I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 991

Chapter 991: A Plan to Redeem the Void Spirit Tribe

“Tina, why aren’t there any representatives from the Void Spirit Tribe here?” An Lin asked.

He had already begun to refer to the Spirit Engulfing Beasts as the Void Spirit Tribe as there was hardly any difference anyway.

Tina sat on An Lin’s shoulder and swung her tiny little legs around as she replied with a sympathetic expression, “No one wants to work with them. They’ve always been the antagonists of the Divine Mirror World, and even though they’re highly intelligent life forms now, all of the other ten tribes are still very hostile toward them. No one wants to get close to or interact with them.”

An Lin blushed upon hearing this. It seemed like they might have been at fault for this?

He offered words of consolation, more so to himself than anyone else. “That’s alright. I’m sure the other tribes will slowly give them a chance over time.”

“The Tai Chu Continent has existed for countless years. Are there any tribes who are friendly with the Void Spirit Tribe?” Tina asked.

An Lin: “…”

He racked his brain and considered every tribe he knew before coming to a tragic conclusion. “It seems like there really are no creatures who like the Void Spirit Tribe. They’re simply too weird!”

They were always trying to suck away people’s souls, and they constantly acted as if they were insane. Other than members of their own tribe, no creatures could develop a liking for them.

“Our Divine Mirror World’s Void Spirit Tribe has some dark history as well, so it really would be quite difficult to give them redemption.” Tina heaved a forlorn sigh.

“Why don’t we let Wei Ji have a go?” An Lin felt like this true demon was quite talented.

Tina turned toward An Lin with curiosity. “How?”

“You can just let him promote the fact that the Void Spirit Tribe only exists as a trial to the other ten tribes. They don’t epitomize evil, instead, they exist to urge the other ten tribes to constantly improve!” An Lin suggested.

Tina: “… That seems very far-fetched.”

An Lin replied with a serious expression, “Trust me, as long as Wei Ji is the one spreading the message, the entire world will believe the story, no matter how far-fetched it is.”

Tina felt like An Lin had a point in that Wei Ji really did have a special way of convincing others to share his beliefs. As such, she immediately snapped her fingers. “Alright! I’ll get Wei Ji on the case!”

The fact that Void Spirit Tribe was being shunned by the other ten tribes was a very big problem. If things continued like this, this Void Spirit Tribe was most likely going to follow in the footsteps of the Tai Chu Continent’s Void Spirit Tribe.

The reason why they were so intent on redeeming the Void Spirit Tribe was that they existed in the form of spirit bodies, and as such, they could carry out many special missions. For example, they had many natural advantages in areas such as tracking and exploration, searching for spirit stone mines, passing through some special barriers, and even looking for naturally-formed mystic realms.

As such, they were a tribe that could be very useful.

The living beings of the Tai Chu Continent also knew this, but it was very difficult to cooperate with them due to their aforementioned volatile traits.

An Lin and Tina wanted to try and make use of the Void Spirit Tribe in the Divine Mirror World!

“Let’s go to the Divine Mirror World and visit the Void Spirit Tribe,” An Lin suggested.

“Sure.” Tina nodded obediently as a white light flashed past her eyes.

Spatial energy fluctuations instantly enshrouded An Lin and Tina.

Following a rush of dizziness, An Lin arrived at a place where vital energy surged in waves.

“This is…” An Lin looked around in astonishment at his surroundings.

The land around him was completely bleak and desolate with the exception of some twisted plants that looked like seaweed waving their tendrils in the air. The sky was a disconcerting myriad of colors, and an eerie sound caught somewhere between weeping and crazed laughter erupted in the air around them.

“Why did the Void Spirit Tribe choose to live in such a hideous place?” An Lin’s expression darkened.

A flawlessly beautiful woman pouted as she stood beside him. “How would I know? The Void Spirit Tribe had a lot of fun transforming their habitat into this ghastly state. Perhaps… the aesthetic standards of spirit bodies are different from ours?”

