I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 931

931 Chapter 970: The Leica ELF system!

By midnight, more than 100 people had started live streaming in the first city, but Nie xiaoying’s live stream was still the most popular, the reason was not only because she started early, but also because she wanted to write a post from the beginning, so she did a lot of detailed data research on the city, including the area of the dormitory, the cost of race and occupation, and so on, none of these things could be compared to some people who suddenly wanted to start a live broadcast.


After a few comparisons, her live broadcast naturally became more and more popular. By midnight, she had accumulated tens of millions of viewers, which encouraged Nie xiaoying greatly. She always felt that her efforts over the past few days had not been in vain, so, she excitedly continued to talk about her occupation and science popularization.

“It’s getting late. Let Me Talk About Our Leica Elves first. Unlike the wood elves that Grandpa Lu talked about before, our Leica elves have a fixed template when choosing their form. It Won’t be like the Wood Elves where you would become a wind demon if you wanted to become a flower spirit. However, this also causes many people to always want to choose the ideal template, but in fact, this template may not be suitable for you. Today, I’ll give everyone a brief introduction of the Leica Elves’main templates and their shortcomings, so as to prevent everyone from stepping into a trap…”. “…”

[ Big Brother, please have a conscience. This kind of live broadcast is more meaningful. The people next door are either showing off their food or simply showing off their genetic strength. I don’t know what’s so good about showing off. ]

[ that’s right, that’s right. Big Brother, I also want to choose the Leica elf. That body shape and appearance are too beautiful. Although it’s not as beautiful as the wood elf after transforming, it looks more wild. I love it so much. Big Brother, please tell me more. ]

Nie xiaoying responded to the live broadcast and began to explain the Leica elf inheritance template.

“Leica Elves are currently divided into three major factions: agility, sacrifice, and mystery. First, let’s talk about the agility faction. This is currently the hot category because it looks more normal. Moreover, many people who choose elves hope to become a high-agility and elegant assassin. Then, I’ll first explain the first point. The assassin faction is not included in the agility faction!”

“I’ll repeat the important thing again. Assassins are not in the agility system. Those who want to be free from the mortal world and escape from the white swallows, don’t make the wrong choice. The classes in the agility system are ranger, Swordsman, sword dancer, Monk, Archer, and other classes, but there are no assassins because assassins are in the secret system!”

“First, let’s talk about your class choice. After you choose a major class, an elven instructor will perform basic molding and physical training on you. You have to report to the instructor about the class you want to become. After that, the instructor will perform different molding exercises according to the class you choose. Remember, once you choose a class template, it will be very difficult to turn back. This is because the molding of different classes is very big. Take height as an example. Among the Leica Elves, Rangers are at most 1.7 meters, while sword maidens and martial monks are mostly at least 2 meters. Their skeletons are all different. If you want to turn back, you have to do it all over again after you die!”

“That’s why everyone must choose carefully. Currently, the Ranger class is the most popular class in the base. Relatively speaking, this class is the most reliable. The things you learn are very balanced. It involves close combat, light weapons training, archery training, Beast Taming, and tracking in the wild. However, it’s not specialized. It belongs to the all-gold class. Moreover, the New World is currently in high demand for Ranger players. Therefore, as long as you reach level 2 and possess the above-mentioned level 1 specialized skill, you will be able to head to the New World. It is currently the fastest class known to be able to head to the New World!”

“After that, there are sword girls, swordsmen, archers, and other specialized weapons professions. They are different from weapon warriors. Elves have higher requirements in weapon specialization, and weapon warriors generally require proficiency in two or even multiple weapons. However, we elves are different. Swordsmen only specialize in swordsmanship, while archers specialize in archery. We belong to the group of highly specialized people. Of course, the conditions for us to go out are also quite difficult. We require a level-two life form and a weapon specialization of level-three. What is the concept of a weapon specialization of level-three? Let me put it this way. Currently, on the warrior list of Huaxia City, Cold Star, who has the strongest specialization in the field, is only at level-four in each weapon specialization. The other big shots in the top 100 or below are only at level-three in their specialization. So, do you know how difficult it is to choose these weapons specialization Elves to graduate?”

“Lastly, there’s the martial monk. This is a new class. As there are no examples of seniors, the number of people who choose this class is rather small. With the word ‘monk’in it, many people think that they might shave their heads. However, that’s not the case. Martial monks specialize in close combat and qigong cultivation. However, there aren’t many teachers in this field. Previously, there weren’t any teachers like us in the sacrificial class. Recently, the city Lord has only brought in two. If you want to try out a unique class, you can consider trying it out. Actually, I’m quite optimistic about it. Hehe, that’s because I’m an explorer of an unpopular class.”

