I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 816

816 Chapter 854: the end of Almi (first part)

“Leader, Almi has been waiting outside for the whole night…”


In the wee hours of the morning, elder Lee sat across from the leader with a complicated expression on his face.

The leader rubbed his head and sighed.

In the afternoon, he made it clear that Angor’s method was not suitable because the three kingdoms had a large population!

Angor’s method was for the West Germans to control technology, control, and manage. It was equivalent to the imperial court, while the Outsiders controlled military power, colonized the outside world, and were equivalent to the local governors.

This was a good balance, but it would be different if it was reversed. The reason was because of the leaders.

Since ancient times, who had the upper hand in civil and military affairs?

Many people might say that it was the literati. There were many examples from the Song dynasty to the Ming dynasty. The generals were always pushed to the ground by the civil officials. However, that was not the case. Why would the two dynasties lower the status of the generals? Because the generals were too dangerous. Even the Emperor was afraid of them and had to rely on the civil officials to keep them in check.

Therefore, Angor’s greatest sincerity was to give out all the rights to colonize and expand the region. As long as the players in central China had this, no matter how she used the power of the castellan to control, balance, and even favor them.., the players in central China would not have a bad life.

The players would only be able to use space outside. If they were not lords, they would be adventurers traveling all over the world. How much could the castellan control?

At most, they would just pay a little tax or cooperate with the technology you released. The players would gain a lot of autonomy.

However, it would be different if it was reversed. The castellan would be Almi. If the players from central China specialized in the Mayin clan, their main area of activity would be within the city. The space that they would be restricted would be very large, the right to develop and colonize was in Ah San’s hands. If they insisted on obtaining the latest scientific research, the castellan would definitely support them. If the players from central China did not have the support of the castellan, wouldn’t they just be hired tools?

With third’s xenophobic and discriminatory style, it was not impossible to further oppress them. It might even lead to the decline of the first city, the Mayin Spirit clan, it was possible to become one of the lower-class clans in the Three Kingdoms.

It might look like the same policy on the surface, but the result would be completely different!

Even elder Bai, who supported Almi, finally gave in. In the end, he agreed to support Angor with all his might!

However, the news had not been leaked yet. Judging by Almi’s determination to see him in the middle of the night, he must have guessed something…

“What a sharp sense of smell…”the leader sighed.

“Call him in…”the leader finally said to Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu nodded and quickly walked out.

In less than 15 minutes, Almi followed Mr. Lu in.

The leader raised his head and looked at the other party. At this time, Almi looked very haggard and pale. It was obvious that he hadn’t rested for a long time and was anxious. Moreover, according to Mr. Lu, he hadn’t eaten a single drop of water.

“Pour some tea for Mr. Almi…”the leader said to Feng Doudou beside him.

Feng Doudou nodded. Not long after, he brought over a pot of fragrant green tea and a plate of jade-colored snacks. The snacks looked very tempting and emitted an intoxicating fragrance.

Almi, who had been thirsty for a day, was naturally instantly attracted by the snacks.

Seeing this, the leader smiled and said, “This is a food produced in the galaxy. Mr. Almi, do you want to try it?”

Almi did not hold it. After saying thanks, he grabbed a piece and put it into his mouth. In an instant, the soft and soft taste instantly exploded in his mouth. In an instant, Almi felt as if his entire body was wrapped in happiness.

The leader looked at Almi and smiled, “How does it taste?”

“It’s Amazing!”Almi hurriedly said, “I’ve never tasted such delicious food in my life.”

“But such delicious food is everywhere in that New World…”the leader said seriously.

Almi was stunned when he heard that. Then, he put down the pastry in his hand and looked at the leader.

“Mr. Almi and I actually have the same wish…”. The leader picked up a piece of pastry and said, “I hope that every one of my compatriots can log onto that land, eat such delicious food, enjoy everything there, and have an infinitely vast future there!”

Hearing this, Almi was silent. He understood what the other party meant. The other party wanted to let his own people into that space as soon as possible. How could he not want that?

Eighty percent of the people of the three countries lived in the countryside of other countries. The bottom level was even more miserable. They gathered in the slums, and thousands of people used a toilet. This was also divided into high castes and low castes. They discriminated against each other and squeezed each other.

The organization of the imperial court was lax. The lower level was controlled by the landlords, the upper level was mediocre, and the military was corrupt. The leader had always declared that he was the land of happiness and a developed country.

The accumulated evils were deep, and the bad habits were bad. He had made up his mind to change all of this since he was young, but the more he understood him, the more he understood that these things were like mountains. It was easier said than done to move them away completely?

The leader had a term of five years. How could the accumulated evils of a thousand years be changed in just a few years?

In his original dream, he was the one who started it. He would light a torch and at least change some things. Then, he would find people with aspirations to take over the baton, pass down the torch, and pass on the hope. Maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years.., his country could really openly say to the outside world that it was a land of happiness, a land of Paradise!

But he did not expect the opportunity to come so quickly! A brand new land, a brand new platform, what was this? This was simply a dream land for a new start, a land to build a land of happiness!

He could completely jump out of the current forces that were blocking his progress and reshuffle everything. This kind of opportunity, which Almi did not even dare to dream of, suddenly came crashing down on him one day.

From the moment he heard this news, he knew that this was the hope of the three Arab countries. It was an opportunity given by the heavens to create heaven!

However, the cruel thing was that there were only five spots, and all the ambitious people in the world were working hard for their fellow countrymen, including this old man in front of him.

He instantly understood what the old man wanted to say. Our ideals and starting points are the same, but the people we represent are different!

“We… have a chance to win!”Almi looked at the leader with a demanding look.

The leader looked at the young man’s pure eyes and sighed in his heart. Actually, after learning about his deeds, the leader agreed with the young man very much. Like him, the young man wanted to break through the ranks and speak for the lower class.

The two of them were actually very similar. They were both idealistic politicians, and they were both very capable. They carried their childish dreams all the way to the top.


“I’m sorry. Ms. Angor’s offer is more suitable for us!”The leader did not waste his breath.

“Can I hear her offer?”Almi asked in a low voice.

The leader nodded without hesitation. He would announce it tomorrow anyway.

As the leader slowly explained Angor’s offer, Almi’s face turned paler and paler. He was an extremely smart man. Otherwise, he would not have made it this far as a kid born in a slum, but the smarter you are, the better you know the appeal of Angor’s offer.

The full surrender of the rights to pioneer and colonization, Ms. Angell, was a bold move… . .


With some abject Amir left, Lei Lao looked at each other solemnly said: “This kid left really quick, waiting for the middle of the night, to the end did not try to redeem A.”

“Because he’s a smart guy…”the leader smiled. “He knows that he can’t give Angor the national conditions, and he can’t save Angor either.”

“He’s a tough opponent…”elder lei frowned. “He has a lot of support in this country. Even if we all support Angor, we might not be able to win.”

“You just found out now?”Elder Bai rolled his eyes at elder lei. He then turned to the leader and said, “Leader, I’ve already contacted the leaders of the Three Kingdoms…”

“Have you sent everything that should be sent over?”

“Yes, everything has been sent over, including the agreement for him to give us preferential treatment and the video surveillance that has been waiting for you outside for most of the Night!”

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