Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 628 - An Accidental Profound Level Weapon

Chapter 628: An Accidental Profound Level Weapon

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Only after Mo Wen had put the Black Gold Puppet away did his gaze fall upon the other items in the cloth sack. The thing that drew his attention the most was a pair of dark red boxing gloves. The gloves emanated an astonishing amount of spiritual power, no weaker than that of the Cries of Hades Bell. They were obviously a valuable profound level weapon.

A killing spirit of astonishing power had coalesced on the dark red boxing gloves. The spirit floated on the gloves like a mass of bloody mist.

Mo Wen had not expected that his luck would be so good. He had just obtained the Cries of Hades Bell and now had obtained yet another profound level weapon. It was impressive enough for the top sects of the large Inner worlds to have even one profound level weapon.

Mo Wen put the boxing gloves on. Immediately, he felt as though he could lift mountains with their unlimited power. The sense of power that the boxing gloves transferred into him made him feel that he could defeat anything. Even if he encountered a Martial Arts Grandmaster, he could fight without fear.

It wasn’t that the boxing gloves were so incredible that just putting them on would actually allow Mo Wen to challenge a Martial Arts Grandmaster. Instead, it was the battle morale, a battle morale that could make him go against the very gods themselves. The influx of battle morale could cause Mo Wen’s battle potential to completely be unleashed. In other words, the blood red boxing gloves could directly affect the user’s will, tuning the user’s spirit to its optimal condition.

“Such a bizarre profound level weapon.” Mo Wen drew a deep breath. He had not expected the profound level weapon to actually have the power to affect a person’s heart. He felt a deep sense of killing intent. Once he put on the boxing gloves, his combat ability skyrocketed but he also became bloodthirsty, because of the effects of the killing intent held within the gloves.

If someone who did not have a strong will were to use it, they would most likely become a bloodthirsty demon.

Clearly, the origins of the blood red boxing gloves were not pure. They did not seem like a magical treasure from a wholesome and ethical background. However, since the gloves were a magical treasure, there was no good and evil, only the user. In reality, as long as one’s will was steadfast, a person would not be affected by such a magical treasure. Instead, for them, such a magical treasure could greatly increase their combat ability.

Mo Wen was a strong-willed person. His soul power was also powerful enough on its own. Also, he was not an immortal cultivator and could not bring out the true power of the profound level weapon. Hence, such a profound level weapon had a very small effect on him.

Putting the blood red boxing gloves away, Mo Wen looked at the last item. It was a dark blue round pearl. It had a deep and restrained luster. On the surface, it appeared to be an ordinary pearl, but the instant that Mo Wen held the dark blue pearl in his hand, he was nearly forced to immediately throw it away. A shiver went through his entire body.

A Heavenly Thunder Pearl!

He had not expected that he would actually encounter a Heavenly Thunder Pearl from the Immortal Cultivation world. This item was synonymous with destruction. All who encountered it would fear it.

The Heavenly Thunder Pearl was a type of special item that was concocted from a secret recipe using thunder from the Nine Heavenly Thunders. The power of the pearl was equivalent to detonating a bomb in the middle of a modern city. Once it was activated, an enormous amount of destructive power would be released.

The process of concocting a Heavenly Thunder Pearl was very complicated and so this type of Heavenly Thunder Pearl was rare even in the Immortal Cultivation world. Gathering the Nine Heavenly Thunders was not something an ordinary immortal cultivator could do. Concocting one Heavenly Thunder Pearl required a lot of effort and sacrifice.

The might of the Heavenly Thunder Pearl was extremely strong. It even made killing immortal cultivators an easy task.

Mo Wen did not know what rank this Heavenly Thunder Pearl was, but even if it was of the lowest rank, for him, it was no different from an atomic bomb. The idea that he was holding an atomic bomb in his hand gave him a chilling feeling.

Mo Wen carefully stored the Heavenly Thunder Pearl into a wooden box, then immediately threw it into the medicine spiritual ring. It was better for him to not come into much contact with such an item. Until he absolutely had to, he certainly would not be using it.

There was also something special about the material of the cloth sack. Mo Wen did not throw it away and instead stored it in the medicine spiritual ring. When he figured out what material it was, it could well come in handy.

After storing away the treasures that he had accidentally obtained, Mo Wen found a quiet place. He sat down cross-legged to treat his injuries. Recent events suggested that the shriveled corpse would be very unlikely to do him any further harm. Mo Wen would be able to relax and treat his wounds.

Although the Giant Crocodile Beast King had only attacked Mo Wen once, it had inflicted a great deal of damage. If he did not treat himself in time, it would most likely be even more dangerous. In such a place, even Mo Wen did not dare to be careless. After all, he did not have a faction behind him and did not have a Martial Arts Grandmaster protecting him.

Mo Wen took the Heart Nourishing Pill, after about two hours his injuries were already cured. For anyone else, such severe injuries would require at least a few days or even half a month to recover. But Mo Wen was a Miracle Physician. He was naturally very much at home with treating wounds.

“Thank you for your gift, senior.” Mo Wen stood up and bowed slightly towards the shriveled corpse. Then, he turned around and went outside. More than two hours had passed, and he did not know what had happened in the rest of the city during that time.

This time Mo Wen easily found the way out of the manor, possibly because of the help the shriveled corpse was continuing to give him. Mo Wen did not encounter any more surprises.

Mo Wen walked out of the manor’s main gate and into the street. The large street was blocked by monstrous beasts who all swarmed towards Mo Wen as soon as they caught sight of him.

With a flick of Mo Wen’s finger, a beam of sword light flashed and a large number of monstrous beasts before him fell. Normal monstrous beasts could no longer pose a threat to him.

