I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1140 - Battle Between Two Dragons

Chapter 1140: Battle Between Two Dragons

Return to Void Final Stage mighty figures were able to attain the power of the divine dao, thereby elevating them beyond normal Return to Void Stage mighty figures.

Mighty figures of this level were still powerful enough to wound or even defeat An Lin, so he wasn’t stupid enough to charge in and take on two of them at once. He had that much self-awareness at the very least.

In the distance lay a realm of snow and ice.

This was not a natural weather formation. It was instead a certain Dragon Tribe mighty figure’s domain.

A huge ice and frost dragon with a wingspan of five kilometers flapped its wings to send gale-force winds howling for over fifty kilometers.

Within his ice and frost divine dao domain, all Soul Formation Stage living beings would be instantly killed, and Return to Void Stage mighty figures would also become more sluggish in their movements and might even be frozen to death.

A man stood in a dignified and proud manner amid the wind and snow.

The two of them were completely incomparable in size, but the comparatively tiny and insignificant man was able to unleash a series of terrifying sword strikes that the ice and frost dragon had to treat with utmost caution.

“Heh, aren’t you the renowned Frost God Zhuo Ma of the Western Dragon Forest? Is this all you’re capable of?” The man sliced apart the frosty breath hurtling toward him with a nonchalant swipe of his sword before slowly making his way toward the huge ice and frost dragon with an expression of haughty arrogance.

An Lin immediately recognized who it was.

“There’s no mistaking it! It’s you, the number one flex king of the Dragon Court, Ao Qingyu!”

Of course, Ao Qingyu was also known by the outside world as the number one most powerful being within the Dragon Court.

Even though he had once been insta-killed by An Lin, An Lin still felt like he was quite powerful.

As for why he was insta-killed, it was simply because An Lin was more powerful. There was absolutely no other reason.

“Howl! Ao Qingyu, don’t get too cocky! If the Infernal Flame Emperor Dragon of the Western Dragon Forest were here, you wouldn’t dare to say anything!” the huge frost and ice dragon roared.

“I’m not talking about the Infernal Flame Emperor Dragon. I’m only talking about you, and in my opinion, you’re trash!” A sneer appeared on Ao Qingyu’s face as the longsword in his hand began to ring again before unleashing a sword projection that was powerful enough to slice apart everything within this world.

An Lin watched on with keen interest. The number one flex king of the Dragon Court spoke in an extremely cocky manner, but this suited An Lin’s tastes just fine.

In the face of Ao Qingyu’s sword strike, the huge ice and frost dragon let loose an almighty roar as a huge mountain of ice imbued with the power of the divine dao appeared before it.

As it turned out, Ao Qingyu’s sword projection was powerful enough to slice even this massive ice and snow divine dao mountain in half.

The huge ice and frost dragon tried to evade, but the sword projection still sliced off one of its massive ice wings!

“Howl!” Zhuo Ma let loose an anguished wail, “I’ll kill you!”

Its other ice wing detached from its body and transformed into countless fearsome blades of ice that whistled through the air toward Ao Qingyu.

Ao Qingyu’s expression remained calm, and he unleashed over a thousand sword strikes in the blink of an eye to destroy all of the oncoming blades of ice.

At the same time, a pair of massive wings that were large enough to obscure the starry night sky overhead appeared on its body again, as if it had never been injured in the first place.

An Lin focused his gaze upon seeing this. This Zhuo Ma’s body was a little strange.

It felt like it wasn’t a substantial body, but at the same time, it was undeniably a substantial body.

Was this a special elemental state?

An Lin’s interest was piqued by this dragon’s peculiar ability.

Boom boom boom…

The ice and frost dragon, Zhuo Ma, clashed with the Dragon Court’s number one flex king, Ao Qingyu, again.

From how the battle was panning out, it looked like Zhuo Ma was decidedly on the back foot and was being sliced over and over again.

