Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 619 - The Beast King Panicked

Chapter 619: The Beast King Panicked

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mo Wen was certain that even a peak Golden Elixir realm warrior would not be able to dodge such an attack. The force was way more terrifying than that generated by a martial arts warrior. One strike alone would pulverize a person.

The power of the enormous crocodile was even stronger than that of the snake king whom Mo Wen had met earlier. It was possible that even someone as powerful as Gao Hanshan would not be able to hold his own against such as beast.

Mo Wen’s body immediately tightened as he focused his energy. If he was not careful, he could easily find himself annihilated. He had not expected to be so unlucky to meet a monstrous beast at the level of a beast king.

He realized his mistake: he had stayed in the same spot for too long and had killed many monstrous beasts. The fire domain had also recently been the site of a great deal of conflict, which was another reason he had attracted a beast king. In normal circumstances, seeing such a beast was quite a rare occurrence.

A terrifying aura burst forth from Mo Wen’s body. It was double that of his usual power. The Glory of Thunder had taken his powers to another level. His body hurtled toward and he successfully broke through the restraints that the Giant Crocodile Beast King had placed on him. He took off from the tiny island.

There was a loud crash and red light flashed around the island. The place that he had just been standing disappeared in front of Mo Wen’s eyes. In an instant, the whole area, of more than a hundred square meters, was turned to dust. The sea of lava was not hot enough to melt these rocks but the attack of the Giant Crocodile Beast King made them seem fragile.

Mo Wen did not even stop to think before turning away to flee. It was fortunate that he was wearing the straw cape which was a spiritual weapon. His flying speed was about the same as a warrior at the pinnacle of the Golden Elixir realm. In just a few moments he was able to travel a few hundred meters.

“You’re just a little human. How dare you flee from I, the king? You’re seeking death.”

The Giant Crocodile Monstrous Beast emerged from the depths of the lava sea. The beast was gargantuan. It must have been at least 200 meters long.

Even though they lived in the fire domain, the fire domain beast kings all spoke the language of humans fluently. It was evident that they had paid a lot of attention to the human race during their long lives.

There was a flash of dark red light. The tail of the Giant Crocodile Monstrous Beast was about 100 meters long and as broad as a wide stone pillar. It rose menacingly into the air and swept forcefully at Mo Wen. An extremely hot flame burned on the tail, lighting the sky red as it moved through the air.

A suffocating hot air came at Mo Wen. The terrifying pressure almost knocked Mo Wen off his feet even before the tail got close to him.

The strength of the beast kings in the fire domain was terrifying and was beyond even that of martial arts grandmasters. It would be impossible for martial arts grandmasters to fight against these beast kings if they did not use any spiritual weapons or profound level weapons.

Mo Wen felt that he had been cursed with rotten luck since arriving in the fire domain. He seemed to keep encountering vicious attacks from one warrior after another. And now, he had encountered a beast king.

It was definitely more difficult to flee from a beast king than to escape from a martial arts grandmaster. Mo Wen did not even have the chance to use the Invisible Talisman because the beast king’s sense of perception was a billion times more sensitive than a human being in the lava sea. The Giant Crocodile Beast King would definitely quickly sense his position the moment before he activated the Invisible Talisman.

Even if he managed to make himself invisible, it would be difficult for him to escape.

The Glory of Wind!

Mo Wen’s figure twisted and he disappeared. He moved like a breeze that dissipated on the spot. He was just in time. The Giant Crocodile Beast King’s tail swept at exactly the spot he had been, missing him by moments. The tail slammed down viciously into the magma.

There was a loud crash.

The force of the tail overturned the lava sea. A chasm that was several thousand meters long and more than a hundred meters wide appeared on the surface of the sea of lava. It was also several hundred meters deep. The force that the beast was able to generate was shocking, as powerful as heaven.

Huge jets of lava burst into the air, reaching a height of several hundred meters before they splashed back down. It was as if there was a rainstorm of magma.

Some of the monstrous beasts living nearby were killed by the residual shock, while others were left unconscious. The attack of the Giant Crocodile Beast King had caused an enormous amount of damage.

There was a gentle breeze and Mo Wen appeared two hundred meters away. He looked at the scene in front of him, feeling like a witness to some terrible natural disaster. He felt afraid. He would have died under that tail if it had not been for the amazing powers of the Glory of Wind.


There was a loud roar. The Giant Crocodile Beast King had not expected that the human youth would be able to dodge both its attacks. This was an embarrassment to the beast king. The fact that it could not defeat a junior human warrior was enough to shame it.

The Giant Crocodile Beast King was enraged. Rays of red light spread out from its body as a petrifying power built up. The fire domain around the beast was affected by it as well, and the already high temperatures started to climb. Under the aura of the Giant Crocodile Beast King, the surrounding temperatures rose by almost a hundred times.

The rocks that had not melted in the sea of lava began to do so. They turned into magma and disappeared. The fire attribute monstrous beasts living in the sea of lava jumped out. They had been boiled alive by the terrifying heat.

