower a place of training with plenty of opportunities? Why is there such a cruel method of training?”

“Stop complaining. We humans might have a chance. As long as all the martial arts grandmasters release the ban on their cultivations and we create a few more grandmasters through the rules of this world, then we might not necessarily have to fear the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain.”

“You make it sound easy, but who knows if it will be. What if the martial arts grandmasters cannot release their powers after three days? Then we can only stand there and be mowed down.”

Many people were agitated. This game was too much. It was forcing them into a corner with the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain. Even though they had fought earlier, it was only now that knew they must either defeat the beast or they would die. Earlier on, there had not been many casualties on either side.

They had to face the choice between living and dying. One party had to perish completely for the other party to live. In such a situation, the conclusion was bound to be one in which there were many losses. No matter who won, the ending would be traumatic.

Mo Wen sighed softly. This game of life and death was indeed too much. Furthermore, judging by the current situation, the human ancient martial arts practitioners did not have much cause to be optimistic about their chances. They would have to go through more difficulties than the seventh rank beast king of the fire domain.

Generally speaking, something like that should not occur in the Fighting Spirit Tower. It was obvious that everything was deliberately planned for them by the mysterious tower spirit.

More than 20 sects had come to the fire domain and there were more than 200 warriors present. Furthermore, they were all elite warriors of the four great mystery dimensions; almost all of them were from great sects. It would be a great blow to the powerful factions of the four great mystery dimensions if these people were to die in the Fighting Spirit Tower.

Of course, even though this game of life and death was dangerous and they might possibly pay a great price, the rewards were also very tempting. If the human practitioners were to be victorious, they would not only get the spiritual fire, the Fighting Spirit Tower would also reward them with a treasured level weapon.

A treasured level weapon! It was an item that had never appeared in the ancient martial arts world. It was doubtful that any martial arts sect had any treasured level weapons. Even in the immortal cultivation world, treasured level weapons were very rare. Ordinary immortal cultivators would not have something so precious. An immortal cultivator the Primordial Soul realm was unlikely to get something like that, unless they had been lucky enough to encounter a great opportunity, or if they benefited from strong backing.

One could see how precious a treasured level weapon was. Immortal cultivators would be extremely jealous and would be likely to try and steal the weapon if a martial arts sect had managed to obtain one.

Furthermore, the tower spirit had said that there were many opportunities and treasures in this world. If they were lucky enough and had enough power, the human ancient martial arts practitioners would be able to get precious treasures.

Even though this game of life and death might result in one losing their life, the countless opportunities and treasures roused up the fighting spirit in many people. As long as they could win and live to walk out of this space, then they would be able to achieve things that they would never have otherwise been able to hope for.

Roar Roar Roar!

Many shadows appeared on the desolated plain that Mo Wen was standing on. The shadows gathered densely, completely surrounding the warriors.

There were only about 30 human warriors here, but there were more than 3000 illusionary beasts.

The sound of a wolf howling could be heard in the distance. An enormous wolf appeared on a large rock some meters away. The large wolf was about five meters tall and 15 meters long. It was like a small hill. It lifted its head to howl at the round moon in the sky. Its fur was tousled by the night wind, making it look majestic.

Even from such a long distance, they could sense the terrifying aura belonging to the enormous wolf. It was as strong as a powerful martial arts grandmaster.

As the enormous wolf howled, more and more shadows appeared on the desolated plain. They gathered together, before moving in an orderly manner. They were like an army troop preparing to move.

Mo Wen’s gaze swept over the crowd of illusionary beasts around him. They were all wolf-like monstrous beasts and had formed themselves into packs. They were all of different sizes and had different strengths.

The enormous wolf standing on the rock was the wolf king, and he was directing the movement of all of the other wolf type monstrous beasts.

The wolf beasts continued to surround them. Some human warriors had already been attacked.

“This place is the lair of the monstrous beasts. Everyone, move immediately,” Granny Jin Hua said loudly. Then, she shone with gold light and appeared beside Jin Ying, taking her by the shoulders. Granny Jin Hua shone with light once again and immediately started fighting on the outside of the group.

The desolated plain they were on was not a calm place. If the wolves had managed to surround them completely, they would have all been killed by the packs.

Everyone immediately realized how much danger they were in. No one cared any longer if they had any debts or animosity towards the Ming Temple or the Golden Dragon Sect. They all turned to run away. It would be catastrophic if the demonic wolves surrounded them.

A dark figure flashed and a two-meter-tall and five-meter-long grey wolf appeared in front of Mo Wen. The wolf gave out a faint silver light and was as powerful as a warrior at the beginning stage of the golden elixir realm. It was a monstrous wolf at the early seventh rank stages.

The wolf appeared and charged at Mo Wen. The silver light that surrounded the creature grew brighter. It was like a silver sun that hurtled towards Mo Wen.

Mo Wen’s figure shimmered and he dodged the monstrous wolf’s attack. While these illusionary beasts were not truly alive, their combat powers were not any weaker than the beasts they were emulating.

The silver light monstrous wolf missed Mo Wen, and instead made a large crater on the ground with a stunning force.

Wolf type monstrous beasts were very agile. It twisted its body and turned to charge at Mo Wen again.

Mo Wen had made use of the short period of time after the beast had missed to twist his hands. Seven flames emerged from his sleeves. They were the Sacred Flame Insignia. As the flames shimmered, the seven balls of fire gathered together to form a long sword made of flames.

The Sacred Flame Sword was a treasure belonging to an immortal cultivator that had been sealed. If one did not release the seal, they would not be able to wield the true power behind the Sacred Flame Sword. As for what class this treasure belonged to, Mo Wen did not know. According to his guesses, it was at least a treasured level weapon.

They could not use items belonging to immortal cultivators, but as long as he did not infuse spiritual power into the sword and activated its powers, it would not be affected.

The Sacred Flame Sword could cut through steel as if it was mud and was very strong. It was a rare divine weapon by itself.

Mo Wen’s strength in his attack was remarkable, even though he simply used it as an ordinary weapon.

When the silver light monstrous beast pounced on Mo Wen again, an enormous power flowed out from Mo Wen. There was a glow of gold light and the Sacred Flame Sword tore through the night sky, leaving behind a streak of gold that flickered before disappearing.

The silver light monstrous wolf fell to the ground. Its body had been split into two and its wounds were neat and clean. It had been cut open as easily as a piece of tofu.

There was no trace of blood on the ground. The silver light monstrous wolf howled before turning into sparkles of light which rushed into Mo Wen’s body.

Mo Wen tasted the light carefully and he discovered that some of his power had indeed been released. It was not a lot, but it was some. In fact, it was very little. If his soul power had not been as strong as it was, he might not have discovered this slight change.

The amount of cultivation that had been suppressed in him was not great. It was just a small portion. However, he would have to kill at least 20 of such monstrous wolf beasts before he could release all his power completely. Even with Mo Wen’s ability, it was unlikely that he could kill so many seventh rank monstrous beasts in such a short amount of time.

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