I Have Robbed 999 Types Of Powers

Chapter 70 - Chapter 70: Aren ‘t You Just an Electric Ability User?

Chapter 70: Aren ‘t You Just an Electric Ability User?

Translator: 549690339

By the time the storm formed by the plasma subsided, the Deep Sea Army Spirit and the Bloodthirsty Rose were no different from the wreckage of the Bentley.

The terrifying injuries on the Light Priest and the earth mage gradually healed under the effect of the Holy Light. The Light Priest looked at the miserable state of his two trusted subordinates. Although he was furious, he still temporarily retreated outside the wider garage under the obstruction of the earth mage.

The enemy was in the dark, while they were in the light. At this time, it was the wisest choice to stay away from the dangerous area.

Yang Xi saw that the Light Priest had left with the Earth Mage, but he was not in a hurry to chase after him. Without his healing ability, the Light Priest was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He could kill him whenever he wanted.

Moreover, he had planned for so long and had reached the final juncture. Naturally, he wanted to enjoy the fruits of success.

At this moment, the two enemies did not know his location and had already become frightened birds. The longer he dragged on, the more the enemies would lose their patience.

Yang Xi took away two B-class superpowers from the charred corpse.

[Ability: Navy Martial Skills

[Description: Strengthens the strength of the legs. Instantly stomps dozens of times, kicking out razor-shaped air blades to attack the enemy, greatly increasing speed.]

[Rating: B-rank. What does this have to do with the navy?]

[Ability: Bloodthirsty Rose]

[Description: Summon rose vines with human blood. When the number of roses reaches 500, it can release aphrodisiac powder to attack the enemy and make the vines go berserk.]

[Rating: B-rank. Roses always have thorns.])

One of these two special abilities was an Inheritance-type ability, while the other was a Summoning ability. At first, Yang Xi thought that the Bloodthirsty Rose was a wood-type ability.

After breaking down the two superpowers to F-class, Yang Xi had more than 2200 units of dark energy cubes left.

It could be said that Yang Xi had earned an A-class superpower for nothing in this trip to District 2.

Coincidentally, among the remaining superpowers, the C-grade superbrain could be upgraded to A-grade with more than 2000 units of dark energy cubes. Anyway, it was not obvious when the superbrain was used, so Yang Xi simply upgraded it.

[Ability: Super Brain

[Description: Strengthens vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and sixth sense. Strengthens coordination. Able to send out mental shock waves to attack enemies.]

[Rating: A-rank. I don’t want to complain anymore. Let me take my time.]) Yang Xi smiled when he saw the final evaluation of the strip ability.

A Class Sixth Sense?

Yang Xi activated his Super Brain, and the shape, sound, smell, taste, and touch around him became clear. It was like the moment he opened his eyes after a laser surgery for deep nearsightedness.

The world had never been so colorful.

Yang Xi didn’t want to waste his energy, so he stripped him of his power. In the end, he turned out to be another body-strengthening ability user.

It seemed that the body strengthening system would make up half of the cannon fodder in the Esper world.

“Is this sixth sense metaphysics or is it the best choice made by scientific methods after the five senses are strengthened?”

One of the side effects of activating the Super Brain was that he would think about problems involuntarily.

Hearing the screams coming from the garage, the faces of the few officers in the Saint base trembled.

“This… Are we still going to help Boss?”

“Ahem, to be able to attack our Saint’s lair, it can’t be someone from the Hero Association, right?”

“No, I just watched the live broadcast of the heroes. It seems to be an organization in the first district. The members are all terrifyingly strong. They can easily take on two A-class heroes. ”

“Why don’t we wait and see?”

“Isn’t your ability to dig holes? He could just dig a hole on the other side and get out. ”

“Aren’t you afraid that Boss will come after us?”

“Tsk, I’m afraid that the Priest of Light won’t be able to escape today’s incident. Why don’t we take away the organization’s wealth before we leave?”

The low-level ability users of the Saint Organization stared at each other. They were actually convinced by one of the people’s suggestion.

After following the Light Priest for so many years, the Bloodthirsty Rose had been in a state of unease. They would often suck the blood of some officers for their own entertainment. They had long wanted to rebel. Wasn’t this a godsend opportunity?

The light priest and the earth mage, who did not know that their underlings were looting, stood back to back in front of the garage, waiting for the enemy to show themselves.

After he disregarded his stamina and continued to give the Earth Mage mana regeneration and buffs, the uneasiness in his heart dissipated a little.

At least… They had a backup plan to counter the enemy.

However, the Priest of Light wiped the sweat off his face and asked worriedly,””Your earth elemental magic can kill this guy, right?”

The earth mage nodded.” It’s almost ready. This guy should be the mysterious person who attacked us with plasma at the port. The spell I changed this time should be enough to restrain him.

The Priest of Light looked at the dark garage door uneasily. He was still not confident, but he was unwilling to give up the family business that he had built for so many years!

He glanced at the short earth mage and stood slightly behind him.

“He’s here!”

A figure quickly came out of the garage.

The earth mage, who had already gathered a large amount of earth elements, pointed his wand, and a dozen earth elemental creatures crawled out of the ground. There were wolves, foxes, cheetahs, tigers, and so on. It was as if they had used earth elements to move a small safari.

Any of the earth elemental creatures here could take on a B-class ability user. Without the amplification of a light priest and a large amount of time to prepare, an earth mage would definitely not be able to do such a terrifying attack.

“Good! He wanted these small and agile Earth Elemental Creatures. The Elemental Wyrm from before was strong, but it was too huge and would easily become a target! ”

The light priest agreed with the earth mage’s strategy. The enemy was an elemental-type ability user. Facing so many melee elemental creatures, his scalp must have gone numb.

The earth mage also revealed a rare smile. It was a very proud thing that he was the one who had created such a spectacular scene.

Perhaps even some A-class earth elementals could not do what he did. It was a pity that he had lost the flying device of Hero Livestream. Otherwise, his reputation as an earth mage would have been even more famous in the special ability world.

Under the control of the earth mage, these earth elemental creatures ferociously pounced on the enemies who came out of the garage.

Although these were only creatures condensed from elements, their combat strength was probably higher than some C-rank exotic beasts. It would definitely be a disaster if they appeared in the city, let alone trying to deal with a lightning ability user.

Even if he could throw plasma balls to attack exotic beasts, he couldn’t possibly hit these nimble creatures at the same time, right?

As long as there was a single fish that slipped through the net, what awaited him would definitely be a bloody ending.

Seeing the elemental creatures accurately pouncing on their targets and hearing the biting sounds coming from within, the light priest and earth mage let out a long sigh of relief at the same time. He had finally gotten rid of this troublesome enemy.


Just as the two of them thought that the outcome was set, a cold snort sounded behind them.

At the same time, a sharp pain came from their stomachs.

Unknowingly, a black shadow weapon had strung the two of them together.

“This… How is that possible? Aren’t you…Wasn’t he an electric power possessor?”

The Priest of Light clutched his pierced abdomen in disbelief..

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