I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN)

Chapter 313 part1


Proofreader: H W

Rising from the Evil Stone Spear in Valkyrie's hand, the evil specter almost equaled the size and ferocity of the gigantic Master of Evil Arts, Rynford.

『Fran! Stop her before she can make her move!』 — Me

「En!」 — Fran

「Not if I can help it!」– Valkyrie

In the instant when Valkyrie, holding the Evil Stone Spear, moved to attack, Fran and Mare leapt forward. However, their swords were blocked some sort of barrier surrounding Valkyrie. The barrier seemed familiar to me and looked somewhat like Rynford's but I wondered whether there were differences between the two, despite appearing to be the same magic.

「I had planned to release the power of my spear in Greengoat, but now it doesn't matter! Your country would suffer an even greater loss if I kill the two of you! At least you'll get to die together!」

While she roared, Valkyrie's wounds started instantaneously healing in a manner quite different from when she was sharing her damage with the Evil Beings.

Roaring, Valkyrie's wounds were healing in an instant. But it was not in the previous way that when her damage was shared with Evil Beings.

'Squelch.' Something was squirming, bursting out from inside Valkyrie's open wounds and filling them with new flesh. The reborn flesh seemed to be covered in rugged, black nodules, showing that the new exterior had been regenerated into Goblin skin.

'Bogo Bogo,' something were squirming and bursting, then her wounds were filled with new flesh. The reborn flesh seemed to be covered by some rugged black nodules, which appeared that only that part was regenerated from Goblin skin.

After an Appraisal by Fran, we found Valkyrie's race had become "Half Evil Being", and "Evil God's Slave" was newly added to her titles. In addition, every one of her statuses was improved and Evil Arts had been added to her skill column.

This was probably caused by the Evil Stone Spear, right? Due to the vague description Appraisal provided, it wasn't possible to learn any further details about the Evil Being or the Evil Stone Spear itself.

That probably caused by the Evil Stone Spear? Due to the vague description in Appraisal, however, any details about either the Evil Being or item of Evil God System was unknowable.

「Evil Stone! Devour my soul and destroy everything!」– Valkyrie

Magic rose from Valkyrie's body, gradually becoming contaminated by the evil specter. Eventually her magic had been completely replaced.

「Damn it. Fran! We've got to give it another shot!」– Mare

「OK!」– Fran

「——Inferno Burst!」– Fran

「Ha!」– Mare

This time, Mare and Fran cast their Flame and Lightning Magic from a middling distance however, once more, the attack was reflected by the barrier.

「UGaaaaaaa!」– Valkyrie

Valkyrie charged us in a flash, her eyeballs dyed pitch black and an ominous, groan-like roar leaking out of her mouth. We could no longer feel any sanity from her whatsoever, it seemed that her evolution into an Evil Being was progressing all too rapidly.

「Gaaa!」– Valkyrie

「Damn you!」– Mare

Using her sword Mare stopped the, now markedly more powerful, stab of Valkyrie's spear and retreated a large step backwards.

With her sword, Mare stopped the spear stabbed in full swing by Valkyrie, whose power had improved a lot, and retreated a large step back.

「Mare!」– Fran

To support Mare, Fran also joined the attack. It looked like Valkyrie's barrier didn't have the ability to auto-guard so Fran, positioned behind her, easily broke through by slashing at Valkyrie's back, cutting into her spine.

Fran's slash had shattered her backbone and cut deeply into the underlying flesh, however her opponent's recuperative abilities had drastically improved. Any wounds were rapidly filled by squirming black skin and, worse yet, Valkyrie seemed to be completely unperturbed by the damage and didn't slow down her movements one bit.

「Gaa!」– Valkyrie

「Watch out! 」– Fran

Valkyrie's front kick broke through the Golden Flame's defense and Mare was blown backwards. However, as one would expect, Valkyrie's lower leg from the knee downwards had been charred by the searing flame. Moreover, the impact had completely smashed the charred limb to pulp. However, no sooner had the damage been done, with a strident "Guju Guju" sound, new flesh began jutting out from her knee and the leg regenerated. After several instances of this healing process, Valkyrie, who had once had a beautifully feminine appearance, became covered with patches of melted, ugly Goblin flesh, the sight becoming increasingly grotesque with each passing second.

At that moment, Valkyrie quickly spun the heavy spear around in her hand and switched her grip, attempting to stab Fran who was behind her.

「UGaaaa!」– Valkyrie

「Damn!」– Fran

『Fuck!』– Me

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