I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN)

Chapter 442: In the End, There’s Him Here

Chapter 442: In the End, There's Him Here

I thought it was better than being cancelled out, so I used it, but I think Kanna Kamui was a bit too much.

A hole about five meters in diameter was drilled in the square in front of the royal castle, and the surrounding knights and flesh golems were reaped by the impact.

It was much less powerful, but it has saved their life. If it had been as powerful as it was, it would have been quite a disaster. No, it may have been a bad idea to open a hole in front of the royal castle in the first place.

I can feel the knights' eyes on us. I wonder if they are angry with me for blowing a hole in front of the royal castle. However, it seems that they don't have time to talk to Fran as they are soon engaged in a battle with the flesh golem.

Eihwaz was starring at Fran, but he was quickly attacked by a flesh golem and moved to deal with that. It may be troublesome later huh.

『We'll do the golem too』


After clearing out the pseudo fanatic sword wielder, we moved on to clearing out the flesh golem.

While they were certainly strong, they were no match for us at this level. Once again, I had enough time to observe the battles of the other adventurers and mercenaries.

Colbert has become like a normal fighter. It seems that the cost of losing the Dimitris style was great. His attack power seems to have dropped drastically, and he has been dealing damage to the Flesh Golem with a series of attacks.

However, now that he was no longer in a sealed state, his body movement itself would have improved. The loss of the Dimitris style must have led to more rigorous training. He probably has talent to begin with, and he will grow even more in the future.

Eliante was not what she appeared to be at all, she was a super power fighter. As if she was taking the stress of her job out on the fight, she was swinging a huge sword that was bigger than her with one hand and slamming it into the flesh golem.

「Ahahahahahahahahaha! Horahorahorahoraa!」

I thought she didn't have antennae for a half-insect kin, but it seems she had hidden them in her hair. From between her untied purple hair grew a rather thick antennae that at first glance appeared to be long horns.

She appears to be a half-spider. She wraps threads sprayed from the palm of her hand around the golem, blocking its movement. It's like an American spider-man ability. Eliante ran into it and slammed her big sword into it, and the loud laughter that she kept raising gave her a great sense of being a mad warrior.

The five members of the mercenary group are strong individually, but they are also highly coordinated. It's enough to change the image you had of mercenaries.

『So there's such a strong mercenary huh』


That's natural, but it can't be helped because I hadn't encountered them before. If you think about it, the strongest mercenaries are probably on the battlefield, and conversely, it's no surprise that the mercenaries we usually meet of aren't a big deal.

The hot-blooded-looking man who had just slammed his fist into the flesh golem in front of Fran seemed to be the leader. He's giving orders to everyone. Hard shrimp? Maybe he's a lobster or lobster-type half-insect kin.

A red, slippery shell covered his face and the middle of his right hand. The shell around his fist in particular had a huge, aggressive form, like a hammer with spikes. He was fighting by swinging his fist. He was also using water magic to overwhelm a flesh golem that was equivalent to several knights by himself.

The legs of these half-insect kin locusts are very thick. The upper body is slender and beautiful, but only the legs have an unusual volume, as if they were cut out of a large tree and attached.

On his lower body, he's wearing a pair of dowdy pants like a bonton to accommodate the change, and now his bloated legs are squeezed tightly inside the bonton.

「I'm breaking it! Zeyaaaaaa!」

However, it seemed that his leg strength was even more tremendous than I had imagined. When the boy (1) kicked the golem with his foot, the huge body of the golem, which must have weighed well over a ton, floated. His movements were as fluid as Tae Kwon Do or Capoeira, and he seemed to specialize in attacking with the power of his legs.

The female spear woman was moving in a strange way. The thin wings on her back were not designed for flight, but she seemed to be using them to make sudden movements. In addition, her slender body was swaying and moving in an unusually tricky manner. The sleepy, half-eyed expression on her face made it difficult for even us to predict her movements. It may not mean much against flesh golems, but it will be very effective against humans.

The fanged ant half-insect kin are similar to a human in appearance, with the only differences being her antennae and eyes. It is a beautiful, innocent-looking girl of about 160 centimetres, who doesn't look particularly strong. However, her power is far from human. I've never seen a dual axe wielder before. In addition, she seems to be able to spit venom from her mouth. She attacks the golem's single eye with the venom precisely. It's a fighter with a few tricks up her sleeve, so it seems that the half-insect kin are not to be underestimated.

I'm not sure what it is, but it's a race of half-insect kin called clams. It seems to be a shellfish…I'm not sure if it's the same thing. I guess bugs even include that kind of species. He is a big man who seems to be a simple man. He's got a gentle but powerful air about him. It seems that he is not a warrior, but a magician who uses illusion. However, as he was of shellfish, the shell covering his shoulders and back seemed to have a high level of defense. He was able to catch the huge fist of the Flesh Golem with a curled-up stance. It was a strange way to be a tank and a magician.

Beside them, Fran was overkilling flesh golems with all of her skills and magic, as if to relieve the frustration of being forced to fight so inconveniently with her magic and skills blocked.


She slices off the golem's limbs, burns it with magic, and finally slices off its torso and head with sheaths of wind (2). I guess it feels good to be able to use all her strength without limitations.

「Oi! We can't lose to that beastman girl!」

「Well, we are getting high rewards after all! To get that reward we need to work hard!」


It seems that the Insect Rangers (3) have gotten motivated. Since they are bugs, they seem to be more like modified humans, but there are five of them. What about the Antenna Squadron: Koukakuger? (4)

While we were fighting like that, there was a huge magical reaction in the middle of the square. At the same time, purple smoke covered the square with tremendous force.

『Fran, don't ever breath that smoke! My danger detection is ringing loudly!』


It was clearly a poisonous fog. I hurriedly protected Fran with wind barriers and the like. The nearby insect kin rangers instantly gathered, and I could see them defending against the poisonous fog with wind barriers of the dragonfly and water barriers of the hard shrimp.

Then, after the poisonous fog clears, the flesh golems, knights, and adventurers appear lying in the square, convulsing. The old man's loud laughter echoed through the air.

「Fuhahahaha. I seem the paralysis poison is effective against flesh golems because it's made from human flesh」

It seemed that Eihwaz had unleashed a deadly poisonous spell on friend and foe alike.

「Don't worry. It's paralytic poison. I'll give antidote for it later. For now, whoever's still alive, destroy the flesh soldiers」

「That old man, even his ally too…」

「Guildmaster! The golem should be our priority right now」

I hope Eliante and Colbert were okay. Eliante was about to slash at Eihwaz, but Colbert was holding him back.

Well, it actually didn't do much damage to human, and it would be better to destroy the flesh golems as Eihwaz said.

The mercenaries follow his words, even though they are angry. But they are a reasonable one, I'm sure. In a way, it's a battle strategy that can only be done because Eihwaz doesn't even think of people as people.

「It's just going to take a lot of time if I didn't do this, isn't it?」

There was only one person who nodded in agreement with Eihwaz's words.

「I see」

Wha, Fran? Did he just impress you? You can't do that! Don't you ever imitate him!


(1) Author san mentioned him as shounen, maybe he looks like a kid

(2) On previous chapter it's Void Sword Technique, changed into Sheath of Wind (as cardboard tl use on TKSD chapter 199 thanks to Sarrink)

(3) 蟲レンジャー Mushi Renjā-

(4) 触角戦隊コウカクジャー Shokkaku sentai koukakujā

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