I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053: Lan Xiaoni’s Choice

“Pwah!” An Lin’s chest had been punctured, and he threw up a mouthful of blood.

This was the power of the divine dao. And it was an extremely potent power of the divine dao!

A blue spear punctured An Lin’s body; it even pierced through the blue rock behind him.

Black symbols appeared on the spear, from which an extremely terrifying restrictive power burst forth, rendering An Lin completely powerless.

Blood flowed down along the spear before dripping to the ground as his vitality quickly receded.

An Lin’s first reaction was to look at Lan Xiaoni, only to find that she was also looking at him with a dumbstruck expression.

So it wasn’t her…

Then who could it be?

Even with An Lin’s powerful divine sense, he couldn’t detect where his enemy was located.

Right at this moment, an immense life energy erupted from the black crystal gifted to him by Gu Yu, thus withstanding the power of the divine dao from the spear and preventing it from further destroying his body!

Had he been saved?

No… He hadn’t!

An Lin could still feel his body growing more and more feeble, and he was still losing blood.

Gu Yu’s black crystal was only delaying his death!

If things continued like this, he would still be screwed.

A certain force suddenly converged on his finger, slowly tugging loose his storage ring.

“No…!” An Lin let loose a heart-wrenching cry.

This was a cry of grief and indignation that was even more miserable than when his heart had been punctured.

That storage ring had all of his possessions! It was just as important to him as his life!

However, the storage ring flew away in the end.

It flew over to the sacrificial altar, over the clouds of poison and sea of flames and over the scorching river of fire, before coming to a rest on the other side.


A spatial rift suddenly appeared.

This was a white spatial passageway from which a gentle light exuded.

An Lin’s storage ring hovered in front of the spatial rift.

“Big Boss An Lin, are you alright?” Lan Xiaoni let loose a cry of surprise.

An Lin: “…”

Do I look alright to you?!

An Lin opened his mouth with great difficulty. “I’m not alright. I feel like I’m about to die…”

Lan Xiaoni: “I’ll save you!”

Right at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Princess of the Spirit Fish Clan, take that human’s storage ring and depart through this spatial passageway. With that, you’ll have completed the trial of the black ball world.

“All my treasures are also in the storage ring. You can take the storage ring and save the Spirit Fish Clan. This is your mission, and you’ve completed it!”

Xi Haizi’s voice reverberated through the space around them.

An Lin and Lan Xiaoni both faltered upon hearing this.

Lan Xiaoni turned her eyes toward the storage ring hovering in front of the spatial rift. “I… I can take Big Boss An Lin’s storage ring and get out of here…

“I can complete the mission given to me by the Spirit Fish Clan, and all of the treasures will be mine…”

Lan Xiaoni’s breathing accelerated as her eyes gradually began to light up with a scorching light.

An Lin’s heart felt as if it had been plunged into a glacial river.

This was the perfect opportunity for Lan Xiaoni! She didn’t have to do anything, and she would become the biggest winner here!

Everything had become clear.

No wonder Gu Yu had told him that Lan Xiaoni would be his biggest enemy. No wonder the High Priest of the Spirit Fish Clan, Yu Feiyu, was so confident in Lan Xiaoni.

Lan Xiaoni didn’t need overwhelming strength to beat him. Just her bloodline advantage alone was enough to steamroll him!

With a Spirit Fish Clan ancestor here to open the backdoor for her, what did she have to be afraid of?

This final black ball world didn’t even matter.

Lan Xiaoni could harvest all of the fruits of An Lin’s labor.

How infuriating!

In the face of such an unreasonable trial, he could only grit his teeth in rage, completely powerless to do anything else.

The terrifying power of the divine dao within the blue spear was not only destroying his vitality, but it had also sealed his meridians, consciousness, and sea of vital energy. Without a powerful enough external force, there was no way to break this seal.

An expression of despair appeared on his face. If things continued like this, the enemy wouldn’t even have to do anything, and he would still die from excessive blood loss.

Lan Xiaoni was going to take his treasures and depart from this tomb, leaving him behind to die.

Was he going to die here…

“Ah…!” He gripped onto the spear and tried to pull it out as he roared with rage, but he was unable to muster up any strength, and the spear remained in place like an unmovable nail.

Lan Xiaoni’s body shuddered lightly upon hearing An Lin’s roar, and a hint of clarity reappeared in her eyes.

She turned toward An Lin before inquiring, “If I… If I take his storage ring, what is going to happen to him?”

“That’s not something for you to worry about. He is your enemy, and you’ve just met him in this tomb, so why does it matter to you?” Xi Haizi’s voice sounded in reply.

“Is he going to die?” Lan Xiaoni asked in a faint voice.

Xi Haizi did not provide a reply this time. The answer was obvious.

If they just left An Lin here, he would slowly die, no matter how powerful his vitality was.

“Big Boss An Lin,” Lan Xiaoni cried lightly as she stared at An Lin with turmoil and reluctance in her teary blue eyes.

An Lin had never thought that Lan Xiaoni would look at him like this.

They had been competitors from the very start.

An Lin had bullied her and taken all the treasures as he was more powerful. This was undeniable.

However, the tables had been turned, and Lan Xiaoni had used her bloodline as a hack. He couldn’t blame her for that. After all, one’s bloodline was also part of their power.

Hence, An Lin was quite surprised by Lan Xiaoni’s expression.

A hint of hope welled up in his heart. Could it be that she was going to…

“I’m sorry!” Lan Xiaoni wiped away her tears and ran toward the storage ring.

An Lin: “…”

Alright, that made sense. This was no fairytale after all.

He had fallen to this tomb owner with zero moral principles, and there wasn’t really anything else he could do.

Lan Xiaoni plucked An Lin’s storage ring out of the air and carefully put it onto her finger.

She stared at the storage ring on her finger and was dazed for a moment.

She took a deep breath, and her conflicted eyes became resolute and determined.

Lan Xiaoni turned around and quickly flew toward An Lin!

“Roar!” One powerful flaming dragon after another roared as they flew toward the blue figure crossing the river of fire.

“Blue Spirit Ice Bridge!” Lan Xiaoni let loose a clear cry, and her white ball flashed as a bridge imbued with the power of extreme frost appeared over the river of fire, threatening to freeze everything around it.

The flaming dragons crashed into the ice bridge, causing it to tremor violently, but it did not melt.

Lan Xiaoni transformed into a streak of blue light, which quickly crossed the bridge and continued on toward An Lin.

An Lin looked at the unprecedented determination on Lan Xiaoni’s face as she hurtled toward him, and he forgot his situation for a split second. “Are you insane?”

Lan Xiaoni pursed her soft lips, and her determined eyes settled on the spear protruding from An Lin’s chest. “I’m not insane! I was just thinking that this world must have a treasure as well.”

A vibrant smile appeared on her face. “Hence, I’ve determined the spear protruding from your body must be the treasure of this world. How can I just leave it behind?

“I’m taking this spear with me!”

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