“Now let’s talk about the sacrificial type, which is the template I have chosen. The sacrificial type elves are about two meters tall after being molded. Their proportions are very good, and they have long legs and slim waists. They won’t turn into radish legs to strengthen their legs like Rangers.”

“The Laika elf sacrificial class is more random. You Can’t choose by yourself. You need to conduct a test to test what your totem spirit is. If your totem spirit is an element, then congratulations. You will receive a large amount of subsidies and special treatment from the city lord. Because the Laika elf’s elemental sacrifice is very similar to the Wood Elf’s flower spirit, they can cultivate high-level elemental bodies. Their value is extremely high. Even for an industrial civilization, high-level elements represent an improvement in the field of energy shaping. Therefore, those who draw elemental totems are all upper-class talents who enjoy higher treatment than the Maines. TSK TSK, I’m envious…”. “…”

“If your totem is a plant spirit, then the treatment is not bad. You will be assigned to the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of biology to cultivate magic plants or high-level farming. This is a choice that you can make. The former’s treatment is average, while the latter has a special subsidy. The specific choice will depend on you. However, if you want to take the personal adventure route, I suggest the former because high-level magic plants have a very high combat ability, and if you take the agricultural route, you can only be a civil servant. I don’t recommend it because our city doesn’t pay much attention to agriculture…”. “…”

“If your totem is a beast spirit, then I’m sorry. Like Me, you can only become a beast tamer. Part-time jobs are either raising livestock or raising magical beasts. Like before, the former is better paid, but in the later stages of that path, you’ll most likely become a civil servant. The latter has the ability to train magical beasts and take risks alone. My totem is a wolf spirit. Among the magical beasts I train, there are three different types of canine magical beasts. However, the cost of our job is higher than that of a magical planter, especially for those who are randomly assigned to a meat-eating totem. The magical beasts that we train are all meat eaters. Now that the price of meat in the base is so high, I feel like I’m under a mountain of pressure. Hahaha…”. “…”

“Finally, let’s talk about the mysterious class. Many people are looking forward to the assassin class. Other than the assassin class, there are also the shadow master, Nightmare Master, spatial assassin, and other inexplicable classes. It sounds very grand and grand, but I strongly advise against ordinary people choosing this class. This class requires a lot of difficulty in molding, and the pain during molding is very high. Many people simply can’t endure it, and will directly have a mental breakdown. Even if they manage to endure it, more than half of them won’t be able to endure the later training because the pain during the mysterious class training is even higher!”

“According to the current statistics, there are a total of 571 players who have chosen the secret system, but only 11 have successfully persisted. The others have all chosen to start over.”

“Let me say this. The price of starting over is very high. First of all, you can only start over once in the first city, which means that you are allowed to commit suicide once. After you start over, you can only change your class and not your race. In other words, you must also be a Leica Elf after you choose to start over. However, it will be more difficult for you to start over because your genes are already used to the reaction of the previous model. Therefore, there will be a certain impact. I’ve heard that the impact will even affect the future. I’m not sure how big the impact will be. Also, in terms of benefits, because you will waste resources if you start over again, it will reduce your benefits. Many of the free meal and model benefits that you received before will have to be canceled. You will have to pay for your own model, and the price will not be low. As a result, you will be burdened with an official debt during the model period

“Therefore, I solemnly advise you, friends who are about to enter the Sea of stars, to choose carefully and not to take the path of regret because of some unrealistic fantasies, especially those who want to take the path of mystery. You must consider it carefully

“Alright, that’s it for today. I have to go to work now. I will update it one after another in the future. I hope that you will continue to support me when the time comes. Thank you, everyone. I’m Leaving Now!”

———— —

[ very detailed. Thank you, Boss! ]

[ F * ck, so there are so many paths. Now that I think about it, it’s not a bad thing that we’re not the first batch to enter. At least, we’ll have some seniors to help us out. ]

[ wow, the assassin class is actually so difficult? Even I’m a little hesitant. ]

[ hesitating my A * S. If you’re a man, you have to face the difficulties head on! ]

[ sounds like elves are quite interesting. I’m thinking of choosing the priest class to get lucky. Who’s with me? ]

[ cheh… This kind of job that relies on luck is quite a scam. Be careful that you don’t turn into an inexplicable job. Refer to the soap bro in Huaxia City! ]

[ you can’t be that unlucky, right? ]



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