I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 844

844 Chapter 882: Interview (2)

Welcome to Huaxia City! !


Cindy was stunned by the beauty of Huaxia City when she saw it for the first time. The pictures circulating on the internet had already made people feel that it was too beautiful, but after seeing the real scene, to be honest, she felt for the first time that the pictures could not compare to the real scene!

The city’s infrastructure was already 80% completed by the time elder long took office, the team of high-level architects trained by the fairy maiden used exquisite stone and various kinds of wood to perfectly display the elven city in the design drawing, every inch of the city could be used as a top-tier wallpaper.

This made some of the reporters in the team, who had always been known for their sharp tongues, couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration.

“What a city with a heavenly appearance…”of course, after the praise, he still said out of habit, “I wonder if the city under the skin is as beautiful as this appearance…”

Feng Doudou ignored the reporter’s words and led the group toward the center of the city, along the way, he read out a script prepared by his subordinates, “Huaxia City is mainly built in the imperial capital ring-like structure for convenient management. The first ring is the research and development zone and the novice zone. The city’s civil servants, city developers, and novices are all in the first ring. The first ring isn’t big, but it has the most public facilities, such as the Elven Transformation Center, the Green Titan Training Center, the public training base, the weapons training base, and the multifunctional training base. To the north is a laboratory that has been opened up. Most of the space folding technology is used for the city developers to research the latest technology.”

“Why do we have to divide them like this?”One of the reporters couldn’t help but ask. “Are we trying to divide them into different classes? A new city has always been divided into different classes. is Huaxia City trying to create a feudal city?”

“Why don’t You Say Capitalism?”Feng Doudou looked at him with a funny expression. “You say that as if you Americans don’t differentiate between the slums and the rich areas. Why Don’t you guys report more about the difference between the security and environment of the rich areas and the slums?”

“Madam, we are talking about Huaxia City… Please don’t change the topic, okay?”The reporter frowned.

“Oh, then I will change the topic. Are you going to hit me?”Feng Doudou looked at him.

The reporter choked and thought to himself, how can this be?

The other reporters had strange expressions on their faces. Cindy, on the other hand, looked at Feng Doudou’s shameless expression and couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

This laughter made the reporter who asked the question earlier glare at her in anger.

Cindy ignored the other party’s gaze and looked at Feng Doudou as she asked, “In your introduction just now, those high-level private lords didn’t live there. On the contrary, the newcomers and developers gathered together. Was it to protect them?”

“Why do you say that?”Feng Doudou looked at Cindy with interest.

Cindy smiled and said, “I’ve read from the information that many races in Huaxia city are very weak in the beginning. For example, the elves and developers who have yet to transform do not have strong self-protection abilities. However, Huaxia City is a city that has already been colonized by outsiders. I’m guessing that Huaxia City is separated like this to prevent newborn players from receiving unnecessary damage, right?”

Feng Doudou smiled when he heard this. He looked at Cindy with a rare hint of kindness in his eyes. It was indeed the truth. Newborn developers and elves were very fragile, it was possible for a foolish ogre to accidentally step on them and kill them. However, in the eyes of the steel martial empire’s colonized people, the players from Huaxia City were invincible and incomparably powerful!

However, if they knew that these players of Huaxia City were so fragile when they were born, their newly-established mentality of worshipping gods would be shaken, causing some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Feng Doudou looked at Cindy and smiled, “It seems that there are some reporters with normal minds. I thought that foreign reporters like you only know conspiracy theories…”

The reporters’faces immediately darkened.

Feng Doudou said, “Just as this normal reporter said, our second ring road belongs to the ordinary residential area. It belongs to the area where the mature players and the New Territories’ethnic groups live together. Other than the high-level central China players, there are also all kinds of people from the new territories. There are the orcs on the grassland and the humans who once lived in the empire. As for the Third Ring Road, it belongs to the production area, which includes the farming area and the livestock cultivation area. However, as it involves the future strategy of Huaxia City, the Third Ring Road is not within the scope of today’s sightseeing!”

“Why is it like this?”The reporters started to make a scene. Even Cindy frowned, she looked at Feng Doudou and said, “We were invited here to let the whole world see the current state of each city. To You, it’s a disguised form of propaganda. It allows us to understand you better, and it also allows the world to understand you better. It’s also good for your Huaxia City to recruit people, isn’t it?”

Feng Doudou didn’t choose to make a scene. Instead, she tried to persuade them as if she was trying to entice them. After so many years of interviewing, she understood that most of the time, only benefits could lead to better communication.

“I’m sorry…”. Feng Doudou said coldly, “First of all, we don’t have any expectations for your so-called propaganda. After all, you western reporters never report on US truthfully “…”. “I’d rather believe that teacher mister can get the Tinder back than hope that you can pull traffic for us.” “…”. “…”

The reporters:”…”

They really didn’t know how to respond to the other party’s words. However, what made them puzzled was why Huazhong’s attitude was so tough this time?

“Second… We didn’t plan to include people outside of Huazhong in the first place!”

“What! ! !”

The reporters were immediately excited.

Reporter a: “What does your central China Mean? Are you trying to monopolize Huaxia City?”

Reporter b: “Please be clear. The city Lord is just an agent of a city. The cities in the galaxy belong to all mankind. If you blatantly commit racism and try to occupy a city, you will be denounced by the whole world!”

Cindy: “Can you represent the city lord of Huaxia? If you can, would you like to temporarily not include people outside of central China, or… :. Have you always wanted to maintain this strategy? I can understand that there are so many people in central China right now and you want to take care of your fellow countrymen’s feelings. But just like what teacher Luo Wei said, the city belongs to all of humanity. If you do this, the upper echelons of Luo Fu will also object, right?”

Feng Doudou looked at the crowd and then looked at the sky. Finally, an impatient expression appeared on his face, he said coldly, “Who told you that galaxy belongs to all of humanity? Did Your Leader Promise You This? Or did the upper echelons of Luo Fu publicly say this?”

The reporters:”…”

“Now that the public beta is open and only the 46 countries’passage is open, why haven’t the remaining countries opened the passage? “They occupy half of the population of Planet D, aren’t they humans? “Then why don’t they even have the right to queue up and you human representatives say a few words on their behalf?”

The reporters:”…”

“I’ll make things clear today. Huaxia city only admits players from central China, now and in the future. The foreigners who were previously admitted have been notified to apply for Huaxia citizenship as soon as possible. We will conduct a strict audit on those players. If the audit fails, I’m sorry, but they must leave the country within the stipulated time and have their right to teleport to Huaxia City revoked. Of course, at the same time, they will regain their freedom and apply for citizenship from the other five major cities!”

Everybody:”! ! !”

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