With a few dashes, he passed through the pack of monstrous beasts. When he returned to the main road, he realized that a lot had changed in his absence. The top monstrous beasts that had been blocking the main road had all disappeared. The human ancient martial art practitioners were also nowhere to be seen.

In the center square in the distance, terrifying explosions constantly sounded. The city center was more than a thousand meters away yet the Qi wave heading out from it could still flip over small monstrous beasts. Mo Wen looked in that direction, his expression turning slightly serious. The human ancient martial art practitioners had clearly breached the center square and were engaged in battle with the top monstrous beasts of the Fire Domain.

Mo Wen pondered the situation for a while and then quietly made his way over to the square in the middle of the city. The spiritual fire was in the square’s high tower. If Mo Wen did not head over, he would not even have the opportunity to come in contact with the spiritual fire.

As Mo Wen got closer to the square, the waves of Qi grew more and more ferocious. Powerful auras could be constantly sensed coming from the center of the city. Even Mo Wen felt scared.

This time, Mo Wen could easily traverse the main road because all the top monstrous beasts were in the center square. There were no powerful creatures like the Fire Ape Demon or the Fire Bull Demon on the road, and the monstrous beasts which were still on the street were not strong enough to pose a threat for Mo Wen.

In a short while, the square appeared in Mo Wen’s vision. The ground was covered with the corpses of monstrous beasts as well as human ancient martial art practitioners. All of the humans and monstrous beasts that were in the square were the strongest practitioners.

Mo Wen hid behind a stone monument, quietly observing the situation in the square.

Right now, the human Martial Arts Grandmasters were completely engaged with the Fire Domain’s Beast Kings. Gao Hanshan, Bu Xingyi, Granny Jin Hua and Pei Fengwu’s master Zong Changsheng were all battling against them.

Mo Wen roughly did a calculation and was surprised to discover that there were actually more than fifteen Martial Arts Grandmaster strong human practitioners. Each of them was wielding a powerful treasure. No wonder that they were able to fight so strongly against the Fire Domain’s Beast Kings.

However, the Fire Domain Beast Kings were very strong. The Dragon Beast King was single-handedly fighting three Martial Arts Grandmasters. Its combat ability was astonishing and it had the upper hand against the grandmasters, who were simply unable to get past it no matter how they tried.

What shocked Mo Wen was that a small, brilliantly colored peacock was blocking the high tower. Its body shined with brilliant colors. It was only a few meters long yet Mo Wen felt fear from its terrifying power, even at a distance of a thousand meters.

The Peacock Beast King was fighting five Martial Arts Grandmasters alone. It stood before the high tower, not moving an inch. There was no human ancient martial art practitioner that could get past it in order to enter the high tower.

What level of power did this creature have to be able to take on five grandmasters alone?

The five people were all human Martial Arts Grandmasters. Also, they all had profound level weapons. But they were unable to take down a small peacock.

However, even though the Peacock Beast King and Dragon Beast King were impressive and valiant, the other Beast Kings were not as formidable. They were almost constantly suppressed by the human ancient martial art practitioners. Some of the Beast Kings were already covered in wounds.

After all, there were many Martial Arts Grandmasters in the square. Aside from the Peacock Beast King and the Dragon Beast King, the Beast Kings were no match for the pincer attack of two Martial Arts Grandmasters. Even the Giant Crocodile Beast King’s showed a large number of injuries. There were two Martial Arts Grandmasters unleashing profound level weapons and constantly bombarding it.

The weakest creature was the Fire Snake King and it seemed to already be half dead. Luckily for the Fire Snake King, it was currently only facing one human ancient martial art practitioner. Its opponent was Gao Clan’s leader, Gao Hanshan. If it had been facing two Martial Arts Grandmasters, the Fire Snake King would most likely have already been killed.

It was not just the Martial Arts Grandmasters who were fighting: the other human practitioners that had come to the city were not merely standing around. Their opponents were the Fire Domain’s lower ranked monstrous beasts. The monstrous beasts were not at the level of the Beast Kings but had pinnacle of the Golden Elixir realm cultivation.

There were many of this type of pinnacle of seventh rank monstrous beast in the Fire Domain— more than a hundred of them. Relying on their strength in numbers, they had overpowered the human ancient martial art practitioners who seemed to be at a disadvantage. However, the advantage of the monstrous beasts was not excessive. After all, more than ten super sects had come in search of the spiritual fire, and there were more than fifty human ancient martial art practitioners with pinnacle of the Golden Elixir realm cultivation.

In this ancient city, most of the ancient martial art practitioners were not young. There were only about ten people present who could be described as young. They were all of the same generation and were the cream of the crop, geniuses among geniuses. But in the ancient city, they were considered to be the type with the lowest battle power. Their effect on the monstrous beasts was negligible. Most of them had followed their sect seniors to learn from experience, facing more danger than they ever had before as well as getting more exposure.

Pei Fengwu, Jun Wulei, and Jin Ying were all such people. Bringing them to such a place, under the pressures of such a dangerous environment, would certainly help them have breakthroughs in various aspects. Of course, on them, they would certainly have protective charms that their sects had given them. Otherwise, their sects would not have let them come. After all, each of them was a genius among geniuses. The idea of sacrificing one of them was hard to bear.

Mo Wen discovered that Pei Fengwu, Jun Wulei, and two other Huatian Palace youths had gathered together and were battling with a pinnacle of seventh rank monstrous beast. The four of them were against one creature, and they had the upper hand. Mo Wen did not recognize one of them and realized that it must be Gong Zhangyan, who Jun Wulei had mentioned. Gong Zhangyan was a mad genius that came from the White Tiger Palace Hall.

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