Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 621 - The Ancient City

Chapter 621: The Ancient City

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mo Wen looked at the giant door of space and sighed. He did not know what was behind the door and it was highly possible that danger might be waiting for him on the other side. It could well lead to a very dangerous place.

However, Mo Wen did not hesitate for long. He gritted his teeth and continued ahead. There were many monstrous beasts rushing through that door; something huge must have happened behind it. Furthermore, monstrous beasts had much sharper senses than humans. Their judgment regarding danger was very accurate. Since those monstrous beasts did not look worried, it was unlikely to be too dangerous.

Mo Wen had always known that the more dangerous a place was, the more opportunity there was to be gained. With everything that was going on now, what was happening behind the door was very likely something to do with the spiritual fire.

Spatial energy was something warriors could not go against. Mo Wen had just entered the area when a terrifying force affected him, causing his body to stiffen and become immobile. The world began to spin. After an indeterminate period of time, Mo Wen slowly began to see traces of light.

Mo Wen was shocked by what appeared in front of him. It was an ancient city. Judging by the architectural style, it was at least a thousand years old. Mo Wen looked carefully at the city. Everything was grey and the buildings stretched as far as the eye could see. In the past, this must have been a very large city.

The city was surrounded by lakes and mountains. Little streams and bridges were dotted about within. It looked ancient and calm.

However, the city was completely silent and desolate: it was a dead city. Mo Wen was shocked by his surroundings, The city must have been glorious in the past. How had it been allowed to decline to the state it was now in?

Mo Wen had also discovered an odd problem. He felt that the space was familiar. He couldn’t put his feelings into words but sense that there was some link between him and this place. He was sure, however, that he had never visited this city before. Unless he had lost his memory, he surely had never been here.

“What an odd place.” Mo Wen wore a baffled expression. He felt confused by the familiar scent he could now smell.

Roar roar roar! Crash!

Loud sounds could be heard from nearby. Mo Wen turned to look as many monstrous beasts appeared in the middle of the city. There was a variety of creatures but they were all covered in flames. They were all fire attribute monstrous beasts.

Mo Wen knew that those monstrous beasts were the ones that had crossed through the door of space earlier to reach this place.

Monstrous beasts kept appearing in the city, the number of them growing and growing until the sheer amount of them blocked the streets. They were in the homes, on the roofs, by the river…

What was odd was that while all the monstrous beasts were covered in flames, the buildings in the city did not burn. It was definitely not a normal human city.

“This city is protected by a mysterious power. It has not fallen into ruins even after so many years. This cannot have been a normal human city in the past.”

Mo Wen could immediately tell that there was something strange about this city. A regular human city would have been destroyed completely when filled with so many monstrous beasts. There were already hundreds and thousands of monstrous beasts in the city yet the buildings in the city center had few signs of damage.

Mo Wen could see a number of fire bulls which were five meters tall and several dozen meters long. They were covered in dark red flames. The creatures were all squeezed into one tiny alley; all they could do was walk slowly forward along the path. They could not push down the surrounding walls.

The number of monstrous beasts in the city increased as more and more kept appearing from the invisible space. Soon, they had almost filled the entire city.

Mo Wen breathed in deeply. Had all the monstrous beasts in the fire domain come? He has never encountered such a situation before. He stood suspended high in the air and watched the scene. Viewed from above, the powerful monstrous beasts looked like dense ants; Mo Wen could not keep count of all of them.

Suddenly, a sharp roar sounded suddenly from one of the corners of the city. The roar seemed to be coming from a dragon. The noise was very strong and could be heard from every corner of the city.

A large shadow appeared in the sky, almost entirely covering it. It was more than 200 meters long.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly. The shadow belonged to a red dragon. It glowed red like a sun hanging in the sky.

The dragon was 300 meters long and its head alone was the size of a house. It had wings on its back and it blocked the entire sky above it. It was like a patch of dark cloud in the sky.

Mo Wen could sense the terrifying aura of the dragon. It felt dangerous even from so far away. The creature was definitely a monstrous beast and was much stronger than the Giant Crocodile Beast King.

The dragon roared incessantly as it flew through the air. At times, its manner was unhurried yet urgent at others. It was as if it was trying to say something.

Mo Wen did not understand what the creature was saying. As the dragon spoke, the chaotic behavior of the monstrous beasts crowded in the city below grew orderly. In a few moments, they were standing on the streets of the city in an orderly manner. They were like rows of soldiers waiting for the directions of their general.

