I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 319 - Chapter 319: Biwei Holmes Rongrong

Chapter 319: Biwei Holmes Rongrong

Translator: 549690339

The next day.


A heart-wrenching scream came from the young baron kneeling on the ground.

The background was a commercial street that Xinyan had burned down again. The background music was also a scene of snow and flowers fluttering…The northern wind whistled, and the heavens and the earth were…Vast Expanse!

TWO city guards and a young man with gold-rimmed glasses stood behind the heartbroken baron.

“Mr. Teddy, we are deeply saddened by your encounter. We will do our best to help you restore the whole story as soon as possible.

“You said the same thing to me last time, but what happened in the end?? How many days have passed, and I didn’t hear from you, but I waited for the second explosion!

Teddy vented his anger.

‘ You know how much money I spent to renovate the entire street. I just got a little better and was about to reopen. In the end, I was hit again!

“Who is it? Who was it? Which damn bastard? I can see that he has his eyes on me and has a grudge against me!

After being scolded by Teddy, the two city guards hurriedly interjected,

“Mr. Teddy, according to our preliminary investigation, the two explosions shouldn’t be related. They weren’t done by the same person. Don’t worry, Mr.


“No connection? What do you mean? Are you telling me that there are two more forces fighting this time, and they even happened to choose my business street as the location?”

Teddy blew his beard and glared. The two city guards opposite him nodded awkwardly.

“From the looks of it…This case is different from the first one. There are clear clues. We have locked onto one of them, which is the notorious underground organization, the Treasure Thief Group. As for the other party, we are still investigating. I believe we will be able to give Mr. Teddy a reply soon.

“Then what are you guys still doing here? Go! ”

After shooing away the two city guard officers angrily, Teddy turned his gaze to the last remaining young man with eyes.

His tone softened slightly.

“Hmph, this group of city guards are all a bunch of good-for-nothings. They’re completely unreliable! ”

“Foreigner, I believe you won’t let me down. Have you made any progress in the investigation I entrusted you with?”

After Teddy said that, the young man with the ID ” Bi Wei Rong ” on his head elegantly adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, then took out a small notebook from his coat pocket.

After flipping it open skillfully, Bi Wei Rong began to report,

“Of course, Mr. Teddy. After my secret investigation these days, I have some preliminary clues about the first explosion case.”


“Yes, that’s right. Accordinz to the time of the exDlosion provided bv the citv

guard, I found that the explosion happened in the middle of the night. There aren’t many people who would be active at this time. Therefore, I visited all the shops within a few kilometers and asked if they were open at night and if they had encountered any suspicious people or things.

“From your tone, you must have found something, right?”

Nodding her head, Bi Wei Rong continued to calmly explain her search process.

” Yes, according to my investigation, there were a total of 12 shops that were still open late at night that night, and only five of them had customers. In the end, I found out from the bosses of these five shops that there were customers and suspicious incidents. In the end, I only locked onto…One family!”

Bi Weirong raised a finger in front of Teddy. The young baron was obviously attracted. He quickly asked,

“Tell me quickly! Which family was it? If he continued to investigate, he would definitely be able to find the culprit! I, Teddy, swear that I will definitely make him suffer!

Teddy said fiercely and nodded in his heart. Look at what professionalism is. It’s completely different from those city guards who only know how to say ” Mr. Teddy, don’t worry “.

It was a pity that he was not strong enough. Otherwise, Teddy would have asked him to be his private sheriff.


“The name of that shop is called Nina Tailoring. “Bi Weirong read out the four words he had written in his notebook.

Alright, there was nothing in the notebook. All the information was recorded in the game’s built-in notebook.

However, why did Bi Weirong insist on taking a notebook? It was not to show off. This would involve the ” professional tools “. We’ll talk about it later.

On the other side.

Nina cutting clothes, why did it sound so familiar?

Before Teddy could react, Bi Weirrong continued to speak. Her eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses flashed with a unique excitement that was only found when she was digging out secrets.

“Mr. Teddy, according to Nina’s tailor boss, there were two groups of people on the night of the accident. The first group was a very young and handsome young man, and the second group was two equally young and beautiful ladies.”

“The boss said that both groups of people had their eyes on the same piece of clothing, but the two ladies who came later took advantage of the time when the man who came first went to the bathroom to buy the clothes first. In the end, when the man came back, he flew into a rage and interrogated him about the whereabouts of the two ladies..

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