Ao Qingyu’s sword was simply too powerful. Within his sword domain, there was almost nothing that he couldn’t slice apart. Zhuo Ma had had its wings, arms, and legs all dismembered at some point in the battle. It had even been decapitated once!

However, it was like a cockroach that refused to die. After kicking its head as a detonating bomb toward Ao Qingyu, it grew another head to take its place…

An Lin’s horizons were greatly broadened by a battle like this.

Was the ice and frost dragon unkillable?

If so, how was one supposed to defeat it?

Not only was An Lin pondering this question, but Ao Qingyu was also thinking about the exact same thing.

An Lin felt like Zhuo Ma had reconstructed its body into an elemental form through the use of its divine dao ice and frost domain. Even though this wasn’t a body of flesh and blood, it was still a type of life form.

Sure enough, Ao Qingyu quickly retreated until he was outside of the range of the ice and snow domain. He then turned to the ice and frost dragon with a grave expression, hoping that it would step out of its domain while pursuing him.

Zhuo Ma did indeed charge after him, but its ice and snow domain traveled with it, so it never stepped out of its domain.

“How annoying.” Ao Qingyu’s brows furrowed slightly, and he gripped his sword with both hands as the golden color of his eyes became brighter and purer. “If you have no shape nor form, then I’ll slice apart your consciousness, I’ll slice apart your divine dao, I’ll slice apart all of the powers you have displayed before me!”

Boundless sword intent suddenly erupted between heaven and earth.

Ao Qingyu’s sword divine dao domain instantly expanded over fifty kilometers.

“Extreme Dragon Sword, Heavenly Blade!”

An extremely dazzling sword projection emerged with his clear cry.

Everything was sliced apart by the sword projection, including space itself, which had clearly become disjointed. Even the sky above seemed to have been sliced apart by the unstoppable sword projection!

Zhuo Ma’s pupils contracted upon seeing this sword projection, and it used its wings as a shield, which materialized a blue corkscrew hole that seemed to be able to suck all things into it.

An Lin nodded slightly when he sensed the might behind the sword strike.

This was most likely Ao Qingyu’s most powerful sword strike. It was just as powerful as the sword strike he had unleashed toward Ao Qingyu in the Flying Ball Tribe territory.

The scintillating sword projection lit up the entire night sky, outshining even the light of the moon and stars.

It was sharp to the extreme, and it sliced apart Zhuo Ma’s divine dao domain before also slicing apart the blue corkscrew hole, and it was going on to slice Zhuo Ma’s massive body in half.

The sword projection continued onward, and it even managed to slice apart some sort of power on a deeper level.

Zhuo Ma’s bloodcurdling cries rang out between heaven and earth.

Its ice and snow divine dao domain crumbled as the sword projection tore a massive gash that seemed to extend into infinity and beyond with no chance of it ever healing over.

The ice and frost dragon crashed to the ground and shattered into countless ice crystals.

Was it dead?

No, it was still alive!

An Lin focused his gaze and suddenly turned toward a certain direction where wind and snow were converging to form another massive ice and frost dragon.

Blue light erupted from Zhuo Ma’s body, and it appeared several dozen kilometers away in the blink of an eye.

Spatial skip!

This Return to Void Final Stage lizard dragon was finally running away!

“What an annoying lizard.” Ao Qingyu harrumphed coldly, and he too used spatial skipping to give chase to the massive dragon in the distance.

He wasn’t going to let Zhuo Ma escape like this!

An Lin looked at the trail of blood on the ground as he muttered to himself, “That Frost God Zhuo Ma really was injured by that sword strike…”

An Lin was forced to reevaluate Ao Qingyu’s combat prowess.

He discovered that he might well lose to Ao Qingyu in a fair and square fight…

However, there was no need for him to defeat Ao Qingyu.

Eliminating the potential enemy, Zhuo Ma, was his top priority!

An Lin looked in the direction where Zhuo Ma and Ao Qingyu were departing, and he thought about it for a moment before gritting his teeth and giving chase!

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