I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 966

966 Chapter 1005: Invasion

Can you imagine such a F * cking thing?


You had no choice but to temporarily hand over your beloved daughter to another man to take care of, but the moment you came back, you already had a child! !

The key was that it hadn’t even been half a day! ! !

“Is it cute?”Sunny was still smiling sweetly.

“Cute…”David stammered back.

“Uncle David, do you want a hug?”Sunny offered the doll as if it was a treasure.

“I. . .”David took two steps back. “I need to slow down first. My legs are a little weak…”

After saying that, David turned around and glared at Brother Dog who was not far away. “What the hell is going on?”

Brother Dog shrunk his neck and said carefully, “This… this is an accident…”

David’s eyelids twitched. These words made him want to draw his knife and chop people even more!

“Uncle David, this child is so cute. How about we adopt her?”Sunny said carefully. She found that Uncle David didn’t seem to like this child…

She was obviously so cute…

The baby girl arched her nose and was expressionless. She had temporarily accepted her current situation. The only thing she could do now was to hide and see how to break the damn seal.


David’s expression relaxed a lot when he heard this word. He thought to himself, I told you, eggs can’t be laid so quickly… …

But the next second, David’s face turned fierce. “Who told you to go out without permission? Didn’t I tell you to stay here? And where did you steal this child?”

“Uncle David, don’t talk nonsense…”sunny immediately arched her nose and said, “I wouldn’t steal a child. This is what my orc brother conjured…”

David’s expression froze. He looked at brother dog in shock, “You have this skill?”

Brother Dog:”…”

No matter how he looked at it, this orc didn’t look like a female. His voice was so thick, and his Adam’s apple was bigger than a goose egg…

Brother Dog was about to explain when his expression suddenly tensed up. He suddenly looked at the entrance of the cellar.

David was stunned and looked over as well. Then, he saw a red-bearded general in white armor!

“Sir Bob! !”David instantly recognized the other, is the original Peter Family Ace Knight: Bob. Lord Buiter.

“That guy, Luke, is such a good judge of character… . “the red-haired general had a gloomy look on his face. “I thought that a veteran of the battlefield who was trained by Old Bundy would have the basic character of a Knight no matter how depraved he was. I didn’t expect him to fall to the level of colluding with Orcs!”

“Sir… Please listen to my explanation!”David quickly said.

“Explanation?”Bob pulled out the sword on his waist. “Go and explain to the inspection team. My responsibility is to send you to the inspection team…”

“Don’t arrest Uncle David, Uncle David is not a bad person!”Sunny quickly held the child and leaned forward.

“Miss, come back!”David nervously grabbed sunny back. At this time, Sir Bob’s attitude was unclear. It would be bad if Miss Sunny was hurt.

Thinking of this, David looked at Brother Dog and signaled him to help explain.

However, he found that Brother Dog didn’t even look at Bob. Instead, he looked in another direction with a serious expression.

“Hey… that… what… Hell’s roar, hurry up and explain the misunderstanding…”David urged.

Hearing this, Bob’s expression tensed up, and he muttered, “Hell’s Roar?”

Judging from the size of the other party, it was obvious that he was not an ordinary person. And in the orcs, most of the people who could be named as Hell’s roar were royalty!

Why would a royal orc appear here?

Moreover, wasn’t the name Hell’s Roar a little too arrogant?

According to what he knew, many Orc clan leaders only had names like Gale’s roar, Thunder’s roar, and so on. Even the leader of the Destruction Hammer tribe, Destruction’s roar, did not feel as imposing as the other party’s name.

“Retreat…”brother dog slowly picked up the long spear on the side.

Seeing this, David’s expression changed, and he shouted, “Don’t you dare act recklessly! !”

Bob’s pupils constricted. He didn’t dare to be careless in dealing with this kind of royal orc. His muscles bulged, and he jumped down from the entrance. The huge sword in his hand was like a bolt of lightning, fiercely slashing towards brother dog.

In an instant, the dim cellar, which only had some light, was illuminated by his sharp sword light. This sword light almost made David’s breathing stop.

He couldn’t help but think that it was terrible, and then he quickly protected sunny behind him.


A crisp sword sound rang out, and the sharp sword light suddenly stopped. The shocking sword light turned back into an ordinary broadsword in front of a huge palm.

Bob’s entire body trembled, and he looked at the other party with a face full of disbelief. He had not held back just now. As an old general on the battlefield, he had used 100% of his strength in the face of a Royal Beastman!

He was confident that even if the destruction roar came personally, he would not be able to receive this sword with his bare hands!

However, this Beastman had done it so easily. He did not even turn his head back, his eyes still looking in another dark direction.

This kind of contempt made bob extremely embarrassed and angry. The veins all over his body bulged, and his golden battle spirit soared. He wanted to pull his sword back, but he found that even after using all his strength, the broadsword still didn’t move at all.

Brother Dog slowly tilted his head and glanced at the other party. In an instant, Bob’s imposing manner completely disappeared, and he felt his blood turn cold… …

He also instantly understood that this guy in front of him and he were completely on a different level… …

Who Was this guy? He had been fighting in the north for more than forty years and had never heard of such a person!

“Old Man, don’t cause trouble. Step Back…”seeing that the other party was obedient and let go of his palm, Bob immediately staggered back and then looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

He could feel that this guy had no killing intent toward him at all.

Otherwise, with his strength just now, he would have died long ago!

David was also dumbfounded. He knew that the sword saint of the fire tribe was very powerful, but how could he be so powerful? That was a great general, the top-notch combat strength of the Steel Martial Empire!

Brother Dog ignored the astonishment of the two people and looked at the other end of the cellar with an extremely grave expression. David had told him that that position was leading to the back mountain outside the city.

He could clearly feel that something very bad was coming… …

Brother Dog had this feeling before. When he first met those void creatures on Mars, he had the feeling that all his hair stood on end!

That was the feeling of threat!

Ever since he stepped into the new world, it had been a long time since he had this feeling… …

Bob also noticed the direction that brother dog was paying attention to. He looked over in puzzlement. After a few breaths, a terrifying chill welled up in his heart.

This feeling was also very familiar to Bob. Just a few days ago, when he was attacked by some terrifying fellows, he had this feeling.

Could it be…

Ji Ji…

Just as the atmosphere was heavy, a piercing laugh finally broke the heavy atmosphere. Following this laugh, a tall cyan giant walked in with a group of cyan-black soldiers.

The moment they saw this group of people, both David and Bob felt their hearts sink into an ice cellar!

Especially Bob, who was familiar with the power of these monsters. His face was extremely pale. Why would the monsters outside the city appear here?

“Long time no see…”the giant’s eyes were filled with bestial excitement. “Uncle David!”

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