I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 959

959 Chapter 998: the defeated soldiers…

The Sky… did not seem to have any intention of lighting up…


David estimated that it had been almost twelve hours since the strange phenomenon yesterday. If it was a normal time, it would already be noon, but it was still pitch-black.

A thick black liquid was flowing in the sky, without a single ray of light penetrating in. The darkness that seemed to cover the entire sky seemed to describe the current situation.

However, the residents of Kate City were not as panicked as they were yesterday. Even David could see many people trying to walk on the streets. Many shops were trying to open.

Compared to the fear of the unknown, what drove people to action was greed.

The prices of all the goods on the streets were crazily rising, especially wheat. The price could be said to have skyrocketed. The last person who bought wheat here shouted ten steel arms coins per pound. That person gritted his teeth and bought it, facing the next customer, the peddler dared to shout fifteen steel arms coins for a Jin.

The surrounding people learned from him. By the time David came to the market to buy some goods, the price of wheat had already risen to fifty steel arms coins for a Jin.

It was equivalent to the price of grain increasing fifty times in a day! !

Doomsday theories were spread everywhere in the streets and alleys. Many people were advocating to quickly store the grain, causing people to be anxious. In fact, through David’s observation, he found that the ones who really advocated doomsday theories were those peddlers.

They encouraged others to buy supplies and reserves, but they themselves were frantically selling supplies. Reality proved that the people who spread the rumors the most were actually the ones who didn’t believe the rumors. It had to be said that humans were really magical creatures.

After walking around for a while, David found a grain store that was priced at 70 steel coins per catty and began to line up. It wasn’t that he had to choose the expensive one, but he felt that money wasn’t of much use now. It was a rational choice to exchange all of it for supplies, this store had the least number of people lining up. It was most likely that he would be able to sell all the money he had.

If what the ORC said was true, then these currencies would soon lose their effectiveness in the future…

“Sir David?”

Just as David finally reached his seat, the wheat seller suddenly stared blankly at David. David immediately recognized him. wasn’t this the servant in charge of purchasing in the Count’s mansion, Harry?

“Why are you here?”David frowned and looked at the shop full of old grain. He said faintly, “Are you secretly selling grain from the Count’s Mansion?”

“No, no…”Harry quickly shook his head. “My Lord, don’t talk nonsense. I don’t have the courage to do that. The Count asked me to sell it…”

“At this time, the count actually asked you to sell grain?”David was stunned. “Shouldn’t you be collecting grain?”

“What grain?”Harry curled his lips. “The Count’s mansion has so much old grain, and the harvest has been cheap these two years. We were worried that we wouldn’t have a place to sell it. If something like this happens, shouldn’t we quickly stock up?”Harry suddenly glanced at David, he said carefully, “Sir… Don’t tell me you really believe that the end of the world is coming?”


“You don’t think this is the end of the world?”David pointed to the sky and said.

Harry curled his lips. “This is most likely the doing of some master wizard. It looks like he’s bluffing. If it’s the end of the world, why didn’t anything happen?”

David suddenly fell silent. He actually didn’t know how to refute.

“Sell me two hundred catties first…”

He had planned to change all the money into food, but now he wasn’t sure. After all, it was still uncertain whether the orc’s words were reliable or not. He had to leave some money, right?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just as David was preparing to load the food, a strange but familiar sound echoed throughout Kate City.

This was…

Kate’s body tensed up. This was the sound of a war horn!

“I want 1,000 pounds. Install it immediately! !”


—- —

“Uncle orc… What kind of person is my mother?”In the basement, after spending some time with the orc, sunny realized that it was easier to get in touch with it than she had imagined. Hence, she, who was naturally kind, took the initiative to communicate with it.

Brother dog: “Uh… I’m not old. Don’t call me uncle…”

Sunny: “But aren’t you more than a hundred years old?”

Brother Dog: “We Orcs have a long life span, a hundred years is equivalent to a human’s twenties.”

“You’re lying!”Sunny pouted and said, “I’ve read the Anthura logs, the average life span of orcs is not high, many goblins only live to thirty-five years old!”

“That’s a low-grade orc!”Brother Dog said righteously, “We are all high-grade orcs with golden blood, a glorious race, how can you compare that low-grade goblin to my Hellscream?”

“Oh… I See… Golden Blood? Your Blood is Golden?”

“It’s just an analogy…”

“Then why do many of your names like to be called ‘Roar’?”

Brother Dog’s expression was awkward. He didn’t know how to answer for a moment. He couldn’t say that he was a chuunibyou, right? Therefore, he coughed lightly and said in a low voice, “Weren’t you asking about your mother just now?”

“Yes, yes, what kind of person is my mother?”Little Sunny easily changed the topic.

“A very strong and beautiful woman…”brother dog pretended to be reminiscing and then looked at Sunny. “Very similar to you!”

“Is that so?”Sunny looked at the gentle eyes of the orc and immediately shook her head embarrassedly. Her heart was filled with joy. Other than Uncle David, very few people directly praised her beauty.

“Then… then how did you meet my Mother?”

Brother Dog: “It was a dark and windy night…”

Brother Dog immediately took out all sorts of melodramatic stories from the TV series of his previous life and made up a story. It only scared the little girl until she was in a daze. Hearing it with great interest, David, who was pulling the grain back, was speechless.

He always felt that if this guy wasn’t wearing orc skin, he would be very suitable to eat the bards’rice.

“Uncle David is back?”Sunny excitedly patted the stone slab next to her. “Brother Orc is telling a story about his mother. Come and listen to it!”

Brother Orc?

David’s face darkened. He suddenly regretted letting Miss Sunny stay with this orc. He felt that there was something wrong with this guy’s attitude toward Miss Sunny.

However, for a long time, sunny would have to entrust it to this guy…

“Did something happen?”Brother Dog was very sensitive and noticed that something was wrong with David.

“The horn sounded in the city. I have to go and take a look!”

“The horn?”Brother Dog’s expression tensed. “Do I have to go? Isn’t it good to hide here?”

“I have to go and see what’s going on, right?”David smiled and said, “No matter what, I’ve eaten the earl’s food for so many years. I have to have some professional ethics, don’t I?”

Brother Dog:”…”

“Uncle David, can you not go?”Sunny said with a worried look.

“It’s okay…”David walked over and gently patted Sunny’s head. “Uncle David, I’ll be fine. I’ll just go over and take a look. If anything happens, I’ll be the first one to run back!”

“PFFT…”sunny suddenly laughed. “Then… then you have to run faster…”

Brother Dog:”…”

Several people did not see, in the distance, by the dog brother kneaded into a ball of the scroll, is a strange position, the center of the scroll out of an eye, quietly watching the Dog Brother Gang! !

——– —

At the same time, at the city gate, the soldiers on guard looked at the flood of regular armed knights, suddenly began to shake the hands with weapons.

After all, they were Southern soldiers who were used to living a comfortable life. How would they ever experience the killing intent of a regular army?

The leader of the Knights rode on the empire’s regular dragon horses and slowly stepped forward. he shouted, “I am Luke Constantine, the guardian of Blue Dragon City. I am urgently commandeering Kate City. Tell your castellan to open the city gate!”

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