I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 836

836 Chapter 874: the opening of each city (1)

“Among the six major cities, Huaxia City is the only one with tax revenue at the beginning, and only Huaxia city can cultivate such high-consumption genes…”. Elder Li started the introduction. “The other cities are still in the early stages of construction, and the basic system hasn’t been formed yet. Now, they are mainly relying on the free supply and loans from the main base to develop. Only Huaxia City has a good tax revenue and a mature market because of the efforts of countless excellent players!”


“But we can’t let this advantage go to waste…”

“Elder Li, if you have something to say, just say it…”sect leader Yun smiled.

“Okay!”Elder li nodded. “Since it’s an agreement, let’s talk about the first two Geno Points first. Dark descendants and star spirits are both Geno Points that require a lot of resources. According to the rules of the main base, if you want to increase your level after level 2, you have to apply for a special training ground from the main base. You can pay the fees or borrow money, but the price is extremely high. You need 100,000 points a month, and as your level increases, the price will continue to rise…”. “…”

Upon hearing this, sect leader Yun slightly frowned. Before he came here, he had also collected information. He knew that Huaxia City was currently trading based on points, and the current value of points was extremely high, 100,000 points, based on the previous black market conversion price, was at least 1 billion federation coins. This was the price before it was exposed. According to what he knew, the various major capitals were already frantically trying to purchase the currency of the New World, the points in the black market were sold for over 10,000 federation coins. Moreover, there was a price but no market because there were not many players who were willing to sell.

If it was calculated in terms of advanced currency, it would cost 10 billion federation coins a month to nurture a dark descendant. This price was indeed frighteningly high!

Elder Li saw that the other party understood the severity of the situation and continued, “It is also because of this reason that we can not put our eggs in the same basket. Hence, there is a pre-selection agreement. Currently, the dark descendant and star spirit genes are temporarily closed to the public. The internal cultivators of Yunshan and the top special forces of our government can voluntarily sign up. Huaxia City will provide half a year’s worth of training. However, regardless of whether it is the people of Yunshan or the people selected by the internal army of Huaxia, if the half a year’s worth of training is not effective, the government will eventually stop the supply of resources. Do you have any objections to this?”

Upon hearing this, sect leader Yun’s frown deepened. The other party’s reasoning was very sound. After all, the other party had first provided resources in real gold and silver. He couldn’t possibly waste resources on him if he wasn’t suitable, right?

“What determines the results of the cultivation?”

“Sect leader Yun, you can rest assured!”Elder li smiled and said, “This point will be assessed by the upper echelons of luofu themselves. We won’t interfere. I believe that the result assessed by a third party will be the most fair!”

The elders of Yunshan nodded immediately.

Elder li continued, “Due to the huge investment, if the cultivation is successful, we must serve the Huaxia city officials for the rest of our lives. Of course, we will provide reasonable remuneration and better resources to help them grow. We will also give them a certain degree of freedom. However, the mission issued by the officials must be completed unconditionally. The orders of the higher-ups must also be obeyed. There is no objection to this, right?”

The elders of Yunshan hesitated. This was equivalent to being completely loyal to the imperial court. Originally, cultivation was meant to be unfettered, but now…

However, they also knew that there was no absolute freedom in the world. Cultivation in a sect was still restricted by the sect?

To many elders, it didn’t matter whether they were restricted by the authorities or by the sect. The rules they had to abide by in the sect were actually not much different from the rules they had to abide by in the authorities.

In the past, they had ignored the government’s loyalty to the sect because the sect had cultivation techniques and resources. But now, when these two things were in the hands of the government… …

All of a sudden, the elders looked at Sect Master Yun and the Patriarch.

The sect master and the Patriarch felt a little complicated in their hearts. Of course, they didn’t want the Cloud Mountain sect to be directly accepted by the government, but… ? The key was that even they couldn’t resist the temptation of this new resource. How could they stop these people from falling for the government?

“Of course, as a thousand-year-old cultural sect, our government will definitely not just let you lose your members…”. Elder li smiled and said, “As long as we cooperate and establish it, our government will inform the whole country that the Yunshan sect is an official designated cultivation sect. It has the priority to recruit disciples from the Yunshan sect. Moreover, it has the privilege to choose the three major private races. This is something that ordinary people don’t have. I believe that the incense of your sect will be better than before with this news!”

“This…”sect leader Yun and the old ancestor were stunned. It did sound pretty good.

Yunshan had become the official channel, and it also had the right to choose a new race. As long as the new race performed well in the future, the government would definitely make the Dark Ones and the star spirits into noble races, yunshan, which had the right to choose a noble race, would also become the Cultivation Academy that millions of people in Central China yearned for.

This model would definitely make Yunshan more and more popular… …

After all, it was the support of the whole country…

At the thought of this, the old ancestor finally nodded and cupped his hands, “Thank you, leader!”

Hearing this, the leader smiled and said, “Cooperation, naturally, we must pursue a win-win situation. This is the long-term way. Those short-sighted methods of capital are not the style of our country…”(i… Didn’t hint anything… I sent four!)

“That makes sense…”the ancestor smiled and said, “No Wonder Huazhong has become more and more prosperous under your leadership all these years!”

The leader could not deny this old senior’s flattery. In any case, it was the truth, then, he said, “Next is about the third gene. This gene is also quite special. The Information Luo Fu gave us is that its initial cost is also very high. However, it is not as exaggerated as the dark ones and the star spirits. However, it still has to pay a very high initial cost. An ordinary player would not be able to advance to level 2 and step into the new world for three years without the support of special resources.”

“That’s why we want to classify the giant spirit clan as an official clan. We will ensure that any battle players who choose to join the giant spirit clan will have the resources to nurture them in the early stages. However, unlike the Dark Ones, we plan to give the giant spirit clan players an extra path of freedom. They can choose to become the official city’s armed forces. If they choose this path, we will give them more preferential support, including the family members’quotas being recorded in advance. Other than that, there is also a second path. The second path is for the government to provide the initial funds for them to go out and explore. However, regardless of whether they join another faction or become a lord themselves, they have to give the government a share. If they are a private faction, they have to hand over 30% of their income to Huaxia City every year for a period of 50 years. If they become a lord, Huaxia city has to control 50% of the shares and have 50% of the quotas to be recommended. Whether it’s your Yunshan disciples or the disciples of your army who choose this path in the future, you have to follow this path. What do you think?”

“Hiss…”sect leader Yun took a deep breath when he heard this… …

50% of the shares and half of the recommendation rights. Does this mean that after becoming a lord, he has to accept half of the people that the government has arranged to join him? This… ? Does this count as forcing a state-owned enterprise?

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