I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1189 - The Price of Reinforcemen

Chapter 1189 The Price of Reinforcemen


Above Dongcheng Hospital, two Aurora-20s crossed path for a brief second in the air before they whizzed away.

The 20mm machinegun was like two hoes that ploughed the entire concrete street. Then two incendiary bombs were dropped from the air and exploded over the zombies. They engulfed the mess all over the ground in a sea of ​​fire.

Liu Wendi watched the blazing fire in silence as he became completely dumbfounded.

Just ten minutes ago, when the flood of zombies rushed to the hospital, he thought he was dead.

And now, he finally understood why Jiang Chen told him that help was unnecessary.

Next to him, the four guards he brought shared the same expression. They were already prepared for the worst, to engage in direct combat with the zombies, but now their concern seemed excessive.

The flames gradually extinguished. The zombies that were previously stopped by the burning flame took advantage of the fighters’ time to resupply and swarmed in again.

More than a dozen newly deployed power armors stood on the protective wall, and the minigun barrels spewed out violent tongues of fire as they created a dense firepower net that intertwined on the chaotic street. The rest of the soldiers also set up light machineguns and fired at the zombies at the entrance of the street.

Rows of zombies fell down like wheat being harvested, but more zombies swarmed in one after another.


There was an awful sounding agony.

With its huge belly, the zombie stopped stumbling, and pulled out a baby zombie that was making weird noises from its belly, spun him in her arm, and then tossed the baby to the bunker at the entrance of Dongcheng Hospital.


The baby zombie instantly exploded, and the corrosive venom burned the concrete and formed white smoke along with pungent smells. However, it did not hurt the guards behind the bunker.

Just as the Thrower was about to throw a second baby bomb, blood blossoms exploded on its head as it fell down backward under inertia.

Zhao Qiuran’s left foot stepped on the wall as she swung her hair, loaded the rifle, and continued to aim at the next target.

Although the battle conditions inside and outside the courtyard wall were tense, everything was still under control.

Not considering the power armors on the protective wall, on the AS Order more than two hundred kilometers away, the electromagnetic pulse cannon was locked and loaded and could fire at any second for emergencies. Also, two Aurora-20s were in the air to provide cover fire as they dropped incendiary bombs to clear the battlefield.

Under such circumstances, it was almost impossible for zombies to break through the NAC defenses.

What’s more, most of the zombies were drawn to Pingan Street a few kilometers away.

Behind the battlefield, engineers had built simple barracks.

In the barracks, Jiang Chen was looking at the holographic map as he carefully examined the two subway lines.

Although it had been determined that the entrance of Line 0 was in Line 27 or Line 2, the length of these two subway lines was not short, and it was still a mystery where the entrance was. The mysterious seller only auctioned the ID card used as the key, but he did not auction together the “treasure map”.

Just as Jiang Chen was phased out while he stared at the lines, a NAC officer walked into the barracks, stood next to Jiang Chen, and saluted.


“What’s going out?”

He withdrew his gaze from the holographic map, looked at the officer, and asked.

“The front-line command on Pingan Street bypassed the Survivors Alliance and sent us a distress signal. It seems that their line of defense is almost broken.” The officer reported.

“Bypassed the Survivors Alliance and sent us a distress signal?” Jiang Chen frowned, “What is the reaction of the alliance?

“There is no reaction,” The officer shook his head. “According to reliable sources, after the wall collapsed, the senior leaders of the Shangjing Survivors Alliance headed by Ding Liwei and Wan Peng disappeared together, and even the power armor company of the Second Militia disappeared with them.”


Jiang Chen immediately turned his head and moved his eyes back to the holographic map.

When his gaze stopped on Line 27 that passed under the Pan-Asia Cooperation Building, his pupils contracted slightly.

He reached out, then clicked on the holographic screen and switched to the contact list. After he selected Li Wang, he put his hand on the headset and said in a deep voice.

“The situation has changed, Immediately send reinforcements to the South Gate of Pingan Street.”

“In addition, I need a helicopter and a set of power armor.”

After he ended the call, Jiang Chen immediately looked at the officer.

“You said, the troops of Pingan Street bypassed the alliance and sent us a distress signal?”

“Yes.” The officer nodded.

“I want to get in touch with their frontline commander now, is there any good way to do so?”

The fire gradually extinguished.

Most of the zombie corpses piled up like a mountain were burned away, and the remaining ashes and residues turned into dust in the cold evening wind.

The zombies that stopped because of the fire once again started to move as they swarmed toward the wall.

There were constantly zombies falling down, and zombies constantly stepping on the backs of their predecessors with their arms extended towards the soldiers on the protective wall, scratching indiscriminately.


With his rifle pointed at the zombie under the wall, a soldier pulled his trigger desperately, but his barrel was caught by a thin arm. He was pulled down from the wall and the protective uniform that he wore was like thin paper in front of the sharp claws as his life quickly faded.

One by one baby zombies flew to the wall, to the guard tower, to the ground, and beside the soldiers, and from time to time someone fell in the highly corrosive acid.

More than 2,000 defenders, plus more than 2,000 reinforcements from the militia, Sunday Club, and other survivors.

However, now, there were less than two thousand people left.

In order to fill the half-kilometer defense line gap, Song Chenyu had mobilized the survivors of Pingan Street for the third time, promised heavy rewards to the mercenaries and hunters, amd convinced them to deploy to the wall. As for if the Shangjing Survivors Alliance really possessed crystals after the ten million payment to NAC, he could no longer care.

If they could not get through this current challenge, Pingan Street would become history.

However, Song Chenyu realized in despair that even if the mercenaries and hunters joined the battle, it was still a drop in the bucket to the current situation.

A very serious question was posed before him.

The ammunition reserve was almost depleted.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the silent night sky.

Many people looked up, and then uttered surprised shouts.

“Look! It’s an airplane!”

Countless desperate eyes gradually turned into joy of survival. The morale that had fallen to the bottom of the valley was once again reignited. Fear was swept away from everyone’s heart, and the mercenaries and hunters who had originally planned to flee also picked up their courage and fired at the zombies.

Song Chenyu looked at the sky, and his face was full of disbelief.

Originally, when the messenger explained to him that the agreement reached between the senior officials of the Survivors Alliance and the NAC only applied to the CCCP, he no longer had any hope.

Thus, he didn’t expect the NAC to actually sent reinforcements!

In his excitement, tears filled his eyes.

At this moment, the communication request prompt sounded from his headset.

He rubbed the corner of his eyes, and pressed the on button.


“I am General Jiang Chen of the NAC, if I guessed correctly, you should have seen reinforcements by now.”

Song Chenyu hurriedly said, “Thank you! Thank you so much! I represent all the survivors of Pingan Street——”

“You don’t have to say thank you, you know that it doesn’t make much sense to us,” Jiang Chen stopped him, and continued, “Our people can help you solve all the troubles in front of you, and even in the future. But you know, this is reinforcement outside of the agreement, and there is no free lunch in the world. We only promised to help you deal with the CCCP and did not promise to kill zombies for you.”

Song Chenyu swallowed, and he subtly noticed something was off.

After hesitating for a moment, he stepped aside and said in a low voice.

“The Shangjing Survivor Alliance Council is not here right now, I can’t make a decision—”

“No, you didn’t understand what I meant,” Jiang Chen shook his head, “I’m not asking about the opinions of the Shanghai Survivors Alliance, but the opinions of you and all your soldiers.”

“Join us, this is the only condition for you to get reinforcements,”Jiang Chen said without concealment.

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