Mo Wen’s expression changed. He began to sweat profusely, his perspiration soaking through his shirt in mere moments. It felt as if there was a fire burning inside his body. If this continued, he might turn into a dried corpse. He might even self-ignite.

The Giant Crocodile Beast King was terrifying. Luckily, he had cultivated in the skills of the fire attribute. The Nine Yang Divine Technique was the strongest and most Yang mantra in the world. Without it, he would not be able to withstand the heat.

Mo Wen flicked his wrist and a black crystal appeared in his hand. It was the Dark Soul Pearl.

He had not used the Dark Soul Pearl in the attacks on him before because he knew of its value. It was even more valuable than the spiritual fire to martial arts grandmasters. Even though one could only become an underworld immortal cultivator should they use the Dark Soul Pearl to become an immortal, the probability of successfully becoming an immortal when using it was higher than using any other treasures.

It was the most valuable treasure to some martial arts grandmasters.

The Dark Soul Pearl slowly released rays of black light. It blocked the heat from the Giant Crocodile Beat King completely, enveloping Mo Wen in cold air. The heat no longer affected Mo Wen.

“Hm?” The Giant Crocodile Beast King hummed questioningly Even though it was just a hum, it was as loud as thunder to Mo Wen. “You’ve got some skills.” The Giant Crocodile Beast King nodded and actually looked at Mo Wen approvingly. The young human warrior had blocked its attack several times: he was definitely no weakling.

The heat that the Giant Crocodile Beast King had released was no ordinary heat. The creature had cultivated the heat that it had been born with for more than a million years. Even though its heat was not comparable to the spiritual fire, it was still an extremely strong attack skill. The heat greatly increased the power of the Giant Crocodile Beast King while decreasing its enemies’ strength. The beast king of the fire domain was astonished to realize that the youth was not affected by the heat.

“You must be a genius among human warriors. You are the lynchpin of the next generation of powerhouses. Someone like you should definitely die!

There was a vicious glint in the Giant Crocodile Beast King’s eyes that warned of impending death. The beast had detested humans ever since martial arts powerhouses had started to frequently intrude into the fire domain, disrupting the peace of the region. The Giant Crocodile Beast King could foresee that someone like Mo Wen would become a powerful enemy in the future.

A brilliant red light slowly gathered in the fire domain beast king’s mouth. The glaring ball of red light looked like a miniature sun. The Giant Crocodile Beast King slowly opened its mouth. The ball of red light grew bigger and bigger and the light grew more and more brilliant.

Even though it was the beast king of the fire region, the gaze of the giant crocodile grew grave. It looked as if it could not bear to attack.

Mo Wen’s body stiffened as he floated in mid-air. A terrifying pressure rushed forth from all around. The terrifying aura made him shudder and he grew wary as if he could sense death approaching.

Mo Wen smiled bitterly. He was too weak right now to defend himself against a creature like the beast king. The beast king was definitely a tip-top existence among monstrous beast. If the creature made just one more stride forward it would become a legendary demon.

However, this was not an easy task. Even after cultivating for a hundred million years, the probability of becoming a demon was very slight. It was said that inheritance was the crucial factor in allowing monstrous beasts to become demons. If their blood did not meet the criteria it would be very difficult for them to become a demon. Likewise, some monstrous beasts with noble blood could become demons due to lucky circumstances even if their cultivation levels were not high.

About half of the seven major beast kings in the fire domain had cultivated for thousands of years, but becoming a demon was rare.

Mo Wen sighed and flicked his wrist. The Thousand Mile Talisman appeared in his hand. He could not think of any other way to escape other than by using it.

Just then a strange sound emerged from the sea of lava, just as the Giant Crocodile Beast King was about to attack Mo Wen with all its might. The noise caught Mo Wen by surprise. It sounded like a sea snail, but also like a monstrous beast singing.

The sound slowly emerged from the sea of lava, producing a ripple effect which stretched out far and wide. The distance it spread out for could not be determined. It felt as if the entire fire domain was enshrouded by the sound.

The Giant Crocodile Beast King’s expression changed drastically when it heard the sound. Whatever the sound meant, it was clearly a matter of huge importance. The creature abandoned Mo Wen and dove into the sea of lava, disappearing in the blink of an eye. The beast king moved astonishingly quickly despite its vast size.

Mo Wen, who had been about to activate the Thousand Mile Talisman, stopped in his tracks. He looked with surprise in the direction where the Giant Crocodile Beast King left. Confusion was evident in his eyes as he contemplated what had just happened. For the beast king to disappear so quickly, something huge must have happened.

Mo Wen looked down as he pondered the matter. Then, his eyes brightened. Could it be! Did it have something to do with the spiritual fire?

The current situation suggested that the spiritual fire must have something to do with the Giant Crocodile Beast King becoming so flustered. From how the snake king had behaved earlier, he could see that the spiritual fire was very important to this fire domain. The seven beast kings worked together to protect it.

“They must have found the spiritual fire.”

Mo Wen’s expression flickered before he gritted his teeth. He turned to give chase to the Giant Crocodile Beast King.

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