I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 454: One Out of Three

Chapter 454: One Out of Three

The plan for remodeling people into robots proposed by Chen Chen was eventually named the Robocop Plan.

The next afternoon, Chen Chen walked out of Minister Zurama’s office, got into the car with a contented expression, and hurried away.

At this time, on the balcony on the third floor of the Ministry of Resources building, Zurama looked at Chen Chen’s departing figure with a complex expression, speechless for a while.

“The stage is set. All of Namibia is under his charge...”

Watching the car slowly leave, Zurama suddenly had an idea deep in his heart: if this businessman’s car suddenly exploded at this point, would it be more beneficial to the Namibian government?

Although Blacklight Biotechnology would be thrown into chaos and huge economic losses would ensue, Namibia could also take the opportunity to acquire a large amount of wealth and technology. This wealth was even enough to help Namibia surpass the Rainbow Nation and attain the status as the overlord of the African Continent...

However, in the next second, Zurama completely dismissed the idea.

He knew that once Chen Chen died, in addition to the above-mentioned situation, there was another outcome that was more likely. Namely, Mainland China and Northern America would immediately move to seize the assets left by Chen Chen. That pack of wolves would be waiting to pounce. Unless Namibia was willing to go against these behemoths, it could only reluctantly return these technologies to China.

Then, whoever became president would die miserably...

Moreover, if Chen Chen died, who would support his election? Who else could ensure he would sit on the throne of Namibia’s presidency?

Therefore, this thought merely flashed through Zurama’s mind and then disappeared again.

At this time, Zurama’s heart was a complicated mess. On one hand, he hoped that his country could be self-reliant and independent. On the other hand, he hoped that he could hold the highest power in Namibia. These two options were incompatible...

Thinking of this, Zurama could only close his eyes in suffering and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he took out his phone and tried checking his bank account that was opened in Switzerland.

Just now, under the name of this account, an extra 30 million USD had been deposited silently...

Despite seeing such a thrilling number, Zurama’s eyes did not flicker at all. The money had not much meaning for him. Perhaps a few years ago, this huge number would have made him ecstatic, but now, it could only get a glance from him.

Zurama instantly turned off the account, cleared all the usage records, and finally shut down the computer.


While Zurama was running around for the sake of the Person Remodeling Act proposed by Chen Chen, Qian Wenhuan had already started casting.

At this time, Qian Wenhuan sat at the conference table in boredom, watching his team continue to bring in a thick stack of documents from the police station. These documents had been piled up on the conference table until they were the height of half a person, but there was still new material moving in continuously.

“CEO Qian, these are the data of the police officers who are currently injured and disabled in Namibia, from 2000 until now. It’s all here.”

An assistant came over silently and notified in a soft voice, “There are three hundred and twenty copies in total.”

“Very good.”

Qian Wenhuan clapped his hands. Everyone raised their heads reflexively and looked over at once.

“Everyone, I hope we can find someone that fits the requirements of selection in the ‘Robocop Plan’, in accordance to what the plan necessitates.”

Qian Wenhuan reminded. “Because this is just the preliminary selection, the requirements can be more relaxed. After the number of qualified people is finally determined, we can proceed with the next round of screening based on the number of targets.”

“Yes, understood...”

There were scattered replies from everyone. After that, they picked up the documents and opened the envelopes one by one, beginning to read through them.

Qian Wenhuan did the same. He did not hand over this task completely to his subordinates but worked with everyone to screen and search for qualified personnel targets.

The era they were starting with was a bit distant, something they might as well give up on. Firstly, because it had been 25 years since 2000, the police officers who were injured and disabled at that time were at least 40 or 50 years old now. At that age, one’s adaptability and reflexes were greatly diminished. Coupled with years of disability, even if those officers could still move, they would have lost the ability to continue handling cases.

Therefore, Qian Wenhuan focused his search on police officers who were injured and disabled in recent years.

However, in that case, the screening became a little restrictive.

