Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 507 - Condensed Essence Pill

Chapter 507: Condensed Essence Pill

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Only by cultivating high-level healing medicinal pills would Mo Wen be able to have any effect at all.

Mo Wen’s alchemy arts were already far better than the usual standard; indeed they were of the immortal standard. Although he only grasped the basics of alchemy arts, with regards to the treatment of normal internal injuries, he had never failed before.

Prior to this, cultivating a higher level of healing medicinal pills would be a little difficult for Mo Wen. He did not then have sufficient preparation in terms of the Cultivation resources. Moreover, his Soul power had yet to appear so he did not have the capability either. Now however, he had the medicinal treasure trove of Intentionless Sect, as well as the Soul power which was comparable to the peak of the Golden Elixir realm. Success was already assured once the conditions were ripe. The only thing he had left to do was to actually start to perform alchemy.

This time, Mo Wen was prepared to cultivate two types of pills. One of them was the healing medicinal pill, and the other was a pill to raise one’s Cultivation when putting in the same effort.

His current Cultivation had already reached that of the intermediate stage of the Embryonic Breathing realm. Moreover, because he had Cultivated three techniques simultaneously, it had been ten times more difficult for him to advance through the realms. If it had been a normal training method, no matter how talented Mo Wen was and how much experience he had, it was not possible for him to enjoy so many breakthroughs. Unless there was a miracle. Hence, the normal Cultivation method was not feasible in his current situation.

The only thing that he could rely on at this point in time was alchemy arts, which were out of the scope of an ancient martial art practitioner. This way, he could concoct all kinds of panaceas.

If the ancient martial art practitioners of the inner world wanted to obtain panaceas, they could only approach Huatian Palace to make an exchange. Moreover, they had to pay a very huge price in order to exchange goods for a good panacea.

However, Mo Wen had grasped the technique of alchemy arts on his own. As long as he had sufficient spiritual medicine, he could concoct it all by himself. Although he was of the foundational level when it came to alchemy arts, it was already enough for him at this point in time. After all, he was only an ancient martial art practitioner and being able to perform alchemy arts like an Immortal Cultivator was a bonus.

The two types of pills he wanted to create were the Heart Nourishing Pill and the Condensed Essence Pill. The Heart Nourishing Pill was a healing medicinal pill that was even stronger than the Cyan Spiritual Pill. To the average Immortal Cultivator, it was already very effective. Hence, it would be even more effective for the internal injuries of a normal ancient martial art practitioner.

As for the Condensed Essence Pill, it was a type of pill that helped with one’s Cultivation and its effects were many times stronger than the Vigor Cultivating Pill. In reality, the Condensed Essence Pill was suitable for use by ancient martial art practitioners, as it was a pill specially crafted through experimentation for ancient martial art practitioners, by the Immortal Cultivators. It was a very rare item. Because in his past life, the ancient martial art practitioners were not valued, this pill crafted for the ancient martial art practitioners were even rarer than those concocted with the top alchemy arts.

Mo Wen had previously had the good fortune to obtain the alchemy recipe for the Condensed Essence Pill. The Condensed Essence Pill was crafted based on the Immortal Cultivators’ Concentrated Spiritual Pill. It had a lasting effect on ancient martial art practitioners and there was no need to fear any rejection from the body after taking two pills. Even a Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioner would covet the Condensed Essence Pill.

Mo Wen had always wished to concoct the Condensed Essence Pill. However, it had never been possible as he had never had the necessary resources to hand. Even if he had the skills, he could do nothing about it.

This time, his gains from the Intentionless Sect were simply a great surprise from the heavens. He had always been restricted by the lack of resources but this time, he felt as free as a bird soaring in the sky or a fish swimming in the great ocean.

A day later, Mo Wen finally came out from seclusion. His steps were stable and his entire being was fresh.

