Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 502 - Analyze the Poison

Chapter 502: Analyze the Poison

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The voice which suddenly resounded in the room was the Intentionless Sect’s current Sect Leader, Chen Wuhui.

“Father.” Chen Zikuang was shocked that his father had actually woken up at this precise moment.

“Ask that youngster to come in to see me. You bringing him over means that he has some abilities so why don’t we give him a try?”

The old man on the bed gradually opened his eyes and struggled to sweep his eyes across the people in the room. His present condition was indeed far from good.

Yu Guang’s face changed slightly as he heard the old man’s speech. He was shocked that he had just woken up. However, he immediately let out a sardonic laugh as he didn’t believe that Mo Wen would discover anything at all. The youngster was less than twenty years old so could not possibly have any medical abilities worth mentioning. If he was to discover the reason for the condition, the physicians of the Medical Sect would be a joke.

“Father, he is Mo Wen. You know him,” Chen Zikuang said softly, hurrying to the bed and looking down at his father.

“Oh!” A radiance flashed in Old Grandfather Chen’s eyes when he heard his son’s words. Then, from afar, he nodded his head at Mo Wen, “So it’s young friend Mo Wen.”

“Old Grandfather Chen, I have taken the liberty to visit you. I hope I’ve not disturbed you.” Mo Wen smiled. He walked to the bed and cast a glance at Chen Wuhui. His face looked sick and he was almost ready to take his final breath. For an exceptional expert in the intermediate stage of the Golden Elixir realm to be in this state, the poison which intoxicated him must be quite complex.

“Young friend Mo, I am very surprised that you have come to the Intentionless Sect right now. The present situation of the Intentionless Sect must be laughable to you. If I had known how things would be, I wouldn’t have invited you to the Intentionless Sect.” Chen Wuhui shook his head as he glanced at Mo Wen curiously. He couldn’t understand how Mo Wen could appear in the Intentionless Sect at this time. If he was not connected to the Sacred Flame Sect, this youngster’s abilities and boldness must indeed be great.

“It’s better to be here at the right time than early. Old Grandfather Chen is seriously ill which is the time you need me most so naturally I have come. I have medical expertise which can be put to good use now.” Mo Wen smiled. If he had come to the Intentionless Sect when Chen Zi had previously invited him, he might have been trapped there.

“Come on. I’ll like to see what abilities our young friend Mo has. Just do whatever you want. Even if I die while receiving treatment, it is simply time for me to go so I definitely won’t blame you for it.” Chen Wuhui smiled as he closed his eyes. After he was poisoned, he spent most of the time unconscious, but he would definitely wake up at the first instant when the sect encountered any critical matter. The sensitivity of the martial arts practitioner in the Golden Elixir realm was indeed complex.

Mo Wen knew the reason for Old Grandfather Chen’s unconsciousness. As he was heavily poisoned, the main reason was to conserve his strength and build up energy so as to protect what life remained.

Mo Wen went forward to place a hand on Old Grandfather Chen’s pulse. He furrowed his brows and kept very quiet.

Chen Zikuang stood by his side silently and looked on with bated breath. Although he knew there was not much hope, it was better than no hope at all. In his heart, he couldn’t help but wish that Mo Wen had the ability to cure Old Grandfather Chen.

Yu Guang stood in the hall and was pretending to be enjoying his tea as he smiled sardonically.

After a while, Mo Wen withdrew his hand, With his brows furrowed, he contemplated things for a long while. Then, he looked at the patient on the bed again before he stretched his hand into his sleeve pretending to retrieve something. In fact, he was taking the Ming Yang ancient needles out of the Medicine spiritual ring.

Mo Wen’s things were almost all stored in the Medicine spiritual ring and naturally, he didn’t want to reveal that to everyone.

He fished out a golden needle and inserted it onto the Baihui point on Chen Wuhui’s forehead. After a while, he removed it. A trace of blackish green poisonous smoke followed the tip of the needle and was completely extracted. When the whiff of poisonous smoke appeared, it attempted to spread into the air. However, Mo Wen stretched out his hand and pointed at it. A streak of golden light trapped the poisonous smoke which fell slowly onto his hand.

The hand of Yu Guang, who was sitting nearby with a teacup in his hand, trembled slightly. His brows were knitted together, his previous sardonic smile totally wiped off his face.

The youngster had simply used a golden needle to extract poison from Old Grandfather Chen’s body! How exactly had he done it? Although it was merely a whiff, it should have been impossible for him to extract it in such a short time. Furthermore, Yu Guang had not seen or heard of the technique used by the youngster before. With his status as a disciple of the Medical Sect, he had decades of experience in practicing medicine and yet actually couldn’t explain it.

Mo Wen scrutinized the poisonous smoke in his hand carefully. After a while, he pointed his finger. The mass of golden radiance suddenly became a golden flame which wrapped the poisonous smoke in it, giving out a crackling burning sound. Instantly, the smoke was completely eliminated.

“I see!” Mo Wen looked at his own palm as realization dawned upon him. At the same time, he smiled sardonically. Then, a coat of colors appeared on his palm. There was a layer of cyan substance and a layer of green substance. The two colors were separated on two sides and didn’t mix with each other.

“Is there a result?” Chen Zikuang anxiously took a step forward and looked at the coat of colors on Mo Wen’s hand. Although he couldn’t understand it at all it seemed as though Mo Wen really understood what was going on.

