I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 970

970 Chapter 1009: Royal Bloodline activated!

What… What was that sound?


The soldier slowly retreated, his muscles tensing up as he looked around vigilantly. He had experienced this feeling after becoming what he was now. In some forbidden areas that were clearly marked by their masters.., there were some existences that could make their hair stand on end just by their aura!

When he had been on Lord Swein’s expedition and had no choice but to pass by some restricted areas in the forest, he had felt this kind of feeling very strongly. He remembered that time when he passed by the location of a canyon’s cold pool, in the waterfall.., a huge cold pupil passed through the waterfall, and with just a glance, it made the 100,000 elite soldiers dare not move. It was only when Lord Swein showed a blue rune that the terrifying pressure gradually dissipated.

According to Lord Sweyne, many places now had top-tier biological weapons secretly nurtured by their master, and they were sternly warned not to enter the forbidden zone.

But this was clearly outside the forbidden zone! How could there be such a feeling?

Although this feeling was not as intense or as sharp as the fear, it was heavier, so heavy that it made him feel like kneeling… …

Dong Dong, Dong Dong!

The sound continued to ring like a drum. The entire space was extremely dull. No one knew how much time had passed. It was as if a century had passed. Everyone stood on the spot numbly. Their sweat had completely soaked through their clothes, it was as if they had been drenched by a rainstorm.

Finally… … Brother Dog, who had caused all of this, slowly raised his head. His pair of eyes turned from Orange to gold. They were like the sun, lighting up the entire cellar.

The female knight who saw this scene was finally completely certain!

This kid had the bloodline of the Titan Royal Family! !

But… why would he appear here?

To be honest, it was already unreasonable for a Green Titan with such a pure bloodline to appear in such a remote place. The appearance of the royal bloodline was completely a magical story… …

After all, as a titan powerhouse, she was very clear that the once powerful branch of the Green Titan had long disappeared without a trace. There was no longer any mention of the royal family in the Titan bloodline… …

“It’s You! !”Compared to the female Knight’s shock and inner core, the soldier was even more shocked at the current appearance. When he saw Brother Dog’s pair of golden eyes that carried an incomparable pressure, the soldier’s face was filled with disbelief.

He did not understand, why would a primitive life form that his master described as inferior have such a terrifying pressure?

Brother Dog expressionlessly raised his long spear and slowly pointed it at the opposite side. At this moment, his state was very blurry. All of his actions were completely based on his body’s instincts and the ancient memories from his genes.

What a strange starting stance…

The soldier looked at the other party with an extremely grave expression and tightly held the sword in his hand. The other party’s starting stance was extremely strange, but it also contained a hidden pattern. In an instant, he had the illusion that the entire world was revolving around him!

Imperial stance! !

The female Knight’s breathing quickened. Although she had only heard of this kind of thing in the records of countless historians, it was definitely the first time she had seen it with her own eyes.

However, as a titan with a high purity of blood, even if it was the first time she saw it, she could instantly recognize it. This was a secret technique from the Titan Imperial family. It was a type of memory that was carved in the genes, and it was the most realistic, and it would definitely not have any errors in the memory!

“You… who exactly are you?”The soldier retreated repeatedly. Before they even exchanged blows, he realized that it was impossible for him to win. Even if he had the divine sword bestowed by his master, it was impossible for him to win… …

Brother Dog did not say anything. He raised his hand and thrust his spear forward. At that moment, everyone felt as if the entire world had gone silent. Everything seemed to have been wiped out by that spear.., in the next second, the soldier who was dozens of feet away disappeared from the spot.

The physical and spiritual sense of it disappeared completely, including the Heaven’s fate sword, which surprised the female knight. It also disappeared with its master, leaving only a black shadow on the spot!

Seeing this scene, David and Bob froze on the spot, feeling as if their entire worldview had collapsed. Although they did not know what Titan was, nor did they know what imperial bloodline it was, their biological instincts could feel it, it was an incomparably great move, perhaps even greater than this world!

———— —

At this time, the Count’s mansion was in a dispute because of Sunny’s disappearance.

“Why didn’t anyone mention this to me?”The Earl roared angrily in the hall. “My daughter has been missing for a day and you’ve been keeping this from me? What do you want? What do you want?”

At the end of his sentence, the Earl looked at his current wife angrily.

The Earl’s wife sat on the ground with a pale face. At this moment, she gave up on her last bit of hope. It was obvious that the earl was going to let her take the blame.

She had actually thought of it long ago. The man she married seemed to dote on her very much, but he was actually a person with a cold nature! She should not have been surprised that he would do this. Why should she have any hope?

At this moment, in the hall, the Duke of Red River, Bondi, looked coldly at the acting count and walked toward the south courtyard expressionlessly.

“Sir… sir…”the count quickly went forward. “Be careful. There might be orcs hiding in that position…”

Bundy did not even look at him and walked straight out. The Count and the others followed behind him. Luke, who was originally dragged by Bundy to see her granddaughter, also had a cold expression on his face.

How could a descendant of the direct line of descent of the Count’s mansion, who had gone missing for a day, not know about this? This proved how terrible the situation was for the granddaughter that Bondi had always been talking about!

The few of them followed the earl all the way to the residence of Sunny, whom the servant had mentioned.

It was an incomparably simple and shabby small courtyard. Along the way, the other young ladies’courtyards were filled with incomparably exquisite pavilions and gardens. Only the south courtyard was incomparably desolate and overgrown with weeds, it was obvious that there were not enough gardeners to take care of it before it became like this.

The courtyard was relatively clean, but there weren’t any noble flowers in the garden. There were only a bunch of neat cherry trees and some easy-to-raise orchids.

The cherry trees were growing very well. They had obviously been meticulously taken care of.

Bundy stood rooted to the ground. Looking at the cherry trees, his originally cold and hard face softened. Then, the iron-like tough man’s eyes suddenly turned red.

“Bundy?”Luke slowly walked up, puzzled.

Bundy muttered, “Elena loved to eat cherries when she was young, so she planted a bunch of cherry trees in her small yard…”

Everyone was silent. The count behind him was extremely pale. From his words, it seemed that the old Duke did not care about his daughter, but why had he not contacted his daughter for so many years?

This made him mistakenly think that Elena had no value, but he did not expect…

“These footprints…”Luke lowered his head and changed the topic of Bundy’s sadness. He was concerned about the fact that there was indeed a footprint on the ground that was obviously not a human’s.

Bundy glanced at it and stared coldly at the count. “You said that yesterday, after the orcs invaded, you sent Elites to protect Sunny?”

“Yes… yes…”the count quickly replied.

“Then why are there no footprints of your elites in this courtyard?”Bundy said coldly. “Even if you came late and didn’t make it in time, there must be footprints, right?”

The count immediately broke out in cold sweat. He quickly turned around and roared, “Jaime, last night, when the orcs broke in, didn’t I tell you to send Elites to protect Miss Sunny immediately?”

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