I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113: The Belated Reinforcements

The golden pillar of energy from the God of War Heaven Blasting Cannon flew into infinity and beyond, as if it were trying to puncture the heavens itself.

Tina and Xu Xiaolan could also sense how terrifying that attack was from nearby.

After all, the God of War Heaven Blasting Cannon was a spell technique that could blast a Return to Void Intermediate Stage mighty figure into dust. It should have no problems dealing with a severely debilitated mighty figure at the Return to Void Pinnacle Stage.

Sure enough, an inky-black sword soon plummeted from the sky.

The golden light slowly dissipated.

A woman with black wings who was riddled with wounds fell from the sky. Her aura was flickering in and out of existence, and a few black feathers fluttered down around her, making her appear as if she were a goddess that had fallen from great heights.

An Lin was completely exhausted, and he lay on his turtle shell, panting relentlessly. At the same time, he swallowed a seventh-grade immortal pill to replenish his depleted energy as well as his blood.

Xu Xiaolan retrieved the Evil-Slaying Sword.

Tina took the initiative to charge toward the Moonlit Night Monarch. She planned to use her Heart Lotus Ice Sword to land the killing blow!

The Moonlit Night Monarch suddenly opened her eyes, and she abruptly gripped the air, bringing her fingers together to shatter a ball-shaped object with four pairs of wings, creating a black energy barrier that instantly enshrouded her entire body.

Tina’s sword struck the black barrier, but she was not even able to put a slight scratch on it.

Everyone’s expression shifted upon seeing this. They didn’t think that the Moonlit Night Monarch would still be capable of defending herself even when she was clearly on the brink of death.

An Lin was feeling extremely depressed.

He was already out for the count, but the Moonlit Night Monarch could still fight?

Had this woman obtained a cockroach inheritance or something?

Within the black spherical barrier, the Moonlit Night Monarch stared intently at the Evil-Slaying Sword in Xu Xiaolan’s hand.

A chill ran down Xu Xiaolan’s spine, and she tightly gripped the black turtle shell in front of her chest.

Just when everyone thought that they were going to have another tough battle on their hands, the black ball around Moonlit Night’s body suddenly tore through space and disappeared into a spatial passageway.

Tina’s mouth gaped open with incredulity. “She ran away?”

Xu Xiaolan heaved a heavy sigh of relief. “That black ball was probably the Moonlit Night Monarch’s life-saving treasure. She had also been forced into dire straits…”

Even so, that death stare the Moonlit Night Monarch gave her was quite scary.

Their enemy had fled the battle, but everyone was still on high alert in case there was more to come.

“An Lin! Are you alright?”

Xu Xiaolan flew toward An Lin, picking up his amputated arm along the way.

“I’m fine.” An Lin squeezed a smile onto his face.

He had already taken an immortal pill, so he was in a stable condition.

Everyone flew toward An Lin with expressions of concern on their faces.

Alongside their concerned expressions, Luo Ziping, Miao Tian, and the others also had a hint of scorching reverence glowing in their eyes.

Their classmates had just forced a Dark Wing Tribe monarch into fleeing right before their very eyes! How could they not be exhilarated after witnessing something so epic?

“Can the arm be reattached?” Xu Xiaolan turned to Tina.

Not only was Tina quite proficient in using spatial spell techniques, but she was also quite skilled in the art of healing as well.

“No problem. Leave it to me!” Tina patted her little chest and lifted An Lin’s arm before flying over to An Lin’s side, where she began to reattach his arm.

In this world, regrowing limbs wasn’t all that difficult, let alone reattaching an amputated arm.

An Lin hadn’t even gotten used to the feeling of being a one-armed hero before his left arm was reattached.

After that, he lay in his coffin to facilitate fast recovery.


A spatial rift appeared in the air.

Everyone’s heart jolted with shock because they thought the Moonlit Night Monarch was back. All of them took up a defensive formation around An Lin before pulling out their weapons as they stared at the spatial rift with grave expressions.

