I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009: Moment of Happiness

Xiao Chou held Bai Yao tightly in his arms and activated the spatial skipping talisman. After a rush of dizziness, they were teleported to a set of mountain ranges.

“This is…”

Xiao Chou looked around with a confused expression at the unfamiliar surroundings.

“This is a random location fifty thousand kilometers away from Qing Hu City. Only a Dao Integration Stage super mighty figure would be able to track us down! Hence, no one knows where we are!”

Bai Yao was like a little girl as she encircled her arms around Xiao Chou and whooped for joy. “Little Monkey, we’re finally together again!”

Xiao Chou was also extremely elated. “In the past, I used to dream about reuniting with you, but the one thing I didn’t expect is that you’re not disgusted by my looks.”

“Heehee…” A vibrant smile appeared on Bai Yao’s face, revealing two rows of pristine white teeth. “That’s because I’ve gotten used to it from back when we were young. You haven’t really changed much. It’s just that your ugliness has been magnified.”

Xiao Chou: “…”

What a strange feeling…

For some reason, he was not opposed to Bai Yao calling him ugly. Instead, it filled his heart with a sense of warmth.

“Oh, right, hand over your voice transmission talisman.” Bai Yao extended a slim hand.

Xiao Chou didn’t know what was going on, but he still passed his voice transmission talisman to Bai Yao.

Bai Yao placed his voice transmission talisman into her storage ring and unleashed an isolation spell technique.

“What…” Xiao Chou was a little dumbstruck.

What was she doing?

Bai Yao grabbed onto Xiao Chou’s hand with a smile. “Alright, no one can disturb us now. Let us enjoy this happy moment in private!”

“Isn’t that going too far?” Xiao Chou smiled but didn’t offer any objections.

If that was what she wanted to do, then there was no reason for him to oppose her wishes.

“Of course not! I want to enjoy the next month ahead to my heart’s content without any distractions!” Bai Yao’s smile was particularly radiant and enchanting, and she was clearly in a very good mood. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Even prior to the wedding, I’ve been looking forward to the day of the wedding so that I could see you again.

“In the eyes of other people, I’m a flawlessly beautiful woman. All of them tried to curry my favor by praising me or trying to get close to me, and I found that to be quite disconcerting. But you, you still look at me with the same purity in your eyes. You made me feel as if I were still the same adorable little white fox from a century ago.”

Xiao Chou scratched his head with a hint of embarrassment.

He wasn’t actually very attracted to human beauty, which was why he was able to retain his poise and composure amid those vixens in the Seductive Fox House.

However, it was completely different when he looked at Bai Yao.

The woman before him was so beautiful no matter how he looked at her, to the extent that he simply couldn’t help but want to get close to her and live with her like this while looking at the sunrise and sunset every day.

Even just the most mundane life with her would fill him with immense joy.

Thinking back now, the show of anticipation that Bai Yao had displayed from the windowsill of that little house was most likely because she was looking forward to seeing him on the day of the wedding.

Xiao Chou was very thankful that he hadn’t given up then. He was extremely thankful that he decided to attend the wedding. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have this chance to be together with Bai Yao.

Sometimes, one false step really was the only difference between immense happiness and eternal remorse.

Bai Yao transformed into a fox with snowy white fur and four extremely beautiful tails.

She skipped on ahead before looking back excitedly. “Come on, Little Monkey, let’s find a place with good scenery so that we can build our new home!”

“Sure.” A joyful smile appeared on Xiao Chou’s face as he followed Bai Yao.

The little white fox ran on ahead while the little monkey trailed along behind her as they eagerly explored the world around them.

It felt like time had turned back all the way to over a hundred years ago.

Bai Yao smashed a cave into the side of a spirit mountain and made it their new home.

She knew that Xiao Chou loved seeing the sunset and sunrise, as well as the moon and the stars, so she wanted to accompany Xiao Chou in his stargazing. This was the ideal location to do so.

The cave in the rock face gave them a good view of the entire sky and the horizon, and the fact that the cave wasn’t very big gave them a sense of warmth and intimacy.

That’s right, this was the feeling of home.

Thus, Xiao Chou and Bai Yao began their mundane life together.

Bai Yao would watch the sunset and sunrise, as well as the moon and the stars at night, with Xiao Chou.