In the next hour, Qian Wenhuan went through more than a dozen files but was satisfied with none. Either they were too old or not sufficiently disabled, only missing a limb or two. There were rarely any cases that were paralyzed throughout the body.

However, on second thought, Qian Wenhuan had a realization again. After all, Namibia’s national strength was inherently weak and neither medical treatment nor other conditions were guaranteed. The people were even more impoverished. Whenever there were any major accidental casualties, those people essentially could not be saved.

Even if they were saved, they would starve to death due to poverty and the loss of their ability to provide for themselves.

Thinking of this, Qian Wenhuan frowned and continued searching.

Finally, an ID photo on a document made his eyes lit up.

It was a white man wearing the uniform of a first-level superintendent. His name was Brooke Humphrey, a resident native who immigrated here when the Germans colonized the country.

He had brown hair and black eyes, not the blond hair and blue eyes unique to Caucasians, but his features were as sharp as a Caucasian’s, with a high nose, deep eye sockets, piercing eyes like a falcon’s, and thin, fine lips.

Brooke was practically bestowed with a righteous and awe-inspiring face. Although he looked a little rough, his face was surprisingly pleasing to the eye.

Immediately, Qian Wenhuan continued to read on.

Brooke was only thirty-two years old this year. Two years ago, when he turned thirty, in a conflict during an arrest, he was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet in his spine.

At that time, the situation was not so bad as to cause total paralysis, but when he was sent to the hospital, the doctor made a major mistake during the operation, which eventually caused him to be completely paralyzed from the neck down.

“Not bad... Young, good-looking, sufficiently injured, and the injury is in line with the publicity plan, now only the two requirements of family and character are left.”

Seeing this, Qian Wenhuan was over the moon. He took out a marker, made a mark on this document to signify selection, and then put the documents back in the file again.

Qian Wenhuan’s only concern was that two years had passed and he did not know whether this person was still alive.

Next, Qian Wenhuan found another relatively suitable file, but unlike before, this was a black man.

This black police detective named Blake Morton was only twenty-five years old. He was ordinary in appearance, so in terms of that requirement, he was a little lacking. Nonetheless, he was of the majority race in this country — that was one thing that could not be ignored.

His experience was even more frightening because he was caught in an ambush by a drug dealer while tracking down a drug case on his own accord. His limbs were cut off and he was left with just his torso, but in the end, he survived tenaciously.

All this happened less than a year ago.

Seeing this, Qian Wenhuan hardly hesitated and directly included this file on the candidate list, with an even higher priority than Brooke from before.

Next, Qian Wenhuan sat quietly for more than half an hour, until he had read all the 40 or 50 documents in front of him. He still did not find another one that met the requirements. Either they were too old or the injury was not serious enough, which meant it would be hard to create the narrative they wanted.

While stretching, Qian Wenhuan raised his head and tossed the two files into the center of the conference table. At the same time, he said, “I’ve selected two. Get on with it and after the first screening, send all the selected targets to my office.”

With that said, he turned and left the meeting room.

Next, Qian Wenhuan returned to his office to check a few documents. It was not until the end of the morning that his secretary walked in with just seven or eight files.

“CEO Qian, all the materials we’ve selected this time are here, please have a look.”

Qian Wenhuan nodded and asked his secretary to put these materials on the desk, after which he took one of the files and opened it up.

This time the process was much faster. After only ten minutes, he had read all the seven documents selected by the team.

Then, Qian Wenhuan hesitated for a while and ultimately kicked out the files of the two oldest police officers. The two police officers were over forty years old. Although they were just entering middle age, they were still dropped by Qian Wenhuan.

Following that, he removed a police officer who had more abstract facial features, and a police officer who was only paralyzed in the lower body, but whose arms were still usable.

In the end, in addition to the two files he had selected before, only one other met the requirements.

This was a man named Hodge. He was different from the previous two. It was because he was chasing a culprit’s vehicle and his vehicle rolled over due to a collision with the other party, which eventually caused a fire and resulted in severe burns all over his body.

This man named Hodge had lost all the skin over his body and at the same time, his hands and feet had been burned to charcoal, reducing his physiological functions. Even his five sense organs had been completely burnt.

