I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 846

846 Chapter 884: “You… ?”? “Where did you come from?”?

The atmosphere of the first city’s interview was completely different from that of Huaxia City. It seemed to maintain a laissez-faire level, which gave the reporters more freedom to investigate.


Cindy chose to separate herself from the other reporters and conduct her own recorded interviews. She did not want to be together with those seniors who had obvious political motives…

According to the map provided by Louise, the distribution of the first city was very simple. There were large-scale mining sites in the north and south, which was the most invested place in the city, the area in the east had to be planned for farmland and pastures. The iron houses around the main base were training centers that could be used to upgrade the genetic exercise.

Cindy decided to observe the training center from here. She also wanted to know the difference between this training center and an ordinary gym.

There were very few people in the training center. Compared to the desolate and poor urban infrastructure, the equipment in the training center could be considered luxurious. There were all kinds of equipment that could not be understood. It was very sci-fi-like. No matter how she looked at it, it looked grand. It was a stark contrast to the poor outside. However, what puzzled Cindy was that there were not many people in such a luxurious training center. There were only four or five people training here…

The city had been open for ten days. According to intelligence, the first city had already opened 50,000 people to enter. How could there be so few people training? Didn’t everyone want to train, evolve, and explore the new world earlier?

Cindy walked closer with some doubts, wanting to find someone to ask about the details.

“Hey Outsider!”Just as Cindy approached the few students, a voice suddenly stopped her. “Please don’t go near the students who are training. It’s very dangerous!”

Cindy stopped when she heard that. Then, she found that the few big men who were training suddenly looked at her. Their scarlet eyes had a primitive wild nature. The sudden pressure made Cindy’s legs go weak and she wanted to sit on the ground.

At this moment, a strong arm firmly supported her from behind. The voice that had stopped her just now sounded again, however, this time, it was aimed at the big guys. “What are you looking at? You still have time to look at women? Can you afford to waste this time? A bunch of poor B * stards, think about the tuition fees you paid!”

The big guys’faces turned awkward when they heard that. Then, they all revealed pained expressions. Then, they desperately continued to sweat!

After reprimanding the students who were training, their voices clearly softened a lot, they said to Cindy, “Devil spirits are a kind of species with relatively wild genes. Especially when they are training, they are actually very aggressive when they are excited. It is very dangerous for a weak woman like you to come over at this time and easily arouse their desire to attack. Do you understand?”

Cindy was stunned. She turned her head to look at the person who spoke. It was a strange race with violet skin color. The slender body and smooth muscles made the other party’s body full of a masculine beauty.., cindy’s heart jumped when she saw it.

“You’re not scared, right?”The other party looked at Cindy who was in a daze and waved her hand in front of her eyes with a frown.

Cindy came back to her senses and felt embarrassed. She quickly changed the topic, “Are those demon spirits?”

“Well…”the instructor smiled and said, “The only ones who can afford to come to the training ground now are the demon spirits who work hard in mining…”

“Spending money?”Cindy was stunned again and asked curiously, “Does training here cost money?”

“Is it free if it doesn’t cost money?”The instructor laughed, “There are so many people, can the city bear it if it’s Free?”

“Is the cost very high?”Cindy was puzzled, “But I heard that this training ground is not the basic configuration of the city, there is no cost!”

“How can there be no cost?”The instructor smiled. “Let’s talk about this training base first. The energy cost to open the training program every day is a cost, and the cost is not small. Of course, you don’t have a concept of the value of energy yet, so you can’t understand it for the time being. But there are other daily costs, such as maintenance costs. The technology here is very high, and the machinery and equipment need regular maintenance. Before our city trains high-level engineers, we need to hire Huaxia City developers to carry out maintenance. The cost is not cheap, and then the salary of hiring us is also a big head!”

“Salary? Is that a big head?”Cindy was surprised.

“Your words… are very capitalist…”the coach laughed.

“No… No…”Cindy explained embarrassedly, “I just think that in such a big project like the city construction, the human cost shouldn’t be a big head, right?”

“On the contrary, beauty…”the coach waved his finger and said, “Now the highest cost is the human cost!”

“Why is it like this?”Cindy asked curiously.

“Because there’s no one…”


In the next half an hour, the instructor explained the reason to Cindy.

These instructors were hired from outside. Because of the establishment of the city, Luofu hadn’t recruited enough instructors for the time being, which made the resources in this field extremely scarce.

On the first day of the city’s opening, Luo Fu announced to all the cities a list of instructors he had hired. These instructors were all sorts of things, there were instructors for basic disciplines, arcane disciplines, physical training, and combat training.

Due to the scarcity of instructors’resources, the shares of other cities were all allocated from Huaxia City. According to Luo Fu’s higher-ups, new instructors were being recruited, but the dates were uncertain. It could be a month or a year, in any case, there were only so many mentors available.

This explanation caused all kinds of mentors to become very popular. All the major cities offered a lot of conditions to invite them to move in. The tuition fee was one of the preferential conditions offered by the major cities. After all, the emerging cities did not have much money to offer. This kind of commission was relatively reasonable. It could attract mentors and not invest too much in the early stages…

Since it was a fee-sharing system, the fee would be borne by the citizens, which resulted in a high training fee.

“Actually, we’re doing pretty well here!”The instructor explained with a smile. “Master Angor pays very well for absenteeism, so many hardworking children can come here on the third day to spend money. Many of my peers haven’t even opened their stores in other cities yet!”

There was such an inside story…

Cindy put on a surprised expression and started to write down some notes. Educational resources were also an important factor for her to assess the benefits of a city. From the instructor’s words, although Angor was a bit partial to absence from work.., he could still give those who were willing to work hard the benefits they deserved.

Wages and money were not real. It depended on the actual use of the money. Higher wages than other cities would allow people to enjoy higher education sooner. This was a real benefit.

From this point of view, the first city seemed to be not bad…

“I have a question…”Cindy suddenly raised her head and asked.

“What?”The instructor replied with a smile.

“You… These instructors with skills, where did you come from?”

Hearing this, the instructor’s smile immediately froze…

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