Xiao Chou would pick fruits and catch fish with Bai Yao, and they would dine on roast fish at night.

Their life together was as mundane as mundane could be, but both of them thoroughly enjoyed this feeling. They felt like they had gone back to their childhood where they didn’t have any worries, and they didn’t need to think about anything other than being together.

This was perhaps the happiness they were pursuing.

The days slowly passed by.

Regardless of whether one was beautiful or ugly, that would all cease to matter over time.

What really gelled two people together was what they had on the inside.

“Little Yao, I-I made this for you. I think it would look very good on you.” Xiao Chou produced an intricate floral wreath from behind his back with a shy expression.

This was a wreath Xiao Chou had made for Bai Yao in secret from the flowers he had picked during their trips around the mountains.

Bai Yao stared blankly at the vibrant and gorgeous floral wreath, and tears began to flow down her face.

“Little Monkey, put it on for me,” Bai Yao said in a faint voice.

“Sure.” Xiao Chou felt like Bai Yao was quite emotional recently, but he didn’t think too much of it and placed the floral wreath on Bai Yao’s head.

“Does it look good on me?” Bai Yao looked up with a warm gaze.

There were still tears shimmering in her eyes, making her eyes appear extremely bright and translucent under the light of the sun.

Xiao Chou nodded. “It looks gorgeous! Why are you crying? Are you not happy with my floral wreath?”

“What… I’m not allowed to be moved to the point of tears?” Bai Yao was slightly displeased.

Her expression was imbued with a natural hint of seduction, which would be enough to entrance any of her onlookers. Unfortunately, Xiao Chou’s poise was astonishing, and he remained as oblivious as a monkey that was carved out of stone.

Perhaps this was because Xiao Chou had grown accustomed to Bai Yao’s beauty, just as how Bai Yao had grown accustomed to his ugliness.

The two of them sat side by side, looking at the sunset in the distance.

The light of the setting sun painted the mountains before them a gentle golden color.

Bai Yao encircled her arms around Xiao Chou’s arms as her snowy white tails wagged gently behind her. She still wore the floral wreath that Xiao Chou had given her on her head.

Even though the two of them weren’t conversing with one another, just being in each other’s presence was thoroughly enjoyable to them.

“Little Monkey… Is Xiao Chou your new name?”

Bai Yao suddenly asked after an eternity of silence.

“Yes. Big Brother An gave me that name. He felt that I was ugly, so he gave me this name.” Xiao Chou’s eyes lit up with a gentle smile.

Bai Yao stared blankly at Xiao Chou’s warm expression. This was the first time she had seen such a vibrant smile on his face when talking about someone else.

“Little Monkey, you have a very good friend in him.” Bai Yao chuckled.

“I do indeed. Big Brother An is a really good person. He would always share everything with us and unconditionally provide us with help and support. Like this wedding for example. He was willing to help me crash the wedding even though it was an extremely risky operation.” Xiao Chou’s words began to flow as he talked about An Lin.

Bai Yao’s arms tightened around Xiao Chou’s arm as she turned to look at the sunset. “That’s great. Xiao Chou won’t be lonely after I’m gone.”

“Hmm? What did you say?” Xiao Chou asked.

“No, nothing…” Bai Yao shook her head.

Xiao Chou furrowed his brows. He felt like there was something wrong.

Bai Yao stared at Xiao Chou and presented to him a gentle smile.

She was slowly losing control of the power of the Frosty Yang Root, but this was perhaps all pre-ordained by fate.

She wouldn’t marry Chen Nan just for her own survival. She would rather spend the rest of her remaining days with the person she loved.

These past few days had filled her with so much happiness and joy.

She no longer had any regrets in her life…

“Xiao Chou, the sunset is really beautiful”

“It really is.”

Xiao Chou looked at the golden glow of the setting sun as a smile appeared on his face.

Bai Yao stared intently at Xiao Chou’s face, wanting to engrave his features deeply into her mind.

“Xiao Chou, I’m tired. I want to sleep.”

“Go to sleep then. I’ll be here when you wake up.”


Bai Yao settled her head on Xiao Chou’s chest. She then closed her eyes with a smile as a tear slid down her cheek.

The sun set below the horizon, and everything gradually fell dark.

The two of them were still nestled together, as if they would remain in this position for the rest of eternity.

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