After a day and a night of concocting pills, he had finally managed to concoct both the Condensed Essence Pill and Heart Nourishing Pill. He had only successfully concocted one cauldron of each of the pills. In all, he obtained 13 Condensed Essence Pills and 11 Heart Nourishing Pills. Clearly, his success rate had increased drastically. If the alchemist from his past life found out, he would definitely praise him for his talents, before lamenting that it was a pity that he could not become an Immortal Cultivator.

Mo Wen had just walked out of the secret chamber when Chen Zikuang heard the news and immediately rushed over.

“Deputy Sect Leader Chen, I have been very good these two days. From your complexion, you don’t seem to be feeling very well?” Mo Wen looked at Chen Zikuang and smiled calmly. At a glance, he noticed that Chen Zikuang had heard. Moreover, he seemed to be travel-worn with a haggard appearance. Clearly, he was short of rest.

“Mo Wen, do you have any results after secluding yourself for a day?” Chen Zikuang sighed but did not say anything more. Instead, he looked at Mo Wen with an expression full of anticipation.

After finding out that Mo Wen was able to concoct pills the previous day, he was still in a state of shock. After all, alchemy arts was not simple. In the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension, people who knew how to concoct pills were rare. Other than the major sects like the Medical Sect which could have alchemists, in other places, they were as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

The thing that interested him the most was Mo Wen saying that he could concoct pills that would heal Old Grandfather’s injuries. This was the matter that he was most concerned about.

Intentionless Sect had an abundance of healing medicinal pills. Other than all the various kinds of pills exchanged with Medical Sect, there were also precious pills that came from Huatian Palace. However, even the healing medicinal pills from Huatian Palace were unable to treat Old Grandfather’s injuries, much less the normal pills.

Mo Wen said that the pills he concocted would be able to cure Old Grandfather completely, and that was what surprised Chen Zikuang the most. However, he did not allow himself to believe it fully. If it were not Mo Wen who had said it, he would not even have believed it at all. After all, it was a joke for an ancient martial art practitioner to be able to concoct a pill that was stronger than the spiritual pills of Huatian Palace.

“Everything has been successful. There is now hope for a full recovery for Old Grandfather.” Mo Wen smiled. With the Heart Nourishing Pill on hand, the type of injury sustained by Old Grandfather would be easily tackled. Although there was also the poison at play, the Heart Nourishing Pill was not just any other normal pill. It could completely get rid of the poison before starting to heal the internal injuries.

A single Heart Nourishing Pill was sufficient to allow Chen Wuhui’s internal injuries to recover within a week.

“Is this all real?” Upon hearing that, Chen Zikuang became ecstatic. If Mo Wen was able to say such a thing, he definitely had immense confidence.

“Of course, haven’t I already said that the more medicinal herbs, the better the effect. If Sect Leader Chen gets cured by me, you will have to be more generous with them next time.”

When Chen Zikuang heard that, his smile immediately disappeared. More generous? Was he not generous enough this time! The only thing that Mo Wen had not done was to completely empty out his medicinal treasure trove. Currently, Chen Zikuang’s heart was still aching for the loss; yet this youth still said such things.

Next time? Next time, only a ghost would let him perform the treatment. Chen Zikuang truly wanted to ask Mo Wen to show some leniency. Chen Zikuang couldn’t afford for his father to be cured if it meant losing all the spiritual medicines.

The two of them walked in a line and once again arrived at Old Grandfather Chen Wuhui’s sleeping quarter. When they had just entered the room, they noticed that Old Grandfather was actually awake. Clearly, his condition was already much better than before.

Mo Wen had performed acupuncture to get rid of ten percent of the poison in his body. Moreover, there was no more harm done by Yu Guang. The positive effects of these interventions were immediately apparent.

After all, the quality of the body of an intermediate stage Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioner was so good that it was shocking. Their self-repair mechanisms were already very good. As long as the injuries took a slight turn for the better, their self-repair mechanisms would consistently develop things in the right direction.

“Young friend Mo Wen is here?” Upon setting eyes on Mo Wen, Old Grandfather Chen instantly broke into a smile. The old man actually seemed to be in a rather good mood.

“I am back to fulfill my promise,” Mo Wen said smilingly, walking to his bedside.