Mo Wen pursed his lips and looked at the scene before him. He felt the urge to leave immediately and return through the door of space. This world belonged to monstrous beasts and he was helpless here as a human.

Just as Mo Wen was deciding whether to leave, the space not far away from him suddenly twisted. Then, there was one, two, three…

Seven people appeared one after another. They were all human warriors with strong auras. Six of the group were elderly people and the final member was a young woman whom Mo Wen knew. She was the mysterious woman, Jin Ying whom Mo Wen had parted from not long ago.

Jin Ying still looked strong and steady. There was a handsomeness in her eyes that men rarely had. She held Golden Dragon Whips in her hands and looked sharp.

“It’s you?” As soon as she appeared, Jin Ying noticed Mo Wen. She looked extremely shocked. She had not expected to meet Mo Wen here. This was such a surprise.

After seeing Mo Wen being sucked up by a pillar of light into that mysterious palace, Jin Ying had thought that he would definitely die in there. She had not expected them to meet again, and in such a situation at that in which they now found themselves.

“Miss Jin, long time no see.” Mo Wen smiled lightly.

“Mo Wen, you really appear at the most unexpected of times.” There was an odd glint in Jin Ying’s eyes. She sized up Mo Wen. He must have a secret unknown to her, otherwise, why would the pillar of light have reached for Mo Wen and not her or Yin Banshuang?

“Ying’er, is this your friend? Why don’t you introduce us?” an old woman said with a smile. She walked up to them with her hands behind her back. At first glance, the old woman looked wizened and as if she might die anytime. However, she walked quickly and was no different from a young person.

Mo Wen’s pupils shrank. The aura of the old woman was very strong. He had only sensed a similar aura on Gao Hanshan and Bu Xingyi. It was obvious that she was a martial arts grandmaster.

“Grandmother. This is Mo Wen, the one I mentioned last time.”

Jin Ying’s strong expression lightened when she looked at the old woman. Her face softened and she appeared, rarely for her, to look as gentle as a girl.

Even though Jin Ying had believed that Mo Wen had died in the space, she had told her grandmother about her experience there. After all, vital Qi was very rare and even her grandmother could not get it. As for Mo Wen, she had just brought him up casually.

“Oh, so you’re Mo Wen. You are indeed accomplished at a young age. You’re a talent.” There was a strange light in the woman’s eyes as she spoke. It was evident that she knew who Mo Wen was.

“Yes, I’m Mo Wen. Greetings, senior.” Mo Wen cupped his fists lightly. Jin Ying’s grandmother was a martial arts grandmaster. No wonder she had such high cultivation levels at a young age and had so many treasures.

“Mo Wen, should you be traveling alone? We are from the Golden Dragon Sect of the Sirius Mystery Dimension. My grandmother is the leader of the Golden Dragon Sect and is known to others as Granny Jin Hua. Are you willing to travel with us?”

There was a flash of pride in Jin Ying’s eyes. Golden Dragon Sect was one of the most powerful sects in the Sirius Mystery Dimension. It was well known in the various inner worlds. Furthermore, there were martial arts grandmasters in the sect and their power was known to all.

The ancient martial arts world of Hua Xia had a complicated system. Ever since the ancient martial artists of the main space had fallen gradually away, the warriors of the inner world had become the leaders and now symbolized the true gathering space of warriors in Hua Xia.

Other than a few people in Huatian Palace, almost no one knew how many inner worlds there were in Hua Xia. In general though, there were four well-known inner worlds. They were the Floating Mystery Dimension, Sirius Mystery Dimension, Zhen Wu Mystery Dimension, and Yuan Chen Mystery Dimension. These four mystery dimensions were accepted to be the greatest and most powerful inner worlds.

Of course, no one could be sure whether this was true or not. Perhaps only Huatian Palace knew. Because there were so many inner worlds in Hua Xia, it was difficult to take count of all small inner worlds like the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension.

Furthermore, many inner worlds acted discreetly and did not have much contact with other inner worlds or the main space. Some inner worlds were almost completely closed and warriors could not leave or enter. They were an independent existence.

As such, no one knew how many inner worlds there were in Hua Xia. But the four great inner worlds were generally acknowledged to be the strongest by all warriors in the past thousands of years.

However, legend said that there was also a very mysterious inner world called the Peng Lai Mystery Dimension. There were many stories regarding this secretive and unknown world. It was said that there were not only warriors in that inner world, but also a group of immortal cultivators.

Legend had it that the Peng Lai Mystery Dimension was a place suitable for immortal cultivators to live. The headquarters of Huatian Palace was in the Peng Lai Mystery Dimension.

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