I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 943

943 Chapter 982: Counterattack (I)

“Hello, please sign the confirmation document and the resource list!”In the northern region of Huaxia City, the Waiter’s voice became colder and more arrogant. It was completely different from the gentle and humble attitude he had at the start, he looked like an impatient person at the top-tier medical window.


Facing these legendary Lord players, she was no longer as curious as before. Especially after the second Lord, Pu Yunchuan, was taken away this morning, she no longer held any high regard for these lords.

Just as the commander had said, they were just a bunch of losers who got lucky. No matter how lucky a loser was, he was still a loser, and he was not worthy of being mentioned in public.

“Such a small piece of paper? Don’t you have a bigger one?”The Green Titan Lord was speechless.

“Do I have to specially make one for you?”The attendant rolled her eyes.

“Where do I sign?”The Green Titan Lord felt a burst of anger in her heart as she asked in a muffled voice.

“Here, here, and here, you have to sign and place your bets. Remember not to sign incorrectly. The paper is very tight right now, and it’s very expensive. Don’t think that just because you’re a Lord that you don’t mind. If you make a mistake, you’ll have to pay for the cost of the new booklet.”

“How much is this booklet?”The other party asked curiously.

“Two hundred points…”

“Two hundred points for such a paper booklet?”Green Titan was instantly stunned. He remembered that when he moved the bricks in the past, he would have to work hard for at least a week to earn two hundred points, right?

However, the other party did not bother with her expression.

Seeing the other party’s bird-like appearance, the Titan player felt even more depressed. She felt like she was dreaming about registering at a tertiary grade a hospital. In the end, she had no choice but to take out her pen.

“Hey, Hey, Hey, what are you doing?”

“Signing…”Green Titan was speechless.

“What’s with that big lump of yours?”


The receptionist said, “Are you crazy? You used such a big pen to write on such a small piece of paper? Is it enough for you to write?”

When the player heard this, he was furious. At this time, did you know that the booklet was small?

The receptionist said, “Use this to write!”

“This…”Titan looked at the pen that was about the size of his nose hair and his face turned green, “How do I Write This?”

“If you can’t write it, then stand aside. Don’t delay the people behind!”The receptionist waved his hand impatiently, “I’ve really spoiled you…”


“What? You still want to make a move?”The receptionist, who was already familiar with the road, showed no fear, “Try it?”

“Just you wait…”the Titan player was furious and walked to the side angrily.

“Tsk…”another one was angered away, the receptionist revealed a smug smile. They had already been doing this for the entire morning. Some of the more sensible lords had already sent their developers over to deliver resources in secret. The higher-ups were encouraging them to do this.

The higher-ups wanted to suppress these arrogant lord players and let them understand one thing. Now that Huaxia City had been taken over by the officials, no matter if you were a dragon or a tiger, you had to lie down with your legs crossed!

“Excuse me, do you want to sign here?”Just as the receptionist was feeling pleased with herself, a gentle female voice sounded. The receptionist frowned and looked up. It was not the previous Titan Lord, it was an extremely beautiful girl.

“Sorry, these things have to be signed by your Lord personally!”The receptionist used the words that she used to make things difficult for them.

“I’m the Lord…”the girl said with a smile.

“Huh?”The receptionist frowned and looked at the other party. Then, she checked the information: Ice Crown, Lord of East Sea Cloud City, Grade A!

After seeing the information, the receptionist’s expression became even more unsightly. Such an ordinary girl, because she was one step ahead of him, not only could she choose a good-looking elf as she pleased, but she could also become an a-rank Lord. It was indeed a F * cking place…

And because she was one step late, she had to choose a developer that the authorities were unwilling to choose, and she could only continue being an official ape…

However, although she was unhappy, the plan above was mainly aimed at the popularized Titan lord. She could not think of a way to make things difficult for the other party at the moment, she could only throw the manual impatiently. “Hurry up and sign it. The people behind are still waiting…”

“Okay…”ice cap looked at the result manual indifferently and read it carefully.

“Can you hurry up? I told you that the people behind are still waiting!”The receptionist said impatiently.

“We have to check it carefully…”ice cap smiled and said.

“Aren’t you developers able to see everything at a glance?”The receptionist sneered, “Hurry up and sign it, don’t waste time. This is an intelligent verification, there won’t be any mistakes.”

Of course, it was impossible. Those Green Titan Lords from before couldn’t sign for a long time. Those who didn’t want to cause trouble handed over some resources and passed it over. Did this woman think that just because she wasn’t a titan, she could pass it over without giving any benefits? What kind of joke was this?

Ice Cap signed the document according to the instructions and handed it back. The receptionist looked at the other party signing the document obediently. Thinking of the resources that were secretly stored, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. She could be considered a sensible person.

“Alright… Remember to restrain the people below to abide by the city rules after entering. Otherwise, they will be conceited later on!”

“Alright…”ice cap smiled. “Then, please sign the checklist for our staff. I remember that this is the rule of the intelligent reminder, right?”

“You are quite careful…”the receptionist narrowed her eyes. She originally wanted to wait until she entered the city before using the check list to continue making things difficult for her, but she did not expect the other party to mention it first.

Forget it, he was a thoughtful guy. Since he had already handed in the materials, he would not continue to make things difficult for her… “…”. What was this?

The receptionist was stunned. She suddenly saw a seven to eight-meter-tall giant man carrying a large book-like object over. With a bang, it was placed on the ground, causing the entire ground to tremble.

“The name list!”Bing Guan smiled.

“You… Your Name List is so Big?”The receptionist was stunned.

“Oh…”Bing Guan still smiled gently. “The aborigines over there are slightly bigger after the genetic surgery. They habitually use this kind of name list. Please forgive me…”

“UH…”the receptionist was stunned for a moment before she continued to be stunned. “Then where should I sign?”

“Here, here, and here…”

The receptionist took a deep breath and was about to take a pen to sign when Bing Guan suddenly said, “Hey, hey, Hey, what are you doing?”

“Didn’t you ask me to sign?”The receptionist frowned.

“Can you write on such a big booklet with a pen with a nose hair?”

The receptionist was stunned. Why was this line so familiar?

“Then what do you want?”

“Use this pen!”Ice Cap snapped his fingers. The whale man next to him removed a one-meter-long iron rod from his pen and inserted it into the ground with a bang, causing the ground to shake again.

“There are a total of 48 pages. Please fill them out seriously, sir…”. Ice Cap’s voice suddenly turned cold. “By the way, our paper is also very expensive. It is made from brand-new materials. A page costs tens of thousands of points. Please be careful when you write it, sir. If it is damaged, you will have to pay according to the price!”

“Ha…”the receptionist immediately realized that this guy was obviously here to cause trouble.

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie. “Captain Li, Captain Li, someone is here to cause trouble. Please come over!”


Captain Li, who had received the news, was immediately energized. He had been waiting for the troublemaker for a long time, and now that it had finally arrived, he quickly called over forty teammates under his control and ran in the direction of the receptionist.

“What’s the situation?”As soon as he arrived, captain li shouted loudly.

“Captain Li, they…”before the receptionist could finish her sentence, Bing Guan stepped forward and interrupted, “So many people? Why? Are they going to make a move?”

Captain Li:”? ?”

Bing Guan: “Doggie! !”

Doggie, who had been waiting for a long time and was completely impatient, finally stood up and slowly put on his leather gloves… …

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