“Seeing your big smile, don’t tell me that you have amassed your resources by fleecing those hard-earned ones by the people?” Old Grandfather Chen’s gaze was murderous. The moment he saw that sly smile of Mo Wen’s he immediately knew what was in his mind. He actually understood this youth’s character very well.

“Father…” Chen Zikuang walked over to the bedside and spoke softly. He had an aggrieved expression and looked just like a daughter-in-law who was being bullied. His father was actually right. This youth, Mo Wen, was not only fleecing people, he was practically robbing them!

“Young friend Mo Wen, you are really helping yourself as you wish.” When Old Grandfather Chen saw how Chen Zikuang was acting, he immediately knew that he had guessed correctly. Hence, he shook his head and his smile was gone as he spoke.

“What’s this nonsense? I am doing it all for Old Grandfather’s injury. In order to cure you, I have put in a lot of effort to personally try hundreds of medicinal herbs. For that, there is not knowing just how much brain cells I have sacrificed,” Mo Wen said while laughing dryly.

“Stop it with all that nonsense. The promise to you has almost been fulfilled, and you have also taken advantage of our generosity. Now, let’s see what other tactics you have. If you can’t cure me, I will have to get Zikuang to take back all the things that you have claimed as your own.” Old Grandfather Chen glared at Mo Wen. This youth was obviously acting innocent even after he had taken advantage of them.

“That goes without saying.” Mo Wen smiled. Then, he looked at his surroundings before giving Chen Zikuang a look.

Naturally, Chen Zikuang knew what it meant. With a wave of his hand, he ordered all the waitstaff to retreat. However, he was always suspicious why Mo Wen was always so secretive when he was giving treatment.

Mo Wen retrieved a small bottle from his sleeve and uncapped it, before pouring out a cyan colored pill. When that pill had just been poured out, a fragrance that made one feel extremely comfortable filled the room. Chen Zikuang could not help but breathe in twice.

In the next moment, he was stunned.

He noticed that although he lost quite a bit of blood and Qi in the daily consecutive battles, he had regained quite a bit of it. The inner Qi in his body circulated significantly quicker and he immediately felt more at ease.

Mo Wen felt extremely surprised and looked at that pill in Mo Wen’s hand with a shocked expression. He had only gotten a whiff of it but the effects were so good.

What would have happened if he actually consumed it? Could it be the legendary wonder medicine!

A look of surprise flashed through Old Grandfather Chen’s eyes as well. That was because he also noticed that when the fragrance entered his nose, he immediately felt a lot more comfortable all over. His body felt warm and it was an extremely nice feeling.

With a flick of Mo Wen’s finger, the pill floated in front of Old Grandfather Chen’s upper lip. Upon seeing that, Old Grandfather Chen instantly opened his mouth and that pill made its way down his throat.

When the Heart Nourishing Pill had just entered, it immediately melted and turned into a liquid as it flowed through his blood.

A moment later, a cyan light emanated from Old Grandfather Chen’s body. In fact, his entire body was radiating with the cyan colored light.

The old man’s complexion could also be seen to be reddening with just the naked eye. His lips that had become black and purple from the poison became lighter. As it grew even lighter, it quickly turned back completely into a normal person’s color.

Chen Zikuang looked on with an exceptionally stunned expression. He simply could not believe his eyes. It was just a single pill but its effects could actually be so amazing. Even the pills from Huatian Palace would not have such an effect, right?

There was a healing medicinal pill from Huatian Palace in Intentionless Sect. Not only did it have no effect on Old Grandfather’s injuries, but it also did not have such a mystical appearance as well.

In the next moment, a scene that caused Chen Zikuang even more surprise had happened. Old Grandfather Chen’s body struggled in bed for a bit before actually sitting up. Then, he minded his own business as he sat cross-legged on the bed, starting on his own invigorating of Qi to heal his injuries, as well as to digest the Heart Nourishing Pill.

Chen Zikuang exhaled a cold breath of air. It had only taken such a short time for a person that was paralyzed on the bed to sit up on his own!

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