I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088: Wiping out the Opponent by Accident

Something strange occurred at Ling Can City.

For some reason, the Blood Tribe army that was stationed near Ling Can City silently retreated five kilometers.

It had already been hard to make them out before. Now, even with the help of binoculars, they couldn’t be seen.

Why did they suddenly retreat? The soldiers guarding the city were all dumbfounded.

In the beginning, some military strategists thought that the Blood Tribe was performing a tactical retreat.

However, the Blood Tribe—which had been scouting them every day and engaging in small-scale battles once every three days—had already been holed up in the same place for several days. They were extremely quiet.

The students had initially come here to complete their end-of-semester trial. Now, however, they were all lazing around like slackers. There wasn’t even a patrol unit for them to attack, and all of them were stuck on a grand total of zero achievement points.

Finally, General Wang Junming lost his patience. “Something feels off,” he remarked to the soldiers. “The Blood Tribe’s behavior has been far too strange these past few days. They’re definitely scheming something in secret. We can’t sit still and wait for them to move first. We should actively attack them and ruin their plans!”

Just like that, two thousand soldiers and one hundred students started charging toward the Blood Tribe army aggressively.

“General Tyrone! There’s trouble! The army stationed at Ling Can City is charging toward us!” a Blood Tribe scout reported hurriedly.

“What?!” A short and skinny Blood Tribe male abruptly stood up.

Tyrone was the Blood Tribe cultivator who had witnessed Du Lu mysteriously smacked to death.

“I’ve already made so many concessions; why are they still chasing us?” Tyrone’s eyes flashed in confusion as he gritted his teeth.

“Hang on… If that powerful being is still among them, why would they need to go to the trouble of launching an assault?

“Presumably, that powerful being was merely passing by Ling Can City and conveniently killed Du Lu. He definitely wouldn’t be as lame as to linger around with such an army!” Tyrone quickly reached a conclusion, which made him feel exhilarated.

He spread his arms and yelled, “My underlings, you’ve all been holding back for so many days. It’s time to eat some meat!”

The Blood Tribe soldiers all started to whoop in joy. Over these past few days, they could only ingest blood from blood pouches, and they were all on the verge of spewing. Now, they could finally drink fresh blood!

Just like that, under the lead of General Tyrone, the thousands of Blood Tribe soldiers charged toward the human soldiers. The two armies finally engaged in a full-scale battle!

At this moment.


A golden-flame explosion enveloped the entire battlefield!

The force of the explosion was so great that even the earth started to tremor.

Three seconds later…

Tyrone lay in a pool of blood, and his entire body was scorched black. His lips quivered slightly. “How is this possible…”

The two thousand human soldiers also murmured to themselves, “How is this possible…”

The thousands of Blood Tribe soldiers had all been blasted beyond recognition. There were expressions of confusion and agony on their faces, and they all lay on the ground, dead.

The students silently turned their gazes toward a male—their class captain.

Xuanyuan Cheng raised his hands in apology. “I’m sorry… I was too excited and lost control over the power of the blast. I accidentally killed them all and deprived you guys of an opportunity to practice combat skills. It’s all my fault…”

Sword Immortal Ling Xiao was extremely angry. “It was indeed your fault this time! Might I add, next time we meet such trash…”

He pointed toward Xu Xiaolan, An Lin, and Su Qianyun. “You three also abstain from attacking, understand? Please leave more opportunities for your fellow classmates!”

The students that he pointed at nodded in understanding.

Tears trickled down Tyrone’s face when he heard this. There are still three other freaks who can also insta-kill an entire Blood Tribe army?

What kind of sh*tty luck is this?!

Why are these powerful beings hanging out with ordinary soldiers? Simply out of boredom?!

Just as Tyrone was having a mental breakdown, a dog suddenly appeared in his vision. It stared at him intently, and a sinister smile suddenly spread across its face.

“Hehe… There’s actually still a survivor? I’m going to deliver the killing blow, woof!”

A silver wind blade cut through the air, and the severely wounded Tyrone was completely unable to dodge.

This extremely powerful wind blade became the last flash of light that Tyrone saw in his life.

