Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 611 - Encountering Someone Familiar

Chapter 611: Encountering Someone Familiar

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bu Xingyi had not anticipated that a spiritual weapon would be able to escape on its own! What was going on? How could a spiritual weapon have its own escape function? Based on what he knew, only immortal cultivators that had soul links with the spiritual weapons could control them over long distances.

But Mo Wen was clearly just an ancient martial art practitioner, not an immortal cultivator. How was it possible for him to use his will to control a spiritual weapon from afar?

Anyone could see that the Purple Bottle Gourd had escaped and was now chasing Mo Wen.

In reality, Mo Wen could not control a spiritual weapon from a distance. It was even more impossible for him to use his power to shatter Bu Xingyi’s Protective Qi barrier. After all, only immortal cultivators could perform such actions, having the ability to do so because of their using soul control. For ancient martial art practitioners, all spiritual weapons were items that had not been marked with Spirit Imprints. They were no different from ordinary items.

Everything that was happening to the Purple Bottle Gourd was its own doing.

Mo Wen had indeed intended to leave the Purple Bottle Gourd behind. He would use the Purple Bottle Gourd to draw Bu Xingyi’s attention, then use the chance to escape.

Mo Wen had chosen the Purple Bottle Gourd over the other treasures because he still had a shred of hope in his heart. The earlier behavior of the Purple Bottle Gourd as it had flown back by itself had left a deep impression on him. Mo Wen was now hoping that the Purple Bottle Gourd would fly back to him once again.

In the end, he got his wish. The Purple Bottle Gourd really did fly back. With a flash of purple light, the Purple Bottle Gourd traveled thousands of meters. It caught up with Mo Wen in an instant, its speed leaving Bu Xingyi for dust.

Looking at the Purple Bottle Gourd that had slipped back into his clothes, Mo Wen’s mouth curled into a smile. This item had really taken a liking to him. He could not get rid of it even if he wanted to.

“Outrageous.” Bu Xingyi stood empty-handed in midair. He was so angry his nose was crooked. It was a complete disgrace! Even a spiritual weapon had actually dared to trick him!

“Trying to escape? Hehe, brat, you are seeking death.” Bu Xingyi coldly smiled, venting his anger upon Mo Wen. He coldly laughed at Mo Wen’s escape into the magma ocean.

With a loud thud, Bu Xingyi dived in, as though it was not a boiling magma ocean, but merely an ordinary pool.

With a few strokes, Bu Xingyi had dived down more than a thousand meters. However, there was no sign of Mo Wen. He had actually lost track of the youth. Mo Wen seemed to have vanished into thin air.

“How is this possible?” Bu Xingyi was stupefied. Dumbfounded, he stared at his surroundings. After searching for a little while longer, Bu Xingyi confirmed that Mo Wen was indeed not around. He had actually disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was as though Mo Wen had evaporated.

Bu Xingyi could not believe his eyes. There had merely been a moment from Mo Wen escaping to Bu Xingyi beginning his chase. How was it possible for the brat to have run so quickly? Even a Martial Arts Grandmaster would most likely not have such frightening speed, let alone a junior

The only possible explanation was that Mo Wen had not simply traveled through the magma. He must have escaped by tearing a rip in the fabric of space. However, that surely was an impossible task. Even immortal cultivators could not do such a thing, let alone a junior.

“Something very strange is going on.” Bu Xingyi frowned. He didn’t believe that Mo Wen could have vanished into thin air. If Mo Wen had such an ability, he wouldn’t have needed to run away.

Bu Xingyi paused. All he saw before his eyes was magma; however, the magma couldn’t hinder the vision of a Martial Arts Grandmaster.

Since Bu Xingyi had reached the level of Martial Arts Grandmaster, his understanding of soul power far exceeded that of common ancient martial art practitioners. He had the ability to probe his surroundings within a short distance by controlling the release of his soul power.

However, even after his soul power had covered a distance of more than a few hundred meters, he still hadn’t been able to discover any trace of Mo Wen.

No one could possibly hide from the probing of soul power unless the person had soul power that was far superior to Bu Xingyi’s, as well as the ability to camouflage themselves. However, this youth obviously did not fulfill such criteria.

“Humph. If we meet again, I will surely grind you to bones and dust.” Bu Xingyi searched a little longer, yet he still could not find any trace of Mo Wen. He had to admit defeat. Coldly snorting, he left in anger. Unwillingness and dissatisfaction were written all over his face.

Less than a hundred meters away from Bu Xingyi, Mo Wen was hiding behind a big rock, which was floating in the magma ocean. There were many similar rocks floating around. They could be seen everywhere, so there wasn’t anything special about them.

Mo Wen hugged his arms and stared playfully at Bu Xingyi, who was less than a hundred meters away. Mo Wen stood as still and silent as a statue, not moving a muscle.

Even though they were only a short distance apart, Bu Xingyi hadn’t seen Mo Wen. It was as though he was blind. Even when Bu Xingyi passed by Mo Wen, he hadn’t noticed him.

The reason was simple. It was because of the Invisible Talisman!

Among the five ancient spiritual talismans that Mo Wen obtained from the Dafang Sect’s secret chamber, the Invisible Talisman had neither offensive nor defensive capabilities. Instead, it had rare body and aura concealment abilities.

Once Mo Wen unleashed the power of the Invisible Talisman, as long as he did not move and did not cause any changes to his surroundings, Bu Xingyi would be unable to detect him no matter what. Even if Mo Wen was standing right next to him, Mo Wen would be no different from a mass of air.