A man wearing a set of purple imperial robes and a cold expression emerged from within the spatial rift.

He immediately faltered slightly at the sight of everyone with their weapons at the ready, staring at him with enmity in their eyes.

Everyone also faltered momentarily. Who would have thought that it would be Emperor Ziwei!

A peculiar silence ensued.

Emperor Ziwei turned toward the coffin An Lin was lying in before breaking the silence. “An Lin died?”

Everyone: “…”

An Lin: “…”

Even though his God of War Heaven Blasting Cannon mission had disappeared from the system, An Lin was a hundred percent sure that Emperor Ziwei still hated him!

“Not yet. I’m just recovering from my injuries,” An Lin said with difficulty.

Emperor Ziwei nodded to show his approval of An Lin. “As expected of the small War God of the Heavenly Court. To think you were even able to defeat the Moonlit Night Monarch! Your rate of growth is extremely commendable.”

After verifying everyone else’s conditions, he unleashed a mystic technique to try and trace the Moonlit Night Monarch.

Unfortunately, Emperor Ziwei’s brows furrowed deeply after a short while.

“That’s strange. Why are there no spatial energy fluctuations? Could it be that she used an extremely advanced fleeing device?”

Emperor Ziwei’s eyes glowed with an all-encompassing light as he carefully examined his surroundings, but he was unable to find anything.

This was a little awkward.

He had come all the way here, so he couldn’t just do nothing except inquire about whether An Lin was dead or alive, right?

He had to do something to alleviate this awkwardness…

Emperor Ziwei made his way over to An Lin before a benevolent smile appeared on his face. “Long time no see, An Lin.”

“Long time no see, Senior Ziwei.” An Lin forced a smile onto his face. Ziwei, you old dog! Give me my damn inheritance!

Ziwei said with a calm expression, “The Moonlit Night Monarch must have had a reason for attacking you. Did she say anything to you?”

An Lin shook his head. “She didn’t say anything except to tell me that the Evil-Slaying Sword belonged to the Dark Wing Tribe and that she was here to recover it. Senior Ziwei, do you know anything about the Evil-Slaying Sword?”

Thinking back now, it was Emperor Ziwei who had left the Evil-Slaying Sword on Earth. In that case, Emperor Ziwei should have been the first owner of the Evil-Slaying Sword!

Emperor Ziwei came clean with a resigned expression. “I don’t know much about the Evil-Slaying Sword either. I took it from a Dark Wing Tribe monarch that I had slain in the past. I knew that it was a pinnacle immortal tool and that it’s missing something, which was preventing it from advancing to the divine-tool level.

“I thought it was unable to advance to the divine-tool level as it was missing a powerful sword spirit, so I left it on Earth to be tamed and nurtured, but I didn’t think the Dark Wing Tribe would try to recover it even at the risk of irking Her Majesty Nuwa…”

Emperor Ziwei looked at the Evil-Slaying Sword in Xu Xiaolan’s hand with a thoughtful expression. “It looks like the Evil-Slaying Sword is much more important to the Dark Wing Tribe than I had imagined…”

It was as if the Evil-Slaying Sword had sensed Emperor Ziwei’s scrutiny, and it trembled before flying out of Xu Xiaolan’s grasp to settle next to An Lin.

Everyone faltered momentarily upon seeing this.

This was the first time the Evil-Slaying Sword had displayed such trust and reliance toward him, and An Lin was very touched. “Little Xie, you do love me after all…”

“Shut up and give me some time to calm down!”

The Evil-Slaying Sword’s cold voice sounded.

“Er…” This was the first time An Lin had seen the Evil-Slaying Sword display such humanized emotions.

Emperor Ziwei didn’t really seem to take this to heart. Instead, a warm smile appeared on his face. “An Lin, your performance at the Immortal Spirit Tower over a year ago was exemplary, and I still haven’t given you a reward. Today, I’ve prepared one that I can give to you…”

An Lin’s entire body shuddered upon hearing this!

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