I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 833

833 Chapter 871: On the eve of the public test (Part One)

On October 20th, Galaxy officially opened. On this day, everyone sat from 12 am until daytime, nervously waiting for the official announcement of the name list.


At this time, in a female dormitory of C City Normal University, three girls were gathered in front of a computer. They looked nervous, as if they were looking forward to the results of the college entrance examination.

“Why hasn’t the news been announced at eight o’clock?”One of the girls couldn’t help but complain.

In this dormitory, a girl who was eating well and sleeping soundly climbed out of her bed, she looked speechlessly at the girl who had just spoken. “Big Sister, it’s eight o’clock in the morning. The civil servants haven’t gone to work yet. How could they announce the news at this time?”

“That’s hard to say!”One of the girls curled her lips and said, “My college entrance exam result is to come out in the middle of the night…”

“Xiaoyun, why do you look like you don’t care at all…”the tallest girl with tanned skin looked at the angry Guo Xiaoyun and said, “You slept so soundly…”

“You didn’t sleep the whole night. Did you wait for the result?”Guo Xiaoyun… “No,”Rainmaiden Wugua rolled her eyes and asked.

“Xiaoyun is still as heartless as ever. It’s great…”the girl named Ya Xin couldn’t help but sigh.

Rainmaiden wugua glanced at her but didn’t say anything. She didn’t forget that this guy almost killed her.

“By the way, which City did you choose? What race did you apply for?”

“You only know how to care about us?”Yaxin pouted. “I thought you didn’t care at all…”

Raingirl was speechless. She was just asking politely. To be honest, she really didn’t care about her roommates.

“I chose the third city!”One of the round-faced girls said with a smile, “I chose the sea elf race. I saw the posters of that race. They are as beautiful as mermaids. Most importantly, they can travel in the depths of the sea. It’s really great!”

“Just because of this?”Yaxin laughed.

“Of course not!”The girl said with a red face, “Being good-looking is just a small factor. I’m mainly optimistic about the sea market, not to mention that don’t you think it’s romantic? “I heard that this race can live in the sea. I can travel by myself and travel to a new world through the sea. I can enjoy the scenery of the sea while traveling. If I pass by an island country, I can go ashore and experience the local customs of that island country. What could be more romantic than this life?”

“Wow…”the girls were immediately attracted by her idea and revealed looks of yearning.

“You damn girl didn’t share such a good idea with US before!”The black girl next to her couldn’t help but pinch the other party’s apple-shaped face.

“You didn’t ask me…”

The idea was quite good… “…”. Raingirl, WUGUA, drank a mouthful of water to moisten her dry throat.

Unfortunately, reality was very backbone. That guy in the ice cap had the same dream. In the end, after trying for two days, he surrendered and obediently developed technology. The reason was very simple, in the life of a mermaid, you only saw the romantic side but not the reality side. What do you eat when you swim in the ocean? At sea, you travel for more than half a year. Can you really eat live fish in the ocean like other fish?

Live Fish that would bleed if they didn’t shave their scales. I can respect you as a man!

Where Do you sleep at night? At the bottom of the sea? That dark and cold sea bottom. When did an unknown thing appear out of nowhere? Are you sure you can sleep?

You’re really naive… “…”. Raingirl Wugua couldn’t help but pinch the other party’s apple-faced.

“Why do you also come to cha-cha with me, Xiao Yun? Don’t be like them and learn to be bad!”The apple-faced girl couldn’t help but pout.

“It feels good. No wonder they all love cha-cha…”Raingirl Wugua muttered.

“Xiao Yun! !”

“What about you guys?”Raingirl WUGUA ignored the other two and looked at the other two.

“I chose the fifth city…”ya xin smiled and said, “My family has already approved the immigration application. If I’m chosen today, I should go to America Tomorrow.”

“Ah… Yaxin, you guys are emigrating!”The apple-faced girl couldn’t help but say.

“Yeah!”Yaxin smiled and said, “There are so many people, so the probability of being selected is too low. I think the immigration conditions offered by America are very good. Even if I’m not selected now, I can still enjoy a good material life. It’s a guaranteed choice…”. “…”

Raingirl, Wugua, didn’t say anything. This kind of short-sighted choice that disregarded the future for the sake of the present didn’t matter anymore. They were all adults, so they should be responsible for the path they chose.

Finally, Rainmaiden Wugua looked at black sister.

“I… I chose the second city…”black sister smiled embarrassedly.

“Eh?”The girls all revealed curious expressions.

There were very few people who chose the second city. It was not because of the angry youths or anything like that. It was mainly because of Qingming’s policy that everyone had to plant a year’s worth of fields in order to help the city test new species.., after planting a year’s worth of fields in peace, they could apply for the training and transformation course. This slowed down the progress of the Elven civilization, which was already at a disadvantage in terms of civilization. Many people were dissatisfied with the new policy, it also made the number of people who chose the second city even fewer in the next few days.

However, rainy girl didn’t think much of it. In her opinion, this Abe Qingming was a very strategic person, and he had a very deep understanding of the elven civilization!

What was the greatest flaw of the elven civilization? Many people might say that the early development of the elven civilization was slow, relying too much on biological evolution and not relying on machinery, resulting in a high-level civilization’s infrastructure requiring at least level-6 civilization to form.

But this was actually only one aspect. The true flaw of the elven civilization was the uncertainty of the race’s genes!

What did the early elven civilization need? Naturally, it needed producers. be it the flower spirits of the wood elves or the sacrifices of the Moon Elves, they were the true cornerstones of the early elven civilization.

This could be seen from the good start of the cabbages.

The combat elves did not have much effect on the early development of the city. However, the variable of the elven transformation stage could not be controlled. This inability to control the talents that the city needed was the greatest flaw of the Elven civilization!

Why would they choose to let the entire population farm? Clearly, Qing Ming had seen through the conditions for transformation. Those who transformed would transform according to their state of mind and subconscious mind. And if they were used to novel agricultural cultivation and elemental communication.., it was possible that their subconscious mind would develop in this direction during the transformation period.

Clearly, Qing Ming was using this year’s farming to cultivate the subconscious minds of many people, thus increasing the chances of transforming into flower spirits.

In fact, the first batch of people who entered the second city would not suffer a loss, because the flower spirit and the priest would be more popular than the developers in the entire Xing Hai Market!

However, the silly black girl should not be able to see through this… …

Therefore, rainy girl looked at the other party curiously. “Why did you choose the second city…”

“Because my family is all farmers in Hainan!”The black girl giggled. “I grew up with my dad growing corn on the land over there. I’m very skilled in farming. I’m a liberal arts major. If I can’t become a developer, I might be able to make a living in the second city by relying on my family skills!”

Rainy Girl:”…”

What a simple and unflashy idea… … Everyone silently said… …

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