Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 497 - : Snatching Directly

Chapter 497: Snatching Directly

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the inexplicable voice rang out, even the three Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners in the field were somewhat creeped out. There was actually someone nearby! They had not noticed him at all. Who was it? A touch of fear flared in the hearts of everyone. The senses of the Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners were sharp. Even in the Snow Storm Stratagem, it was very difficult for others to deceive their senses.

“Who’s there? Show yourself.” An elder of the Sacred Flame Sect was shocked and spoke loudly towards the source of the voice. The other elder of the Sacred Flame Sect was also stunned, his actions slowing by a beat. Mu Liao took the chance to free himself from the hands of the Sacred Flame Sect elder, escaping the killing blow of the flying dagger spiritual weapon by the skin of his teeth.

“Didn’t I show myself already? Why do you need to scream and shout?” A lazy voice rang out. Mo Wen walked out casually, not at all afraid of the three Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners in front of him. On top of that, he wasn’t concerned with the strength of the snowstorm coming from the core. He seemed to be here for a walk.

“Who are you exactly?” The Sacred Flame Sect elder, who was controlling the flying dagger spiritual weapon, narrowed his eyes. His eyes were filled with shock. The intruder was merely a youth. But how could a youth walk up to this place?

The elder’s guard was instantly up. For the youth to be leisurely standing here, he could only be someone from the Intentionless Sect; therefore, he was unperturbed by the Snow Storm Stratagem. The other possibility would be that he was someone with high cultivation, so he didn’t care about the strength of the snowstorm at all.

However, based on his judgment he could tell that this youth would most likely not be someone from the Intentionless Sect. Otherwise, the Intentionless Sect elder, Mu Liao, would not have a shocked expression just like him. So, the youth could only be the latter. For a youth to be so powerful, it was shocking.

“I am a good person.” Mo Wen grinned, putting on a brilliant smile.

The three Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners twitched their lips. What was he babbling about? This youth was too unusual. Everyone had their head full of doubts with the arrival of this youth, who seemed to have popped up from nowhere.

Initially, Mu Liao had been ready to run away immediately. However, when he saw Mo Wen, he suppressed the urge to flee, wanting to find out what was going on. After all, it was very strange for such a person to appear in the Intentionless Sect’s Snow Storm Stratagem. He didn’t know whether the youth was an ally or an enemy. If he was an enemy, and not someone from the Sacred Flame Sect but instead from another faction, it would undoubtedly be terrible news.

“Brat, I advise you to mind your own business. This is between the Sacred Flame Sect and the Intentionless Sect. If you are merely curious, then stay as an onlooker. Don’t drag yourself into the mess,” one of the Sacred Flame Sect elders said placidly while narrowing his eyes.

If it was anyone else, he would most likely have killed the person immediately with a palm strike. However, this youth was too peculiar. Not only could he appear in the core region of the Snow Storm Stratagem, but he also did it without alarming the three of them. Based on this, this youth’s cultivation was most likely not below theirs.

A Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioner was enough to affect the outcome of the situation. Furthermore, the youth was so young; so young that the three old farts were fearful of him. Of course, the two elders from the Sacred Flame Sect didn’t think of Mo Wen as their ally as they hadn’t been told to expect him. Furthermore, this youth was definitely not from the Sacred Flame Sect. If there were other factions coming in to assist the Sacred Flame Sect, it would be impossible for them, as elders of the sect, to not know about it.

Also, when they attacked the Intentionless Sect this time, the Sacred Flame Sect had not pulled in any of their alliance members. They were determined to dominate the Intentionless Sect; they would not split the resources from the Intentionless Sect with other factions.

That was why the youth must be uninvited. No matter what his motive was, it would most likely not be a good thing for the Sacred Flame Sect.

“I have a temper. If you advise me, I purposely don’t like to listen to advice. I like it when people are unhappy,” Mo Wen said plainly with a smile as he crossed his arms.

“You seem to be looking for trouble!” The expressions of the two Sacred Flame Sect elders turned cold. Needless to say, this youth was not on their side.

“I can mind my own business. Just now I said the flying dagger spiritual weapon seems nice. If you are willing to give it to me as a tribute, I will let you go.” Mo Wen’s mouth curled. His expression was clearly suggesting that the elders should pay tribute to him by giving up their nice dagger.

“You are seeking death.” The two Sacred Flame Sect elders were momentarily stunned, then they roared in anger. This youth was here to make fun of them. Could it be that he was tired of living? He actually dared to tease them. Was it possible that he didn’t know that they were elders from the Sacred Flame Sect and unparalleled strong practitioners of the Golden Elixir realm?

Mu Liao was secretly happy. The situation before him was clearly beneficial to him. As he had hoped, the youth was not with the Sacred Flame Sect. Actually, he was quite fearful of this youth who had appeared so suddenly from out of nowhere. Mu Liao was afraid that the youth was from another faction and he was also interested in the Intentionless Sect.

Of course, right now he couldn’t be sure about the youth’s intentions. It was unclear whether the youth was going to fight against the Intentionless Sect. However, it was undoubtedly good news to see him fighting against the Sacred Flame Sect. The more chaotic the scene, the more beneficial it was for the Intentionless Sect. If the situation he had just found himself in had persisted, it would be too difficult for the Intentionless Sect to block the attacks from the Sacred Flame Sect.

