I Stack Attributes in the Apocalypse

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Tonight’s Nanxiang City was destined to be sleepless.

Lu Ming’s guess was basically right.


The moment the tower appeared, all the Internet communications were cut off. At the same time, a strange black mist circle appeared around Nanxiang City.

With the tower as the center, the black mist formed a neat circle that surrounded the entire Nanxiang City, including the three satellite cities that belonged to Nanxiang City and 14 small county cities.

From that moment on, Nanxiang City became an isolated island. No one outside could enter, and no one inside could get out.

Three minutes after the tower appeared, the elderly and the infirm began to go crazy.

They turned into zombies with exploding motor skills and bit anyone they saw. Those who were bitten would become ill on the spot in just ten seconds and join the ranks of zombies.

This was a terrifying disaster.

Just three hours later, the huge Nanxiang City announced that it had changed hands and fallen into the hands of the zombies.

The remaining survivors hid and trembled, not even daring to breathe loudly.


Can’t outrun a zombie.


Don’t even mention it.

For those living in Nanxiang City, this disaster was sudden and violent. Countless people prayed that someone would save them from this disaster. Countless people stayed up all night.

The next day, Monday, 6 a.m.

Lu Ming opened his eyes on time, feeling refreshed.

He got out of bed and dressed. Lu Ming unlocked the door and opened it.

He went to the kitchen first and fetched a pot of water. Lu Ming was going to boil it and store it for washing clothes or washing his face.

From today onwards, drinking water will be stored in bottles. For washing face, washing clothes, and taking a shower, he could use boiled tap water.

Zombies were infectious, so Lu Ming felt that the tap water might be contaminated. It might not be safe even if it was boiled. It could only be used for washing up.

And water will be consumed faster than food. Fortunately, I prepared a lot of bucket baths on the second floor that can be used to collect rainwater.

For the time being, he did not have to worry about water.

He took out green shrimps from the fridge on the second floor and some spinach from the fridge on the first floor. He took some rice and placed it in the pot to cook porridge.

Turning on the gas stove, Lu Ming began to stir-fry spinach.

“I don’t know when the gas will run out, but I’ve prepared a few diesel furnaces. I don’t have to worry about not being able to eat hot food for the time being.”

However, Lu Ming did not prepare much diesel. He had to use it sparingly.

Soon, a steaming breakfast was ready.

White porridge, five cooked green shrimps, a small plate of stir-fried spinach, and a light but nutritious dish.

After cleaning up the dishes and eating three full bowls of porridge, Lu Ming heaved a sigh of relief.

“70% full. His appetite seems to be much bigger than before.”

He went to the reading area on the second floor and turned on his computer to check the information he had downloaded in advance.

—I just ate and couldn’t do strenuous exercise.

It was not until seven o’clock in the morning that Lu Ming stood up from his computer and went to the exercise area.

After briefly planning the upcoming training process, Lu Ming muttered softly, “Then let’s get started.”

Warm-up segment.

A thirty-minute jog.

Agility: 6 (6.1) ↑.

Then Lu Ming went to the barbell rack and chose a 25kg barbell.

He carried the barbell to the bench and placed it on the barbell rack on the stool. He lay back flat.

Gripping the barbell with both hands, he began to bench press.

12 sets, a total of three sets. There was a 60-second break between sets.

Since today was Lu Ming’s first time working out with fitness equipment, he did not pursue the limit and exhaustion. He was just familiarizing himself with the equipment and movements.

25kg of bench press weight was relatively easy for Lu Ming.

After three sets of bench presses, Lu Ming felt his chest muscles heat up, as if they had been activated.

He opened the attribute panel.

Name: Lu Ming.

Age: 25 years old.

Strength: 5.8 (6) ↑.

Physique: 6.2 (6.3) ↑.

Agility: 6 (6.1) ↑.

Fitness Lv. 1 (5/100): Maximum attribute points obtained every day increased by 0.1 point.

Strength increased by 0.2, physical strength by 0.1, and fitness proficiency increased by 5 points.

The effect was good. Lu Ming continued.

Warming up, anaerobic exercise, aerobic exercise, stretching…

About an hour and a half later, the Monday fitness plan was fully completed. Lu Ming sat on the bench to rest as he opened his attribute panel.

Name: Lu Ming.

Age: 25 years old.

Strength: 5.8 (6.4) ↑.

Physique: 6.2 (6.8) ↑.

Agility: 6 (6.6) ↑.

Fitness Lv. 1 (50/100): Maximum attribute points obtained every day increased by 0.1 point.

“Not bad!”

Today’s attributes were all maxed out, and his fitness skills had increased by 50 proficiency points, but they could not continue to increase.

His physical fatigue could not suppress his mental excitement.

Lu Ming couldn’t help but estimate in his heart, “The three-dimensional attribute increases by 0.6 points every day. That’s 6 points in 10 days, which means that I have an additional attribute stronger than an ordinary adult male!”

This speed was really exaggerated.

And what was even more exaggerated was another thing—human body restrictions!

There was no doubt that there were limits to the human body.

Judging from the speed at which Lu Ming’s attributes increased, he seriously suspected that this attribute system had already helped him break the limits of the human body.

“Can my three-dimensional attributes increase infinitely?”

“Can the speed of increase be maintained? Or even increased again?”

Lu Ming thought it would work, but he had no evidence.

But this was something that could be verified quickly.

Exhaustion quickly overwhelmed him. In order to save time, Lu Ming made himself a cup of protein powder as an additional meal in the morning.

After he finished the protein powder, he did not feel too sleepy. After some thought, Lu Ming went to the computer and opened the video he had downloaded.

The player came on and the video began to scroll.

“The slingshot seems simple, but you have to pay attention to the method when you fight…”

In the video, a middle-aged man holding a slingshot in front of the screen explained the correct use of the slingshot.

Unknowingly, Lu Ming was engrossed.

Lunch was boiled beef, stir-fried celery, and white rice.

The cooking method was simple and it was nutritious.

After eating a whole catty of beef, half a catty of vegetables, and two big bowls of rice, Lu Ming was satisfied.

“70% full. That’s enough.”

The drowsiness began to surge, but Lu Ming was not in a hurry to fall asleep.

He strolled slowly on the first floor and waited for 20 minutes before he walked into the bedroom, locked the door, climbed into bed, and began his afternoon nap.

From 12 noon to 1 p.m. was Lu Ming’s lunch break.

An hour later, Lu Ming got out of bed feeling refreshed and opened his attribute panel.

Name: Lu Ming.

Age: 25 years old.

Strength: 6.4

Physique: 6.8

Agility: 6.6

Fitness Lv. 1 (50/100): Maximum attribute points obtained every day increased by 0.1 point.

All attributes obtained in full!

Clenching his fists tightly, Lu Ming felt the surge in strength and became more and more confident about the future.

“I have the fortress, I have supplies, and I have the system.”

“What can the apocalypse do to me?”

After a rare moment of arrogance, Lu Ming immediately calmed down and patted his cheek.

“Steady and stay calm.”

“The zombies outside are already difficult enough. Who knows what dangers are there in the tower and the black mist?

He would not go out if he could.

He would not take risks if he could.

This was the first rule of survival in the apocalypse!

Going out?

I’ll wait until I’m done eating and drinking and my attributes are maxed out.

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