I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 992

992 Chapter 1033: kidnapped again…

“Cabbage? What’s wrong? Doesn’t the meat smell good?”


That night, at the bonfire banquet, Wang Goudan was happily holding two half-meter-tall skewers of meat. Just as he was about to find a cool place to enjoy them, he suddenly saw a dazed little cabbage sitting not far away.

Goudan walked up curiously, only to find that the other party was holding a piece of star Rhino thigh meat in a daze, so he asked curiously.

“Ah?”Little cabbage was stunned for a moment, then looked at the thigh in his hand and nodded. “It’s very fragrant! Father Dog’s cooking is really getting better and better!”

“That’s true!”Gou Dan smiled proudly, but then he said, “Since it’s fragrant, why don’t you eat it? I remember that you snatched this meat half an hour ago, right? According to your usual appetite, shouldn’t it take at most three minutes?”

“Is that so…”little cabbage replied absent-mindedly, but his eyes were obviously lost in thought… …

“Hehe!”Eggface immediately waved the meat skewer in front of little cabbage in dissatisfaction. “Don’t ignore me even if you ignore the food…”

Little cabbage was stunned for a moment, then he revealed an embarrassed smile.

“Did something happen?”Eggface sat down at the side and asked curiously.

“Yes…”cabbage lowered her head, recalling the conversation Alice had with her during the day.

“Do you still have contact with him?”


What did “Yes”mean?

Cabbage had a complicated look in her eyes. She was just asking casually, but she did not expect to get such an answer. In an instant, she did not know how to continue asking.

Back then, in order to accept Alice, she had learned a lot about the undead from the Liege. She learned that it was unlikely to come out of that world after entering it.

Alice said that she was in contact with someone else…

How was she in contact? Was it like a phone call between life and death?

Thinking about it, it was unlikely.

But if that was not the case, then how was she in contact with the other party?

Was she really a person who had no other choice but to rely on her?

She… did she come with a Purpose?

Bai Cai’s mind was in a mess, and her heart was empty. She could feel that Alice was very good to her. Ever since she was young, she didn’t have many friends because she was sloppy, so she was a person who was good to her from the bottom of her heart, she was very sensitive, which was why she became closer to Alice in her daily life.

Unlike those people in the orc tribe, those people respected themselves, respected their magical power, and could bring them the power to feed themselves, but Alice was different. She treated herself purely well. That feeling was different from how she felt as a person… …

But what if it wasn’t Pure?

Little cabbage pursed her lips, unable to calm herself down. She didn’t dare to continue the conversation from yesterday, because she was afraid, afraid that she would get the result that she didn’t want to know the most…

After thinking for a long time, little cabbage realized that she seemed to have ignored Goudan again, so she quickly came back to her senses and wanted to apologize, but when she looked up, she realized that Goudan had already disappeared.

It was not just Goudan. She realized that the originally lively bonfire party had also gone silent. This made Bai Cai momentarily stunned, and she thought gloomily, “No Way? Could it be that the moment I went into a daze, the party had already ended?”

“What is she thinking about?”A dull voice suddenly rang out in the silent night. The voice was as hoarse and dull as metal, and Bai Cai frowned when she heard it.

“Maybe she’s thinking about whether she missed the whole banquet or something…”an indifferent voice responded to the metallic voice.

This indifferent voice made little cabbage tremble. It was Alice’s voice… …

“Oh? Is she so natural?”


“You really know her well…”

Alice was silent for a while before she finally said, “It’s not difficult to figure out a person who doesn’t have complicated thoughts, is it?”

“Ha…”the unpleasant voice snorted but did not continue speaking. Instead, it took the lead and walked forward.

Little cabbage slowly raised her head and looked at the person who was talking to Alice.

It was a tall Tauren. Unlike ordinary Tauren, it had a few disgusting bumps on its body, like rotting flesh that had degenerated.

She was certain that this was not a proper Tauren, and that a proper Tauren should not make her hair stand on end.

“Go…”Alice looked back faintly at the small cabbage road.

Bok choy looked around, do not know when, she has arrived at the new territories crack position, she suddenly realized… . Turns out it’s not the bonfire party that’s over, but I’m a long way from the bonfire party… …

It turned out that… he had been kidnapped again…

———- —

Little cabbage had gone missing!

This news quickly spread throughout the great lord incident the next day. In order not to cause panic, the Huaxia city officials had discussed with the various lords and decided to seal off the news!

However, the disappearance of people one after another was something that could not be tolerated, especially for those Lord players. If a great lord like little cabbage could go missing for no reason, what about them?

The sense of crisis immediately made all the lord-tier players nervous, and they all joined in the investigation.

As the players also wanted to find the reason as soon as possible, they became very cooperative in the face of the official inquiry.

Elder long led the entire data team and began to investigate the entire incident.

“According to AI, little cabbage, Luo Xiaojia, suddenly left the scene during the banquet and walked toward the location of the crack in the new world without any warning. The entire process was not monitored by anyone else. However, when she approached the crack, a strange magnetic field suddenly appeared there, causing Ai to lose the surveillance footage…”. “…”

“He walked over on his own?”Candy Bean and the other developers frowned as they watched the video. Little cabbage looked absent-minded and his eyes were unfocused, as if he was unconscious.

“Could he have been hypnotized?”

“Hypnotized again?”

Many of the developers had solemn expressions on their faces.

This was because when they watched the entire video, there were no outsiders around. Little cabbage was directly hypnotized and walked away. This method was so strange that it gave people goosebumps.

If the other party had the ability to hypnotize a high-level player like the cabbages from a distance, did that mean that they could do the same to them?

It also meant that no one would be safe now!

When they thought of this, the developers who had quick reactions all had gloomy expressions.

“It might not be a long-distance hypnosis…”among the many developers, Lei Xue was the first to raise an objection. “Perhaps the hypnotist is among the crowd, but we haven’t discovered it yet.”

“Why do you have this idea?”Elder long looked at Lei Xue and asked.

“Because of that banquet…”lei xue said seriously, “If the other party has the ability to hypnotize little cabbages long-distance, they can hypnotize little cabbages to leave at any time. Why did they deliberately choose the lively bonfire banquet?”

“I think that maybe it’s because only in such a lively scene can the hypnotist take advantage of the lively scene to come into contact with little cabbages and perform hypnosis!”

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