The burnt parts also included his trachea and lungs. Now he could only live in the intensive care unit and hang on to life by sheer will.

Looking at the date when the incident happened, it turned out to be only half a month ago. Seeing this, Qian Wenhuan could not sit still anymore. He just stood up and said to the secretary, “Go and inform the company’s office in Windhoek. Ask them to go to the Windhoek General Hospital right now, look for a patient named Hodge, and tell the hospital that no matter how much money it spends, it must save the life of this patient.”

Then, Qian Wenhuan thought for a while and added. “By the way, tell the transportation department of the company that I need a private helicopter for a trip to Windhoek.”


The secretary understood immediately and he quickly walked out of the office.

Looking at the three files in his hand, Qian Wenhuan was caught in a dilemma. He wanted to choose Hodge directly, but the other two were also very qualified, so he thought about it and took all three files. After that, he got into the elevator and went up toward the top floor.

After making that familiar journey to the highest floor, Qian Wenhuan instantly saw Chen Chen sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows opposite the elevator because the entire top floor was an office.

“Old Qian, you’re here.”

Chen Chen did not seem to be surprised by Qian Wenhuan’s arrival. He just stared at the tabletop extremely seriously as if looking at something that ordinary people could not see.

Seeing that Chen Chen was maintaining this posture the entire time, Qian Wenhuan could not help feeling a little mystified. He looked at Chen Chen’s table but became even more dumbfounded because there was nothing on the table where Chen Chen was staring.

“Boss, what are you doing?”

Qian Wenhuan said in amazement.

“I’m looking at the subatomic world.”

Chen Chen did not look up, but calmly replied, “There’s a planet in front of me and there are a group of strange-looking aborigines on the planet, but the lifespan of these aborigines is extremely short.

“Also, because I’m too large, they can’t observe my existence, yet I can look down at them and observe their lifetimes silently...”

Qian Wenhuan opened his mouth again but said nothing. He did not quite understand what Chen Chen was referring to.

“To put it plainly, it means that I’m observing a dust particle in front of me and a group of bacteria on that particle.”

Only then Chen Chen raised his head and a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth. He said, “Old Qian, do you think there’s an observer in the sky above our earth? The reason we can’t find him may not be that he’s hiding, but that we don’t even have the power to discover him...”

“But wouldn’t that be God?”

Qian Wenhuan frowned. At this time, he had been deeply influenced by the dogma of God’s Forbidden Zone and he was completely skeptical about the existence of God.

“No, of course, that’s not God.”

Chen Chen shook his head. “According to the Bible, God created this world, but the observer only observes. He’s not responsible for ‘creation’, but often represents ‘destruction’.”

At the end of this line, Chen Chen suddenly stretched out a finger, pressed it lightly on the desk in front of him, and then wiped it viciously across the surface...

When Chen Chen raised his finger again, a thin black smear had appeared on the desk in front of him.

The dust particle was crushed by Chen Chen.

Seeing this scene, Qian Wenhuan’s expression flickered slightly. Although he understood the meaning of Chen Chen’s words, he did not understand Chen Chen’s actions.

Moreover, could human beings see microbes like bacteria with the naked eye?

Still, Chen Chen had only brought this up casually. He did not explain further, but instead asked, “Has the candidate been decided?”

“Not yet, there are currently three options. I find it a little hard to choose, so I specially came to ask you, Boss.”

Qian Wenhuan shook his head, took out all files of information, and placed them in front of Chen Chen.

He saw Chen Chen turning the pages nonchalantly at a rate of two seconds per page. It only took less than three minutes for Chen Chen to read all the information.

Still, Qian Wenhuan was accustomed to this, because every time he supplied information to Chen Chen, Chen Chen would read it at this speed. Not only would he finish reading it, but he also never forgot the contents of what he read.

At this time, Chen Chen tossed the three files back onto the table. He thought for a while and then said, “All of these three fulfill the requirements well. In this case, why don’t we let them form a group?”

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