I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 814

814 Chapter 852: Conditions for the two of them

“Hello, Mr. Almi…”


After Almi entered the Hall of Parliament, the five old men stood up and shook hands one after another. Almi hurriedly shook hands with them one by one. After shaking hands, he put his hands together and performed a religious ritual.

“Mr. Almi has come from afar and is full of sincerity. Let’s not beat around the bush…”. Elder Bai spoke first. “The candidates for the first city are you and Angor. That’s why we’ve been discussing who should work together for the whole day. The vote was also a tie. Only the leader hasn’t given us his vote yet “…”

Almi realized that the old man must have voted for him. He smiled warmly at elder Bai.

Seeing that the other party immediately reacted, elder Bai nodded in satisfaction.

He was more optimistic about Almi. In the future, if he had the chance to take control of Huaxia City, he would definitely cooperate in depth… …

Elder lei curled his lips slightly and did not say anything.

After the leader gestured for everyone to sit down, he immediately said, “Mr. Almi, elder Bai has just told you about the situation. This is a last-minute question. If you have anything that you can take out, take it out now!”

The other party’s straightforward words made Almi have a good impression. What he was most afraid of right now was that the other party would hesitate and drag on, wasting each other’s time. After all, time was very precious to any candidate right now!

“It’s like this. I can guarantee a fair acceptance rate. As long as your side is willing to cooperate, the people of China who choose the first city will be better than the people of other countries. Then, I will carry out an average and fair ratio with my own people according to the population!”

“A fair ratio according to the number?”The leader’s eyes flashed as he asked.

This thing seemed fair, but it was actually not. When the time came, the people of the central China who chose the first city would definitely not be all of them. There would be at most 100 million people, but these 100 million people would have to carry out a fair ratio of admission with the more than one billion people of the three countries, in other words, there would only be one person from the central China among the more than ten three countries who entered the Sea of stars.

“Mr. Almi…”the leader frowned and said, “Don’t you consider the quality of the applicants?”

As soon as he said this, Almi sighed in his heart. What was supposed to happen had finally come.

The most difficult hurdle for him to cooperate with Huazhong was here.

The players in Huazhong had extremely high qualifications, and each of them had the highest ratio of qualifications. They had a unique advantage. Under such circumstances, if they were matched according to quality, wouldn’t the people in his three countries make a big fuss?

His biggest advantage was the huge support rate of the people in China. If he was so biased toward central China in the admission rate, he would probably be publicized as a traitor by the people in China!

He couldn’t compromise on this point…

“Mr. Long…”Almi took a deep breath, he said calmly, “In the admission quota, it is the maximum that I can do according to the number of people. Of course, after I enter, I will try to compensate some resources… “… For example, the quality of the initial points loan and the housing discount… “…”

The leader nodded, and then carefully asked about the preferential policies for compensation. He asked the secretary behind him to write down all of them one by one, and then carefully read them again in his hand.

There were quite a number of preferential policies, including the initial 100-point subsidy, the top ranking of the loan quality, the housing preferential policies, and even the lord support funds when adventuring in the New Territories. They were still very sincere.

But to be honest, the fundamental problem had not been solved!

The fundamental barrier of cooperation with the three countries was how to solve the problem of xenophobia. In terms of how to solve the problem of whether the people of the three countries would use their population advantage to squeeze and exclude foreign Chinese, Almi did not give too good a policy.

“Okay, sir, I understand all of your sincerity. Please go back to the embassy for a moment and wait. We will definitely give you an answer tomorrow!”Mr. Long said to the other party with a smile after reading the information.

Hearing that, Almi stood up and bowed to the crowd again. Then, he left the hall under the lead of Mr. Lu.

After Almi left the hall, elder Lei took the lead and said, “Look, I said that he can’t come up with any good stuff, right? He didn’t even mention how to solve the problem of the foreigners in his own country!”

“How to solve the problem that can’t be solved?”? “?”Elder Bai rolled his eyes at him and said, “He has already made a lot of concessions to be able to do this. Do you still expect him to sacrifice the interests of his own people to help us?”? When it came to xenophobia, which foreigner would not be biased towards his own people? Which country would not be xenophobic? Can You solve the problem of US Huaxia City players being xenophobic?”

“Why should I?”Old Thunder sneered. “I’ll be lucky if I don’t kick those foreigners out!”

“Heh…”old white laughed. “You Old Scoundrel!”

“Alright!”The leader interrupted their conversation. “Angor’s coming in soon. Don’t talk too much.”

Mr. Lu knocked on the door. “Sir, Angor is here.”

“Alright…”the leader quickly led the other four old men to greet them.

The leader did not waste any time after sitting down again. He went straight to the point. “Lady Angor, if we’re willing to support you, what can you give us Huazhong Players?”

The leader actually supported elder Bai’s idea. After all, getting the city passage was the best way to reduce the population output. If he chose Angor, it would be harder and more unstable, but if he supported Almi, it was almost certain!

Angor knew the situation. She knew that if she wanted to get support, she had to offer better conditions than Almi. She had to make sure that Huazhong was willing to take the risk for her!

Angor did not waste any time. “First of all, I’ll make an average and fair selection based on the number of people!”


Everyone, including Elder Dragon, was shocked!

This strategy was the same as Almi’s, but the results were different due to different national conditions. The three countries had a large population, so if they made a selection based on the number of people, the ones who would suffer would be outsiders, but West Germany was different. With a population of only 30 million, if there were 100 million people from central China joining, that would be the ratio of three players from central China to one player from West Germany. Moreover, as long as their side’s propaganda was good.., if they could get enough people from central China to choose the first city, the ratio would be even higher, and the situation would be completely reversed.

Throwing such a big cake at the beginning, the Five Elders’hearts jumped, and even elder Bai, who supported Almi, could not help but swallow his saliva.

This offer… was a bit tempting…

“What about after?”The leader did not feel dizzy from the offer. Instead, he immediately thought of a key problem. If this policy was implemented, the players from Huazhong City would definitely have the upper hand in the first city, so, how did Angor plan to balance the situation?

“I plan to solidify my gene body!”Angor told them his plan.


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