I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 793

793 Chapter 831: the details of the election!

The veracity of the news, announced by the 46 countries themselves, made many who had previously insisted that it was a farce realize: the world has really changed!


On the Federal Forum, a large number of netizens from various countries began to discuss the matter!

America: Watefak? This is crazy. It’s even more utopian than utopia? Can anyone tell me if I’m Dreaming Right Now?

West European Netizen: I find it incredible too, but the world described in it is so great. I always thought that I would never have the chance to participate in such a great thing again if I didn’t catch up with the great maritime era, i didn’t expect to be born in a greater era. It’s wonderful!

Red Sun: Oh, it’s a hot-blooded world. It’s a man’s paradise.

America: it sounds wonderful, but that depends on which country’s politicians can take over. Right now, I only pray that our country’s politicians who brag all day long can truly fight for something for our country’s citizens.

Western Europe: “Now that you mention it, I suddenly feel that it’s a little dangerous…”

Red Sun: Lord Qing Ming will definitely lead us to get the tickets!

Universe Country: Ah Xi, if only Lord song cared was still here!

Red Sun: weren’t you the ones who sent him to prison?

Universe country: nonsense, it was clearly those corrupt financial groups who set up Lord Song.

Red Sun: but it was indeed you who marched him down and sent him to prison.

Universe Country: we were deceived by SMECTA! !

Huazhong: So Lively…


A 3 countries: speaking of which… : … Why did a backward country like Huazhong get the treatment of a city?

Huazhong: Hehe, can you fix up your slum before saying this?

Universe country: that’s right, galaxy is obviously the SMECTA that originated from our Korean nation!

Huazhong: If You Say So…

Along with the appearance of Huazhong’s netizens, the netizens of the various countries immediately started to denounce Huazhong in unison. Obviously, they were extremely dissatisfied with the fact that they had such a huge advantage. Some netizens even pointed out that the Huazhong players used their advantage to eliminate their enemies in the galaxy world, they called on everyone to unite and fight against the vile actions of the Huazhong players.

Especially the three countries, they were especially enthusiastic. They claimed that no matter which country was elected, the five big cities should unite and Boycott Huazhong.

Immediately, these words received a wave of response. Faced with such a mighty denunciation, the Huazhong players laughed and said, “Denounce us? Do you think that you have the final say?”?

These words immediately caused a wave of denunciations. After a long time, some Huazhong players carefully asked on the forums, “You… ?”? “… didn’t you see the newly released list of racial advantages?”?

What the hell?

Many overseas netizens were confused and confused.

Therefore, many netizens switched to the internet to search for the latest news. Only then did they realize that five minutes ago, Galaxy officially announced the latest details of the election rules, and among the many details, one of them was what the player just said: the list of racial advantages!

After reading it, everyone was stunned. Holy Sh * T… . How did this happen?

———— —

Five minutes ago: by many countries have been 24 hours of sleepless staring at the “Galaxy”official website finally updated the news!

Hello, everyone. Five minutes ago, the last invitation had already been reserved for Mr. Song Zai Yi from the universe country. At this point, a total of 360 candidates from the five big cities have all been invited, as for the names of the candidates, they had already been officially announced. Citizens of the 46 countries could go to the official website for inquiries.

Now, the details of the election were announced: 1: the invitation quota is a total of 360. The quota is a decision made by the higher-ups of Xing Hai based on the politician’s performance during the execution period and his life experience. It can not be changed or replaced, in order to prevent other powers from using malicious methods to interfere with the election, we will provide professional protection after the quota is confirmed. Please do not take any chances and try to attack, because once the attack happens, we will definitely find the mastermind behind it, once it is determined, the organization that participated in the attack will be permanently blacklisted, and the descendants of ten generations will not be allowed to enter galaxy!

Two: each candidate can only choose one city to run in the election, and no more elections are allowed. The candidate will formulate and publicize policies according to the city they choose. Please submit your policy strategy within 30 days, we will disclose your policy strategy and details, and your policy will be rated by the Galaxy Committee, the 46 national public opinion votes, and the candidate qualification department. The highest value will be selected as the city lord of that city!

On the city choice: the city choice will be open to the citizens of the forty-six nations at noon today. Citizens can choose a city as their preferred city. Citizens, please note that the preferred city can not be changed once the choice is made, and once the choice is made, you can only represent that city to have the public vote.

On the city itself: except for Huaxia City, which requires a special application to be admitted into the Huazhong Special Election District, citizens of the other five cities of the forty-six nations can choose (including Huazhong people) . Unlike Huaxia City, which is open to all sectors of civilization, the newly developed five cities will follow the path of specialization! Please note that each city’s civilization attribute, race, and direction of development will be different. Citizens are invited to choose a city suitable for them based on the city’s civilization and race characteristics. Once again, citizens are reminded to choose carefully, once you choose, you will not be able to change it!

As for race genomes: we will open more than 30 race genomes in each of the five cities. The advantages and characteristics of each race will also be very different, among them, the Green Titan, the elves, and the developers are public races. All cities have this option, and the remaining races are privately owned by the city. Only by choosing that city can you choose the race gene, citizens, please note: different races will result in different probability of containing the race gene. This will affect the speed and space of growth after you choose the gene, for example, the people of the Red Sun Nation have a stronger advantage in elven genes than the Americans, and the Americans have a greater genetic advantage in the Green Titan than most Asians.

In order to ensure urban balance, the races we set up in the five major cities meet the accommodation rate of most ethnic groups. The details of the specific racial accommodation rate have been published in a table on the official website, which you can download and watch, citizens are invited to look carefully and choose according to their own preferences.

On the evaluation of the Selection Qualification Department: The Selection Qualification Department is an Intelligent Comprehensive Evaluation, a fair evaluation without personal feelings, will be based on the politicians in the policy may absorb the population to give a comprehensive score, the evaluation of the population is based on the following aspects.

First: racial tolerance, high tolerance represents a higher ceiling space, in line with the city’s genetic policy will get a higher score, such as the bronze dwarfs in the Second City, those that are compatible with their genetic code will be Chinese, Latino, and Germanic. If the policy can attract more people in this area, it will receive additional points.

Second: professional population. The development of a city can not be separated from the development of all kinds of basic professions. If you can attract the population of outstanding professions, you will also receive additional points. The demand for specific professions will vary according to the city’s civilization, the ratio of demand will also be different. For example, if the third city is a biological force, it will need people like biology, medicine, and the like more. Those who can attract the demand of the professional population of the city will also receive corresponding bonus points!

Third: Single-person quality. The population that emerging cities can accommodate is limited. It will require the city lord to recruit more high-quality people. In terms of policy, how to recruit more elites is also one of the bonus points in the assessment of Candidates’qualifications, please note that the so-called quality of the population is one’s own ability and quality. Please do not directly equate the upper circle of the D sphere with the elites. As for the specific judgment, please consider it on your own!

Finally, the officials hope that everyone will actively participate in this election poll. Choosing a good city lord is of great significance to your future life in Xing Hai!

The city culture, race category, and race acceptance rate table have all been officially announced. Please go to the official website XXXX to download the attachment and read it carefully. If you have any questions, please ask in the official forum, there will be a special intelligence to collect your questions and give you answers!

As soon as the details of the election were released, it immediately caused another wave of excitement. After everyone downloaded the so-called attachment and read it, they instantly understood what the player from central China meant in the forum.

Everyone took a look at the race acceptance rate and realized that all the race’s high acceptance rate list options actually had people from central China! !

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