Yu Guang looked at Mo Wen’s palm from afar. His hand trembled violently and he nearly dropped the teacup onto the floor.

“The poison in Old Grandfather Chen’s body is not merely one kind of poison but two types of strange poisons. One of the strange poisons is very odd. It seems as though it is very compatible and can mix with any kind of poison to become a more frightening poison. However, the poison alone is not that deadly.

Mo Wen cast a look at Chen Zikuang before walking to a table. He took out some rice paper and placed it on the wooden table. Then, he printed the poison coat of colors in his hand onto the white paper. The next moment, a whiff of cyan smoke was emitted from Mo Wen’s palm. When Mo Wen lifted his palm, a big hole appeared on the piece of paper and completely corroded a big part of it. The sandalwood table below the paper was also corroded with a black hole. It clearly showed how frightening this poison was.

However, that was only one kind of poison. There was another kind of cyan poison which was retained on the paper. The side of the paper with the cyan poison was only slightly yellowish and the paper wasn’t greatly affected.

“Deputy Sect Leader Chen, do you understand it?” Mo Wen asked mischievously as he looked at Chen Zikuang.

“That green poison is very frightening, but that cyan poison doesn’t seem that poisonous.” Chen Zikuang now understood the problem and Mo Wen’s intention but he still didn’t understand everything and was unsure what exactly Mo Wen was trying to explain.

“The cyan poison may not be anything great, but if it is mixed with the green poison, it can make the green poison’s toxicity increase by more than ten times. If the blackish green smoke you saw previously was to spread out, everyone in the entire palace, except the martial arts practitioners in the Embryonic Breathing realm, would die of poisoning.” Mo Wen seemed indifferent as he spoke.

Chen Zikuang gasped deeply when he heard his words. The entire palace was more than ten thousand square meters with a few hundred maids and servants in it. That little bit of poison smoke was able to have such frightening toxicity.

That’s why the poison in Old Grandfather Chen’s body was so difficult to deal with. He actually had two kinds of poisons!

“Furthermore, I am certain that these two poisons didn’t appear in Old Grandfather Chen’s body at the same time. The cyan poison must have appeared in Old Grandfather’s body half a month later, otherwise, Old Grandfather Chen’s condition would be worse,” Mo Wen said.

“What!” When Chen Zikuang heard him, his body trembled slightly as a streak of radiance flashed in his eyes suddenly. He was an intelligent person so he naturally understood what Mo Wen meant.

After Old Grandfather Chen was poisoned, he immediately returned to the Intentionless Sect and didn’t go anywhere else. The period after he was poisoned was definitely not more than half a month ago. If Mo Wen was speaking the truth, that would mean that the second kind of poison that Old Grandfather Chen had was not from the outside but had come from inside the Intentionless Sect!

Thinking of this, Chen Zikuang had a chill running down his spine. Could it be that there was actually someone in the Intentionless Sect who intended to murder Old Grandfather Chen!

A killing intent flashed in Chen Zikuang’s eyes. When the Qi fluctuation was unstable, the maids in the resting chamber was so shocked that their faces turned as white as a sheet.

“Exactly who could have such an evil intention?” Chen Zikuang shouted in a low tone. His mind was constantly listing possible suspects. Someone had poisoned Old Grandfather Chen again after he returned to the Sect. Although the toxicity of the cyan poison wasn’t strong, the person who poisoned him definitely knew the function of the poison so his intention was extremely evil.

“In actual fact, there are not many people who have had the chance to poison Old Grandfather Chen. Moreover, the technique to administer this poison is very peculiar. If the person’s technique is not professional, Old Grandfather Chen would surely detect it. Hence, the person who poisoned him must be a person with good medical expertise so that he could poison Old Grandfather Chen without being noticed.” As Mo Wen explained this his eyes seemed unconsciously to glance towards Yu Guang.

Chen Zikuang heard him and looked towards Yu Guang at once, as only Yu Guang fulfilled the conditions that Mo Wen had stated. Not many people were able to be near Old Grandfather Chen and Yu Guang happened to be one of them. Furthermore, he had medical expertise and the person who knew what the effect of the poison would be must have been Yu Guang.

“Mo Wen, don’t you dare slander me. I am a physician and saving people with my medical expertise is my duty. How could it be possible for me to poison anyone?” As Yu Guang saw Mo Wen and Chen Zikuang looking at him, his face changed immediately and he spoke with a tough front while having a faint heart.

“Other than you, who else can it be? You were trying all means to hinder me from treating Old Grandfather Chen previously, what exactly was your intention?” Mo Wen smiled sardonically as he spoke.

“I hindered you as I am afraid you are not proficient in your medical expertise. Not only are you unable to save anyone, but you may end up killing Old Grandfather Chen instead. I have to admit that your understanding of the poison is indeed excellent as I didn’t discover this secret previously. However, you can’t accuse me of poisoning someone due to this reason, right? I hindered you previously so you have a grudge against me. You don’t need an excuse if you want to find fault with me. Evidence! You’ve got no evidence, how can you prove that I poisoned someone?”

Yu Guang stood up vigorously and said to Chen Zikuang, “Deputy Sect Leader Chen, please investigate this matter carefully. Don’t merely listen to someone who’s trying to spread fallacies. The disciples of the Medical Sect always have medical ethics and definitely would not do such a thing. Deputy Sect Leader Chen should know this!”

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