I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1144 - There is No Permanent Alliance

Chapter 1144 There is No Permanent Alliance

After Loki said this, Jiang Chen finally understood why he chose to meet him at this place.Indeed, it was absolutely safe here.

Due to the distance, the communication channel between the Moon and Earth was completely under Celestial Trade’s control. He didn’t need to worry about the CIB’s presence. Although Jiang Chen felt that he was being overly cautious, Loki still insisted that it was necessary.

After the banquet, Xia Shiyu went back to the hotel and Jiang Chen went to the lounge next to the banquet hall with Loki.

After they sat down, Loki took out the cigar box from his suit pocket, pulled out a cigar and put it in his mouth. He was just about to take out his lighter when he suddenly stopped and looked to Jiang Chen, “Do you mind?”

Jiang Chen shook his head.

“Thank you.” Grinning, Loki grabbed the cigar cutter and skillfully cut the cigar head. After he lit the cigar on fire, he blew out a ring, fully satisfied. He raised his eyebrow and offered, “Do you want one?”

“I’ll pass.” Jiang Chen shook his head, leaned backed on the chair, and then looked at the old man enjoying himself. “Let’s get to the point—”

“Kerry is preparing to participate in the 2020 election,” Loki said nonchalantly as he also leaned back into his chair.

Jiang Chen took three seconds to digest his sentence and then raised his eyebrow.


“It seems that you aren’t informed of the intelligence from the Capitol.” Loki grinned and shrugged. Through the smoke clouds, his eyes were filled with mysteriousness, “Do you know who is supporting Kerry?”

“Who else other than Wall Street?” Jiang Chen laughed. “This question is just as boring as asking why Zhang Yaping can be re-elected year after year.”

“No, no, no,” Loki swayed the cigar between his fingers. “There are a lot of companies on Wall Street. You can’t consider Wall Street as a whole. My question is, who do you think is the main supporter behind Kerry?”

You can’t consider Wall Street as a whole.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered as he carefully pondered the meaning behind this sentence.

Loki looked at the silent Jiang Chen and didn’t seem to be in a hurry. He continued to enjoy his cigar, waiting for Jiang Chen’s answer with the same mysterious grin on his face.

The silence lasted another five minutes before Jiang Chen spoke up.

“Obviously, you can tell me.”

“Yes, I can tell you.” Loki straightened his back, extended his finger and wrote on the table. After Jiang Chen looked over, it was an uppercase “M”.

Jiang Chen frowned as he looked at the movement of his hand,


Jiang Chen was not surprised by Wall Street’s manipulation of the election since it didn’t just happen once or twice. The existence of K Street and political contributions exist exactly because of this. As for why Kerry decided to run for the election, Morgan’s decision to invest, while he was somewhat surprised, it was nothing astonishing.

What surprised him was that Loki told him all these things.

“Yes. I can tell you, Kerry has already got the CIB on board,” Loki leaned back against the chair again, crossed his fingers over his knees, and then continued. “The FBA is investigating members of Congress, and the CIB is closely watching the FBA. It’s interesting, isn’t it? I bet that the 2020 election will be the most exciting one in history.”

“The most interesting thing is that you gave this information to someone who is not friendly with the UA.” Jiang Chen’s smile seemed to be embedded with a deeper message. He looked at Loki with intrigue, “Can you tell me why you are doing this?”

“Haha, you and I are all businessmen. Do you think that nationality is something very important to us? If you really care about such an identity, you wouldn’t have created a new one for yourself.”

As Loki explained, he took out a photo from his suit pocket and threw it on the table.

Jiang Chen looked at the photo and was just about to ask when Loki began to explain.

“Joseph Kennedy.”

Jiang Chen frowned.

“Except for the surname Kennedy, I have never heard of someone named Joseph.”

“Why does that matter? Many successful candidates were unknown to the masses before they took part in the election.” Shrugging, Loki blew out another smoke ring. “The election is like a horse race. You have to find a prospective candidate with potential and as long as we are willing to bet on them, there is always a chance. For example, the dark horse in 2008, who knew about him before 2007?”

“Oh? Then why do you think I will participate in your gambling?” Jiang Chen laughed. “To put it blatantly, these are your issues.”

“Because I will give you enough benefits,” Loki stared into Jiang Chen’s eyes. “If Kennedy is elected, we can consider giving you Nippon, or even join the Earth Defense Alliance.”

“I have to say, this proposal is really attractive, but your credit history is not convincing,” Jiang Chen looked at Loki with a sly smile. “To be honest, I don’t trust you. What can do you do to make me believe that you will fulfill your promise? There are only a handful of people in the world that can guarantee a 50% chance in any election. If you can’t even guarantee it for yourself, how can you guarantee it for me?”

When Loki heard Jiang Chen’s words, he smiled and took the photo back.

“Let’s not worry about Mr. Kennedy for now. Have you considered the consequences of Kerry being elected?”

“Do you think Celestial Trade is still the Celestial Trade two years ago?” Jiang Chen spread his hands, “Even if Roosevelt climbed out of his grave, do you think I would care?”

More than two years ago, in order to open up the desalination market in the Middle East, High Tech Freshwater was forced to go public on NASDAQ to reduce the UA’s vigilance. At that time, Celestial Trade was just like an ant in front of the UA. Any of the free world’s aircraft carrier battle groups could give the Pannu people democracy.

However, now, even if the UA sent all of its aircraft carrier battle groups to the Western Pacific Ocean, at most, it would be a lose-lose situation for Celestial Trade. Even if Kerry does get elected, what could he do?

“Well, I believe that you are strong enough to ignore the military power of the entire NATO,” Loki shrugged and stretched out the hand holding the cigar. “But now there are better choices in front of us, why don’t you consider it? Mr. Kennedy will put more emphasis on the space industry than all previous presidents, advocate for erasing the prejudice between the two countries, abandon the new Cold War mentality, and fight against the extraterrestrial civilization… everything I’m talking about will be included in his speech. These are not empty promises.”

After Loki said all this, he pressed his hands against the armrests and slowly stood up. He threw the burnt cigar into the ashtray and looked at his watch.

“I will stay here for two more days. I hope that you can seriously consider our offer. If we join hands, we may be able to avoid an unnecessary war.”

After that, Loki walked to the door.

“There is still a question that I don’t quite understand,” Jiang Chen watched as Loki head to the door, and abruptly said. “Aren’t you part of WASP?”

Loki let go of the door handle, turned around, and said in a ridiculing tone.

“When Mr. Rothschild was still alive, weren’t we all allies in the same trench?”

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