An Lin considered this for a moment and felt like Tina might have a point there.

“Wulalalala, wulalalala…”

A Void Spirit Tribe living being with an extremely large head and a bulbous belly made its way toward them from a distance while humming an extremely brainwashing tune.

“Let’s go interview this hideous big-headed freak.” An Lin’s eyes lit up.

“Hey, how could you talk about the adorable Void Spirit Tribe member like that?” Tina was displeased.

“You think that thing is adorable?” An Lin was in shock as he pointed to the spirit body in the distance, which appeared to be a nightmarish spinoff of an upside-down lightbulb.

Tina: “…”

Alright, maybe not.

This was a fatty spirit body. Not only did it have a bulbous stomach, but its head was also extremely large.

Hence, it appeared that there were no issues with the title of “hideous big-headed freak” that An Lin had given it.

It was still skipping along and singing its brainwashing “wulala, wulala…” song, and it really could not be considered to be adorable by any stretch of one’s imagination.

An Lin flew toward the fatso. “Greetings, my friend from the Void Spirit Tribe…”

“Wow! What a succulent soul! I’m taking it!”

An Lin hadn’t even had a chance to finish his sentence before the fatso’s eyes lit up. It transformed into a bolt of blue lightning that hurtled toward An Lin. At the same time, it opened its massive mouth in an attempt to bite down upon An Lin with its saw-like teeth!

An Lin: “…”

What was the deal with this fatso attacking completely out of the blue?

An Lin unleashed his divine sense.


An extremely terrifying divine might descended, making An Lin appear as if he were an enraged god appraising the world under his feet.

“Ah…! Spare me! Please don’t kill me!”

The fatso let loose a screech of fear before sprawling to the ground, where it lay while trembling uncontrollably.

Void Spirit Tribe cultivators did like to feast on souls, but that didn’t mean they were suicidal! In the face of such a powerful being, the fatso could only sprawl to the ground in fear.

“Don’t be scared, I’m not here to kill you.” An Lin withdrew the power of his divine sense before a benevolent smile appeared on his face. “What is your name?”

The fatso replied, “Qu Nima[1].”

An Lin’s eyes widened in rage as he delivered an almighty slap.



The fatso wailed in anguish. It almost perished to that one strike alone.

An Lin was completely enraged. “I’m asking you a question, and you dare to insult me?!”

The fatso was on the verge of tears. “Qu Nima is my…”


An Lin delivered another monstrous slap before the fatso even had a chance to explain. “This is your last chance to give me an answer! I will kill you if you continue to insult me!”

Qu Nima: “…”

An Lin was very angry. The spirit body before him was a Spirit Nurturing Stage powerful being of the Void Spirit Tribe and was an ideal being to conduct an interview on.

However, he didn’t think that it would be this arrogant and uncouth! Was the entire Void Spirit Tribe this abominable?

Qu Nima took a moment to formulate its words before explaining its name to An Lin.

An Lin finally understood what it was saying, and he grumbled with a disgruntled expression, “Why would you pick a name that would evoke animosity like this?”

Qu Nima was very depressed. It was just about to apologize again when An Lin gave it another backhand across the face.

An Lin cleared his throat. “Mr. Qu Nima, I was just passing by this place and developed a strong interest in your Void Spirit Tribe. Can I interview you?”

Qu Nima was extremely dejected. Could he refuse? Clearly not!

“Senior, I, Qu Nima, would be happy to accept your interview! It would be my honor!” Qu Nima replied with an earnest and joyful expression.

An Lin’s lips twitched. Even after learning about the context behind Qu Nima’s name, he was still struck by an inexplicable urge to slap him.

Why would Qu Nima’s parents give their child a name like this? Were they worried that their child would live for too long?! However, even though An Lin didn’t like the name, he couldn’t exactly ask Qu Nima to change it, so he could only bear with it for now.

Thus, their interview commenced under a rather bizarre atmosphere.

[1] This name has a very similar pronunciation to “go f*ck yourself”.

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