In the last moment of his life, Tyrone came to a tragic realization. It appeared as though… even this dog was more powerful than him…


Blood spurted through the air as Tyrone’s head separated from his body.

The Blood Tribe army—which had had its eyes set on Ling Can City—was been completely wiped out.

The human soldiers started retreating back toward the city. Their faces were all filled with confusion and bewilderment.

So… what the hell had they come here for?

At this moment, General Wang Junming walked up before the soldiers. “Soldiers, just treat this as a field training exercise! It was still fairly productive and fruitful!”

Morale: +1, +1, +1, +1…

Anyhow, Ling Can City had achieved an overwhelming victory in this battle.

Wang Junming and Sword Immortal Ling Xiao stood atop the city wall and gazed at the endless stretch of Dark Marshlands. The sky was dyed a dim-yellow color by the setting sun, and this gave the black stretch of land an additional sense of tragedy and loneliness.

“Fellow Cultivator Ling Xiao, your students are all so powerful. Why aren’t they wiping out all the nearby Blood Tribe forces?” After seeing the strength of Xuanyuan Cheng and the others, Wang Junming finally couldn’t keep his curiosity at bay any longer.

“Because there are enemies who are stronger than us.” Sword Immortal Ling Xiao didn’t want to attract too much attention.

“Enemies who are stronger than you guys?” Wang Junming came to a sudden realization. “You’re afraid of the Return to Void Stage Blood Tribe cultivators counterattacking?”

“No, I’m afraid of Emperor Yi Deng counterattacking,” Sword Immortal Ling Xiao replied solemnly.

Wang Junming: “…”

Emperor Yi Deng is a legendary being of the Blood Tribe. If he really does target something, he’ll most likely target an entire tribe or an entire realm. Why would he target an insignificant little city?

Is this sword immortal overthinking things?

Although he thought this, Wang Junming didn’t say it out loud.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Cheng walked before Sword Immortal Ling Xiao with a torn look on his face. “That um… teacher… There’s something that I want to tell you.”

“Student Xuanyuan, no need to be so reserved. Tell me what’s wrong.” There was a warm smile on Sword Immortal Ling Xiao’s face.

“That um… Student An Lin has left this city. He said that he’s going to seek out a few Return to Void Stage Blood Tribe cultivators to fight. He told us not to worry about him…” Xuanyuan Cheng spit this out with great difficulty.

The smile on Sword Immortal Ling Xiao’s face was slowly replaced by a look of shock. “Didn’t he promise not to cause trouble?!”

“Um… he said that he would conceal his identity,” Xuanyuan Cheng said in exasperation. “He also left Tina with us as a safeguard. He told us not to worry.”

Sword Immortal Ling Xiao rubbed his brows. “What’s the point of him doing this?”

Xuanyuan Cheng hesitated for a moment before repeating An Lin’s absurd excuse, “He said that he’s practicing a cultivation method, and he needs to infuriate supreme beings of the Return to Void Stage or something…”

Sword Immortal Ling Xiao: “…”

Practice a cultivation method by infuriating supreme beings of the Return to Void Stage? What kind of f*cking excuse is this?!

However… against all of the homeroom teacher’s expectations, this was the truth.

An Lin had been extremely bored on the city wall, thus he took a glance at his system. Then, much to his horror, he discovered that the mission progress for the God of War Heaven Blasting Cannon was showing signs of going backward!

The mission of “have ten supreme beings of the Return to Void Stage or above like you” was almost about to fall below ten people!

A large majority of these supreme beings had liked An Lin because of his cooking.

However, An Lin hadn’t cooked for them in two months, and Xu Xiaolan was slowly replacing his position. Thus, this “like” was also shifted…

That’s right, his love had been snatched away by Xu Xiaolan!

The God of War Heaven Blasting Cannon mission was facing grave danger.

In order to receive this spell technique as soon as possible, and in order to avoid any more unforeseen circumstances, An Lin decided to complete his abhorrence-attracting mission as soon as possible.

Currently, the mission progress for “have ten supreme beings of the Return to Void Stage or above abhor you” was only six out of ten.

In other words, he still needed to infuriate four Return to Void Stage Blood Tribe cultivators!

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