I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1186 - The Bloodshed Under The Wall

1186 The Bloodshed Under The Wall

This night in Pingan Street was destined to be a sleepless night.

Pairs of hollow eyes, like the gaze of the Grim Reaper, focused on the bustling Pingan Street from the darkness. In a loud roar that broke the silence, they all turned crimson.

The zombies began to move in hobbled steps. The pairs of skinny but powerful hands extended forward desperately, rushing toward the gap in the giant wall.


The screams resounded through the street and the rapid gunshots formed a slaughter symphony.

The soldiers gritted their teeth and weaved bullet nets with machineguns and rifle bullets in an attempt to repel the zombies. However, a net could trap river waves, but not the rolling sea. Zombies were constantly falling down, but there were more zombies stepping over the corpses.

They felt no pain and feared no death.

Soon, on the empty street was filled with zombies rushing in. The frontline was forced to retrieve to the first barbed wires that were pulled along the street outside the giant wall.

A cluster of flames flickered behind the line of defense. Like dying candles in the wind, they were ready to be blown out at any moment.

“FU*K, there are too many of them!”

Using a bayonet on a rifle to stab a zombie stuck on the barbed wire, a soldier in a chemical protective suit flicked the thick blood on the bayonet and pushed the bayonet forward again, piercing five more throats.

“Use a bayonet! Stab them in the neck and face! Don’t let them get stuck to the wires, FU*K! DAMMIT!”

More and more zombies had ripped the barbed wires with their teeth and nails and were letting out hoarse roars at the soldiers.

However, what really threatened the safety of the line of defense was not the tears, but the zombies that were increasingly crowding the barbed wires.

Of course, they couldn’t tear the strong steel wire, but they could crush the entire wall by sheer quantity!

The firepower of the frontline soldiers became sparser. It was meaningless to shoot any more. The zombies in the front were dead, and they were pressed against the barbed wires by the zombies behind them like a meat shield. The engineers quickly stepped forward and threw heavy objects such as sandbags and garbage bags behind the iron mesh.

However, everyone knew that this method couldn’t stop them for long.

The only thing that could completely block zombies was a huge wall, but the giant wall behind them had fallen…

“Their offense is too fierce!”

“Ammunition! I need ammunition! Get me the ammunition box!”

On the tower, the machinegunners who were suppressing the zombies in the back stopped shooting and cursed at the logistics soldiers.

“We have to wait a while for more ammunition. The supply car is on the way. You must hold on for a bit longer…” The logistics soldier said while sweating.

“F*cking hold? How do I hold without bullets? Shoot you!?!”


The supply of ammunition was not optimistic, and in less than an hour, the machinegun tower that was unleashing firepower became silent.

Without the machine gun to suppress the zombies in the back, the zombies were getting more and more fierce.

The barbed wires were already howling under heavy fatigue and many places were bent and screws were getting popped off.

The soldiers stabbing at the rotten meat began to fear and retreated.

On the wall that had yet to collapse, Song Chenyu looked at the situation on the front line and his eyebrows twisted.

Suddenly, he slammed his fist on the wall and he ordered the officer behind him.

“We can’t wait any longer, get the Kamikaze Squad to go.”

The expression of the officer who heard the order turned serious. He saluted and stood upright.


The deafening broadcast sounded.

On the front line, soldiers wearing chemical protective suits began to evacuate from the edge of the barbed wires.

At the same time, a group of people wearing armor shaped like football players passed by the retreating soldiers. They carried a chainsaw with both hands and stepped on the battlefield from behind the line of defense. The line of sight behind the tempered glass and iron mesh mask did not show the slightest fear, and their advancement did not show the slightest hesitation.

They were all refugees from the slums.

Before the armor was welded, they were injected with an agent that dissipated their fears.

Behind them was a temporarily-built, two-people tall concrete wall and many places had yet to solidify. However, this seemingly unreliable wall was the last line of defense on Pingan Street.

They must hold the line before the engineers build the third protective wall.

Otherwise, everything they had accomplished would go to waste.


The barbed wires gradually collapsed.

They stood in a row behind the barbed wire and like medieval knights, they raised the chainsaw in their hands.


The growl seemed to dispel the fear in them, and the chainsaw in their hands pushed forward.

At the same time, they pressed the switch.

The roaring chainsaw spurred forward. Only brief contact was needed for a zombie to lose a limb.

The minced meat and solidified blood danced in the air. Even survivors who were used to the cruelty of the world would vomit. However, the Kamikaze Squad members in hell showed only numbness in their eyes.

For normal zombies, the row of hand-held chainsaws was far more effective than rifles, machine guns, and even mortars. However, the Kamikaze Squad was about to face a nightmare with the more dangerous “mutants”…


There was a scream. A skinny zombie flexibly clung to the head of a Kamikaze member. Its sharp claws pierced through the fragile guard’s neckline within a single second. The stick-like limp penetrated his collarbone and pulled out the contents inside his stomach and intestines.

In two breaths time.

The cruelty of the death was abnormal, and the emotion of fear began to overwhelm everyone.

Someone shouted.

“It’s a Night Demon!”

Night Demon!

As the name suggested, it was a zombie-type mutant that only appeared at night. Although its power and defense were not strong, its terrifying speed and aggressive attack techniques make it one of the most frightening zombies. It was considered even more fearsome than the Roshan.

In particular, its ability to analyze weaknesses was insane as his claws could always find the most vulnerable places to penetrate.

The line of defense formed by the “football team” was quickly folded like paper in front of the night zombies. Then they, along with their roaring chainsaws, drowned in the sea of zombies.

Only ten minutes passed since the zombies broke through the barbed wires and collapsed their line of defense.

While they were completely eliminated, the sacrifice of these cheap pawns still gained Pingan Street valuable time to consolidate its defense.

The retreating soldiers stepped onto the protective wall, took the ammunition from the hands of the logistics soldiers, and began to fire from their machine guns on the shooting tower again. However, the still faced immense pressure because dangerous species were appearing in the zombie flood.

Not just Night Demons, but also Roshans, and Throwers tossing infant bombs.

Standing on the giant wall, Song Chenyu looked down at the battlefield with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, a soldier ran up, breathless.

“Report, reinforcements, reinforcements have arrived, and supplies have been successfully sent to the soldiers. The logistics department said that they are adding orders to the military factory, and the second batch of ammunition will be sent soon. Leader Ding has personally issued an order for us to hold on to the line of defense!”

“Where are the NAC’s reinforcements? Why are they so silent!” Song Chenyu said, gnashing his teeth.

Also where is Leader Ding.

As the leader, why isn’t he showing his face during this critical moment!

However, as a subordinate of Ding Liwei, these words could only be hidden in his mind.

“I don’t know, there seem to be zombies at the North Gate. They are now being surrounded…”

“Don’t they have planes!” Song Chenyu snarled.

The soldier stuttered and was unable to provide a response.

Why did the NAC not lend a helping hand at the juncture of this crisis?

It was not something people at his level would know.

Under the giant wall, the zombies were still frantically biting the defense line of Pingan Street Guards. Many mercenaries and hunters had also stepped onto the wall to aid the effort.

Song Chenyu tightly clenched his fist as he fixated his sight at the endless waves of zombies.

He could only pray that the last line of defense could last till dawn…

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