The Invisible Talisman was a top grade spiritual talisman in the Immortal Cultivation world. It was so strong that even immortal cultivators that had cultivated a Primordial Soul would not necessarily be able to find him, let alone an ancient martial art practitioner like Bu Xingyi. Only an immortal cultivator with a very high level of cultivation would be able to notice any trickery at all.

After Bu Xingyi left, Mo Wen remained motionless, quietly standing where he was. His gaze was cold and calm beyond compare.

As Mo Wen had expected, after a short while, a light appeared and Bu Xingyi’s silhouette appeared once again. This time, his gaze was full of incredulity. He carefully scanned his surroundings, but still did not discover anything. The youth had actually disappeared into thin air.

“Damn, what’s going on?” Bu Xingyi’s expression finally became sullen. How had the brat escaped? He had actually disappeared without a trace. Bu Xingyi was completely unable to track him.

Bu Xingyi stood still for a while, wondering what to do next. He still failed to discover anything. Only then did Bu Xingyi stomp his feet, causing the magma ocean to churn from the shock. He then left with a dissatisfied look.

Mo Wen only moved after waiting for another fifteen minutes. He changed his direction, escaping deep into the magma ocean.

Mo Wen didn’t turn off the power of the Invisible Talisman. He was afraid that Bu Xingyi had some sort of ability that allowed him to monitor this space from afar. Mo Wen only revoked the power of the Invisible Talisman once he had traveled a further hundred kilometers.

He glanced at the Invisible Talisman in his hands and sighed. This time, he had used it for way too long. Almost one-third of the power of the Invisible Talisman had been depleted. Mo Wen would most likely not be able to use it much more in the future.

Compared to the Thousand Mile Talisman, the Invisible Talisman was clearly more suitable for the current situation. After all, there were unpredictable dangers of using the Thousand Mile Talisman; however, there was no risk for using the Invisible Talisman.

Mo Wen did not wish to be immersed in the magma for too much longer. Even though he was not afraid of the heat of the magma, spending so much time in the ocean was depleting his Inner Qi. Mo Wen was not a Martial Arts Grandmaster, and could not ignore the damage done to him by the magma ocean. He began to swim towards the surface.

However, when he was less than a hundred meters below the surface, a terrifying power crashed down on him from above. The power was overwhelming. Even though Mo Wen responded quickly and was able to dodge the full force of the attack, he was still struck and sank tens of meters.

Mo Wen narrowed his gaze and looked upwards. The force just now was clearly not targeted at him. It was more like a shockwave from a battle, crashing down on him from a hundred meters away.

What battle shockwaves were these? Their power was astonishing!

The power surge had affected the surface of the magma ocean. It was no longer calm. The ocean constantly shook and churned, as though a tsunami had swept past.

Mo Wen’s expression was serious. On the surface of the magma ocean, there was certainly a battle going on and it was clearly not a small scale battle. The power that was emanating from it astonished even him.

What sort of place was this? Why were there so many strong practitioners here?

Mo Wen was puzzled. He had not been here for long and had already encountered a Martial Arts Grandmaster. Those people fighting on the surface of the magma ocean were most likely not any weaker than the Martial Arts Grandmaster. It had only been two hours and he had encountered a few top strong practitioners.

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Wen continued to swim towards the surface of the magma ocean. Even though the battle happening on the surface was intense, a chaotic battlefield would surely not be as perilous as him facing a Martial Arts Grandmaster alone.

He still did not know where this place was. Maybe he could learn something from the others.

Mo Wen found an area that was less turbulent, which must be the outskirts of the battlefield. He quietly peeked his head out.

Even Mo Wen was shocked by the scene on the surface of the magma ocean. A snake-shaped monstrous beast, which was fifty meters tall, was entrenched on the surface of the magma ocean. The head of the snake was as big as a millstone. Only God knew how long its body was. Its front part which was raised was already more than fifty meters tall. Its body which was set on the surface of the magma ocean was most likely more than 300 meters long.

It was the first time Mo Wen had encountered such a huge snake demon.

In front of the snake demon floated five people. All of them were human ancient martial art practitioners and each of them had a powerful aura.

What surprised Mo Wen was that he actually recognized one of the members.

“Jun Wulei! Why is he here?” A glint of surprise flashed in Mo Wen’s eyes. He had not expected to meet Jun Wulei here. The other four people were senior elders and Jun Wulei was the only youth. He was conspicuous amongst the rest of the team.

Mo Wen could sense that Jun Wulei had broken through to the Golden Elixir realm, and he had actually reached the intermediate stage. Mo Wen didn’t know what had happened to allow un Wulei to improve his cultivation by so much within such a short time. However, Jun Wulei’s cultivation was the lowest among the people in his group. Terrifying auras emanated from all the elders fighting alongside him. None of their auras were weaker than Grandmother Hui Ling’s.

The person who was standing at the head of the group had an imposing manner. It seemed likely that he was a Martial Arts Grandmaster.

What was this place? How could there be so many strong practitioners here?

Instantly a thought popped up in Mo Wen’s head. It seemed as though, with the exception of encountering Jun Wulei by accident, he was actually bumping into Martial Arts Grandmasters one after another. Martial Arts Grandmasters were normally hard to find.

“Human ancient martial art practitioners, immediately leave the Fire Domain. Otherwise, die.” A hoarse voice sounded in the sky. Its voice was like thunder, rolling deep and causing the surface of the magma ocean to churn.

The corner of Mo Wen’s mouth twitched. He gulped down a mouthful of saliva. The gigantic snake monstrous beast had actually spoken! A monstrous beast could actually speak.

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