“Since you don’t want to live anymore, I’ll send you on your way.” The Sacred Flame Sect elder who was controlling the flying dagger spiritual weapon coldly snorted. He pointed at Mo Wen with a finger and the flying dagger spiritual weapon, which was floating in mid-air, slashed quickly towards Mo Wen.

Up until now the elder hadn’t attacked Mo Wen merely because he was afraid of his background, which might affect the fight between the Sacred Flame Sect and the Intentionless Sect. So, he had decided to wait and see. Judging by the current situation, however, this youth was clearly against the Sacred Flame Sect. He was actually daring to covet the Sacred Flame Sect’s spiritual weapon. It was no different from declaring war with the Sacred Flame Sect.

The elder was not afraid of this youth. After all, he had the ultimate treasure in the form of a spiritual weapon in his hand. Even if the youth had the cultivation of the Golden Elixir realm, what could he do? With the spiritual weapon, it would not be difficult for the elder to slay the youth.

“You have actually taken the initiative to send me the flying dagger spiritual weapon. You are indeed obedient and filial!” Mo Wen wore a quirky smile. Then, he extended a hand and made a grab at the flying dagger spiritual weapon, seemingly ready to catch the shooting dark light in his hand.

The thought that popped in the heads of the three Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners when they saw this was that the youth must have lost his mind. Extending one’s hand to catch a spiritual weapon was an insane act that had never before been seen. Was the youth a lunatic? Even if he loved spiritual weapons, he didn’t have to be so zealous. He was basically throwing his life away! Even a fool wouldn’t do such a thing. Could it be that the youth had a screw loose?

The mouths of the two Sacred Flame Sect elders cracked to form cruel smiles. This youth was pretty much seeking death.

Everyone only had one thought left: the next moment, the dagger would surely slice the youth’s head off and his blood would spew everywhere.

The Sacred Flame Sect elder, who was controlling the flying dagger spiritual weapon, barely had his smile on when a terrifying thunderclap rang in his mind, blasting him and causing his head to spin. He was dizzy and unable to keep himself floating in mid-air and began to tumble down.

Then, the other two people witnessed a shocking scene. The flying dagger spiritual weapon, which was heading towards Mo Wen, had almost touched him when it came to a sudden halt. It floated quietly in front of Mo Wen, not moving an inch.

“Not bad, not bad. This flying dagger is most likely a high-level spiritual weapon.” Mo Wen’s extended hand caught the flying dagger spiritual weapon by its hilt nicely. He nodded in satisfaction after playing with the dagger for a moment. It was as though he was playing with a pocket knife.

The lethal nature of a spiritual weapon like the flying dagger was astonishing. Mo Wen had a treasured level weapon; however, he couldn’t unleash its power at all. He could only use it as a normal weapon. A spiritual weapon would be more valuable to him. An attacking type of spiritual weapon could increase the lethalness of his attack by more than 50 percent.

The two Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners who remained in mid-air were frozen. They were stupefied, as though they had seen a ghost. The youth could actually catch a charging spiritual weapon with his hand. Was there any stranger thing on earth?

The Sacred Flame Sect elder who had fallen to the ground, struggled to get up, his head ringing. He only responded after a long while. There was still thundering in his head. His head was swelling and in pain.

“You…you…how did you do that?” The Sacred Flame Sect elder who was floating in mid-air stared at Mo Wen incredulously. Even his speech was stammering. He felt a chill all over his body. The youth was too bewitching.

Mu Liao also looked as though he had seen a ghost. He stared at Mo Wen, speechless. Could it be that he was a monster?

Then, he glanced at the Sacred Flame Sect elder who had fallen to the ground. He was more shocked. He didn’t see the youth do anything at all and yet a Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioner had fallen. He was unsure what could be happening.

Mu Liao had started thinking about immortal cultivators. Could it be possible that this young man was an immortal cultivator, the legendary existence that went beyond logic? He could not help but wonder if this was indeed the case as only an immortal cultivator could have such an ability that was comparable to that of a ghost or a god. The existence of immortal cultivators was akin to gods!

Mo Wen toyed with the flying dagger spiritual weapon. It felt funny to see three powerful Golden Elixir realm ancient martial arts practitioners intimidated by him. However, the Divine Soul Trillion Layers was indeed considered as an immortal cultivator’s skill. Furthermore, it was a huge skill in the immortal cultivation world. Naturally, the common ancient martial arts practitioners would be frightened when they encountered such a strange occurrence.

In reality, when an ancient martial arts practitioner used a spiritual weapon, they couldn’t unleash the true power of the spiritual weapon no matter what technique they used to activate it. This was because the spiritual weapons had originally belonged to the immortal cultivators. Even if an ancient martial arts practitioner somehow managed to use it, the power that they could unleash was limited.

Normally speaking, a spiritual weapon owned by an immortal cultivator would be seared with the owner’s Spirit Imprint. Then, the immortal cultivator would refine it continuously, merging it with his soul and creating a spiritual bond with it. Such spiritual weapons would be like parts of the immortal cultivator’s body. He could use it as his arms.

Only under such conditions would the spiritual weapon not be easily snatched by others. When the ancient martial arts practitioners used a spiritual weapon, they could only activate it with Qi circulation and didn’t mark it with a Spirit Imprint. So, it was way too easy to snatch it.

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