I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 998

Chapter 998: Sneaking in and Observing

An Lin had actually thought of a decent plan.

In order to ascertain whether Bai Yao was being forced into the wedding or not, the best way to do so would be to observe her in secret.

They could then observe what her emotional state was like prior to her wedding ceremony.

If she was filled with elation and joy, then this was most likely a wedding forged on the basis of mutual love. But if she was extremely distressed and distraught the entire time, then there was a good chance that she had been forced into the marriage.

After hearing An Lin’s plan, Xiao Chou engaged in a bout of intense internal conflict before nodding with difficulty and agreeing to this course of action.

Even though he was very confident in Bai Yao’s feelings toward him, it was still important to verify these things. At the very least, he needed to have An Lin, Tina, and Da Bai convinced as this would be of vital importance to the rest of the operation.

A white light flashed through An Lin’s eyes. Immediately after, a massive spell formation appeared before his eyes. This was the defensive and enemy detection spell formation of the White Fox Palace.

He flicked a finger toward a certain spot on the spell formation, upon which a hole appeared in it.

“Let’s go in!”

Riding on Da Bai’s back, An Lin led the way in through the hole in the spell formation with Tina and Xiao Chou bringing up the rear.

Tina unleashed a divine technique to conceal everyone’s presence and body.

This was one of the divine techniques she had invented in the Divine Mirror World, and it was of a ridiculously high level.

Just this concealment spell technique would allow them to completely avoid detection from Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures.

There were a total of six Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures in the Fox Tribe. Among the six, two of them were white foxes. Those two white fox mighty figures wouldn’t be bored enough to constantly patrol the imperial palace for intruders, right?

Hence, from a theoretical perspective, An Lin and the others were actually quite safe despite the fact that they had infiltrated the imperial palace!

Thus, An Lin and the others stroll surreptitiously through the imperial palace.

They were doing things “surreptitiously” as they were all under Tina’s concealment technique.

But in reality, they were basically just taking a casual stroll out in the open through the imperial palace.

“Big Brother An… I didn’t think that the scenery within the imperial palace would be so beautiful… Woof!” Da Bai’s nostrils widened as drool rolled down his chin.

An Lin’s nostrils had also widened, and he nodded in agreement. “This is some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen!”

Tina pouted in displeasure. “You’re already at the imperial palace, and you’re still fooling around!”

That’s right, Da Bai and An Lin were looking around with scorching eyes at the women around them.

All of them wore extremely enticing dresses with low-cut cleavage that revealed half of their voluptuous snowy melons, below which were pairs of mini-skirts that exposed large sections of their sexy long legs.

“I love these dresses! I have to find the designer of these dresses and give them a five-star review!” An Lin continued to chuckle with zero sense of moral principle!

“Then I’m going to give these beautiful vixens five-star reviews! Woof!” Da Bai wore a wicked smile on his face as he looked at the seductive vixens around him with wide eyes.

Tina gritted her teeth. She really wanted to withdraw her concealment spell technique and kick these two horny perverts out to their deaths. If it weren’t for the fact that it would ruin Xiao Chou’s plan, she would really go through with it!

Xiao Chou pulled out a handful of pristine, white fur.

This was the souvenir Bai Yao had given him prior to her departure; the very same souvenir that Xiao Chou regarded as a token of love. This should allow him to detect her presence as long as she was within a radius of five kilometers.

Back when they were about to be separated, Xiao Chou had also given Bai Yao a handful of his monkey hair. However, his presence had been completely concealed by Tina, so there was no way for Bai Yao to detect his location.

An Lin followed Xiao Chou deeper into the imperial palace.

After a while, Xiao Chou’s footsteps suddenly faltered as an expression of elation appeared on his face. “I can feel it! I can detect her location! She didn’t lie to me!”

An Lin rolled his eyes. There was no point in lying about something like that.

“She’s in the northeastern direction!”

Xiao Chou rushed eagerly toward that direction.

An Lin and the others jogged along behind him.

They passed through a cluster of small palaces, as well as a few intricate and elegant courtyards, before arriving at a place where the scenery looked like it had been pulled straight out of a piece of artwork.

There was a garden with all types of flowers. At the end of the garden, there was a miniature mountain. At the summit of the mountain, there was a small house.

“She’s in there.” Xiao Chou swallowed with anxiety as he looked up at the small house.

Xiao Chou was starting to get more and more nervous now, and his footsteps had slowed down drastically.

“Bai Yao has been forced into this marriage, so she must be extremely grief-stricken right now! I simply can’t bear to see her in that much pain…” Xiao Chou muttered to himself as he walked.

His footsteps suddenly faltered, and he turned toward An Lin with excitement on his face. “I’m such an idiot! Why do I have to wait until her wedding to take her away with me?

“We can take her right now! There will be mighty figures present at the wedding, so it will be difficult to take her away then. As such, this is the perfect opportunity to do so!”

Da Bai stuck his tongue out. “Isn’t it much more exciting to crash a wedding? Isn’t that the whole point?”

Xiao Chou: “…”

“You’ve finally thought about it yourself.” An Lin patted Xiao Chou’s shoulder with a smile. “That’s exactly what I was thinking too. If Bai Yao really is being forced into this wedding, we can take her away with us right now.”

Xiao Chou turned toward An Lin with gratitude in his eyes. He took a deep breath to muster up his courage before advancing toward the small house again.

Outside the house.

A few figures appeared on the branches of a large tree.

From this location, they could see through the window of the small house.

“I feel like this is a little dodgy…” Xiao Chou was a little concerned.

“How can this be referred to as dodgy? We’re here to save the little white fox!” An Lin spoke with a justified expression.

Thus, everyone waited patiently on the tree and silently observed.

They were waiting for Bai Yao to appear.

They didn’t have to wait long before they heard someone singing.

This was a very cheerful song, which was quite vibrant and pleasing to the ear.

“It’s her! That’s her voice, and she’s the one singing! I’ve heard her sing this song in the past!” Xiao Chou’s voice was trembling with excitement.

Da Bai’s brows furrowed. “If this is Bai Yao singing, then why is she singing such a joyful song?”

Xiao Chou’s body stiffened as if he had just had a bucket of cold water poured onto his head.

At that moment, a window was opened.

A set of exquisitely beautiful features appeared before everyone.

This was a woman in a flowing white dress with her hands folded one on top of the other on the windowsill. She laid her intricate chin on the back of her hand, and her smile was as vibrant and enchanting as a spring breeze. Her smile had the perfect mix of seduction and purity, and the two combined to give off a unique bewitching charm.

Even after seeing so many beauties, An Lin and Da Bai were stunned for a moment.

Xiao Chou was staring at the woman in front of the windowsill, seemingly entranced.

The woman looked into the distance with a smile on her face, and her eyes rippled with anticipation. “There are still six days left. I’m really looking forward to it…”

Atop a nearby tree.

“She’s Bai Yao, and she’s just as beautiful as ever.

“And her smile is so full of joy.”

Xiao Chou’s voice trembled as he spoke.

His face was covered by his mask, so no one could see his expression.

However, there seemed to be some sort of translucent liquid dripping from the edge of the mask.

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