I Have Awakened The Deduction System

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Chapter 6, Rank First, the King of Primary School Student Olympiade Competition!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 6, Rank First, the King of Primary School Student Olympiade Competition!

Under the principal’s deliberate mixing of ingredients, as expected, the problem became extremely difficult to solve.

At least in the eyes of the group of sixth-grade elite students, it was no different from a heavenly book.


Each and every one of them were scratching their ears and cheeks, completely unable to think of a way to solve the problem.

Ten minutes had passed, but their draft paper was still blank.

Only He Chuan did not sit down, nor did he start writing.

After he finished reading the problem, he stood to the side and did not move.

The principal thought that he had chickened out, so he could not help but laugh and tease, “Didn’t you ask to jump to the sixth grade? Why Don’t you dare to do it when you see the problem?”

“My legs can’t move…”

He Chuan frowned slightly. After a year of studying hard in the library, his condition seemed to have worsened.

Now it seemed that the slightest use of his brain would cause his limbs to fall into short-term mobility disorders.

The principal was slightly surprised and quickly asked about it. Only then did he learn that He Chuan had a strange disease that caused his limbs to be intermittently paralyzed.

He quickly carried He Chuan to the sofa at the side and poured a glass of water.

“If you feel very uncomfortable, uncle will call your parents and ask them to take you to the hospital.”

“It’s an old problem. Just wait for a while.”

He Chuan gently shook his head, “I’ll do the questions first.”

After saying that, he picked up a pen and paper and quickly wrote down the answers to the three questions.

In just two minutes, he had written down the answers to the three questions.

He even wrote down a few alternative solutions and the core formulas and theorems that should be used.

The principal took a look.

Not bad, the result was right.


Why are there some symbols here?

Holy shit!

Isn’t this the university’s formula?

You must be joking!

A four-year-old child used the university’s formula to solve a problem?

He was shocked.

He was completely dumbfounded.

A few primary school students nearby saw the principal’s expression and couldn’t help but come over.

Hmm… The first way to solve the problem… So that was how it was. It was a formula that they hadn’t learned before. No wonder they couldn’t solve it.

Hmm? The second… What the hell were these symbols?

Their expressions started to become the same as the principal’s.

It was just that the principal was well aware of the shock.

And they were ignorant and confused.

That afternoon, the principal took He Chuan here and there.

First, he went to his home and asked his parents for their opinion, saying that He Chuan’s IQ and brain power were far beyond ordinary people, he should not waste time in primary school, and should get a better and more elite education.

This was a good thing, Father He and Mother He naturally would not refuse.

The two young people were also very relieved to let the principal take their children away.

Then, the principal drove He Chuan to the municipality.

The news that their school had a little genius was reported layer by layer, and the deeds that were investigated were shown.

This incident caused a serious discussion in the municipal education bureau.

After a round of investigation, several meetings were held overnight, but still, no one could make the decision.

There was no other reason.

He Chuan’s experience was too shocking.

He was only born a week and could already walk.

He could talk and sing in six months.

He started to talk to adults about his life ideals at the age of one.

He solved junior high school’s Olympiad math problems at the age of two.

He defeated a professional chess player at the age of three.

At the age of four, he looked through the entire library and produced a medical manuscript, which was still at the forefront of the field of knowledge.

Such talent and ability can not be described as genius.

People believed that he was an alien who had been reincarnated in the wrong place.

However, all of this was traceable.

That was He Clan’s syndrome that He Chuan suffered from.

They could only attribute all of the causes to He Chuan’s overactive brain cells.

Only this could explain why He Chuan, who was self-taught and only four years old, used university formulas to solve problems.

After a few discussions, the city leaders still did not dare to act rashly and immediately reported it to the provincial government.

Soon, news came from above.

They said that there was no need to rush to arrange He Chuan’s future. Let him participate in the Olympics and see how he performed.

The Olympics was held as scheduled.

This was a national student gathering.

Delegations from all over the world would participate in the competition. The competition was extremely fierce.

If there was one point difference, it was possible to fall several places.

The test paper was set by a well-known math education expert in the country, and it was much more difficult than the entrance examination.

Moreover, the Olympiad maths examination was not only about the proficiency of mastering the formula, the most important thing was still the students’ ability to think logically.

The process was the most important.

Sometimes the result was right, the process was all wrong, and you did not get a single point.

But if the process was right and the answer was wrong because of careless calculation, then only a small amount of points would be deducted.

He Chuan had the deduction system, so it was not a problem at all in this aspect.

Moreover, it was only a sixth-grade question, so it was not difficult at all.

When the examination papers were handed out, he was still the first to finish the paper and walk out of the examination room.

When the results came out, several days had passed.

He Chuan was waiting in the hotel that was arranged.

The principal was the first to bring the news.

He wore presbyopia glasses and could not hide his excitement. He pointed at a form that he was holding tightly in his hand.

Full marks!

In this Olympiade competition, He Chuan beat the four members of the Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen delegations who had also won the first prize!

These were the celebrity delegations that had occupied the top of the rankings for many years. It had been a long time since they had changed.

Who would have thought that they would be defeated by He Chuan alone this time!

Although the team’s ranking was held back by a few other students in their school and could not make it onto the list.

But with this achievement of being the first in a single person’s ranking was enough for the principal to put this honor on the school’s bulletin board and publicize it for a few weeks!

There was a banquet in the evening, which the Ministry of Education invited all the students who participated in the Olympiade competitions.

When all the students saw that the person who got the first place was a kid who was not even half as tall as them.

Everyone was shocked.

The leading teacher was dumbfounded.

The Big Boss of the Ministry of Education was also dumbfounded.

No one had expected it.

The most inconspicuous person in the examination hall had now successfully stood in the most dazzling place, becoming an insurmountable mountain.

Students who could participate in such a national competition were the most outstanding existences.

It was not an exaggeration to say that they were geniuses.

But at this moment, under the radiance of He Chuan, a four-year-old child, they appeared to be extremely dim.

[Life experience increase, evaluation points increase.]

The familiar voice sounded again after a year.

However, He Chuan knew that he did not need to wait so long to hear this news again.

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