I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 780

780 Chapter 818: the Test

West Germany was located in the middle of Western Europe. Since ancient times, it had played an important role in the history of Western Europe. Before the rise of the supernatural force, West Germany was already considered as the leader of the west, the economic leader of the entire Western alliance.


In the West Germany administrative office, the current leader was Morales. Angor looked at the transaction information sent by the Arthur family with a serious expression. The transaction was very special and shocking!

The information said that the Arthur family was willing to accept the West German ancient blood request and give them three drops of the purest royal blood of the Arthur family. However, the condition was that they had to secretly capture a group of people from West Germany, the West German authorities could not stop them!

Angor was both excited and confused at the same time!

The reason for his excitement was naturally the ancient blood. Since the beginning of the extraordinary era, West Germany had applied for the ancient blood from the Great Knight families countless times over the past 200 years. However, they never succeeded!

It all started with the rise of the extraordinary era. When the nobles represented by the Arthur family found the mysterious ancient blood by accident, they set up the Round Table Knight Conference and started the Western Extraordinary Era!

Since then, Syd’s status began to plummet. Great Britain used the rare ancient blood to establish the twelve great knight families. Seven of the twelve families were in Great Britain, of the remaining five, three were in West France, one in Spain, and one in West Italy. Only West Germany did not have it. This was very awkward. The Big Brother of the Western Alliance, the Western Central Bank, was set up in Frankfurt, West Germany, west Germany was not only responsible for the financial and monetary policies of the euro area, but its industrial standard was also the best in all of Western Europe. However, because it did not have the backing of a transcendent family, its status declined again and again over the course of a hundred years!

The transcendents in the west were the descendants of bloodlines, a little like the descendants of vampires. In the early period when Great Britain obtained the ancient blood, they had used the ancient blood inheritance to develop the next family many times, thus expanding their influence, however, they had not distributed the ancient blood to West Germany!

This was also because they were afraid that West Germany would use their own country’s super strong scientific research strength to break through this field, so they had been keeping the other side under the transcendence blockade for a hundred years!

This blockade caused West Germany’s influence in the west to become lower and lower. In the past hundred years, they had even been ranked outside the top five by the media. This made the highly self-respecting Germans especially dissatisfied.

After Angola took office, she still did not give up on applying for ancient blood. During her tenure, she had already applied for ancient blood from the Arthur family for the 16th time. During this period, the conditions she offered were getting bigger and bigger, she was even willing to provide West Germany with a few core precision industrial technologies. However, she was still delayed by the other party with all sorts of excuses. However, she did not expect that the other party would actually be willing to offer the ancient blood that they dreamed of, and it was the pure blood of the Arthur Family!

The first ones who got the pure blood of the Arthur family were the best among the second-tier knight families in the west. The good ones were already on par with the Arthur family and became one of the twelve leaders of the west!

However, the conditions were a bit strange. They were trying to capture people from their own countries across the border. Angor wondered what kind of people could be as valuable as the ancient blood? Or the ancient blood of the Arthur Family?

Not to mention the value of the ancient blood, just asking someone from another country to capture a citizen from his own country would probably get him kicked out of office by the angry people.

Should he agree?

Angor bit his finger. The ancient blood was too important to West Germany. After so many years of suppression, it had become a problem for West Germany. It was worth it even if she was kicked out of office…

But… “…”! As a top politician, Angor’s instinct told him that there was no such thing as a free lunch. Since he was willing to offer such an important bait, he must be asking for more!

The afternoon went by like this. His office phone rang again and again. Every time he received a call, it was from the higher-ups of West Germany, they all hoped that Angor would agree to Great Britain’s request. They even jointly promised that Angor would not be thrown out of office.

Even so, Angor did not give up. She always felt that if he did, there would be terrible consequences!

“Sir, why are you still hesitating?”In the office.., the vice-leader, François, urged him anxiously, “The Arthur family has already sent someone here for the third time. This time, they even warned us. If you continue to hesitate, our West Germany will lose our only chance to get the ancient blood. You’ll be a sinner in the history of West Germany!”!

This was a serious statement. As the vice-leader, he was already speaking in a threatening tone.

However, Angor remained unmoved. He kept his silence, which made the man anxious and helpless!

After another 15 minutes, Angor finally spoke. “Thor… What do you think the Arthur family is planning?”

“Sir, it’s not important. What’s important is the ancient blood!”Thor emphasized.

“No…”Angor shook his head. “It’s important. The fact that they’re willing to use the ancient blood as bait means that this operation is more valuable than the ancient blood!”

“What else is more valuable than the ancient blood?”Thor laughed.

“I don’t know…”Angor shook his head, however, his tone was firm. “But that doesn’t mean there isn’t one. As long as it’s logical, everything can’t be for a reason. Sid underestimated the supernatural force 200 years ago, which caused him to fall behind by 200 years. At that time, due to his limited knowledge, I didn’t want Sid to miss out on something again 200 years later!”

“So what are you going to do? Give up this chance?”Sol frowned.

“Of course not…”Angor narrowed his eyes. “Promise them to let Arthur’s special forces in, but we have to track them down and find out who they’re trying to take away!”

“And then?”The Man’s face turned serious.

“We’ll activate the level-one security seal and find any excuse we can. We can’t let these special forces go back alive. Then we’ll figure out what’s so special about the people they’re taking away as quickly as possible!”

“This…”Thor was surprised. “Isn’t this too much? What if they get angry? Won’t the ancient blood be ruined?”

“No need. Go ahead and ask them to give us the ancient blood before they let their soldiers in. They haven’t kept their promise for so many times.”

“But what happens after?”Thor asked anxiously. “What if we don’t get something better? What if we offend the Arthur Family?”

“Just push me out then!”Angor said coldly. “I’m sure the leader of a country is qualified to use it as an apology!”

Thor stared at him blankly. He did not expect Angor to be so bold!

“Go. Don’t waste time!”Angor took a deep breath and waved his hand.

A moment later, he did not move. He was still standing there, looking at him with a strange expression.

“What’s Wrong?”Angor frowned and looked at the man. He suddenly realized something was wrong with his partner of five years.

“Good!”The anxious Thor suddenly smiled in appreciation.

Angor was stunned. He stared at the man for a long time and asked coldly, “If you’re not Thor, then who are you?”

Thor smiled and his body began to transform. A few seconds later, the old man in the suit turned into a beautiful elf.

“Let me introduce myself… “… “I’m Qin Xuanji, the Master of Luofu Xuanji. Congratulations. You passed our test. Now, on behalf of the upper management of luofu, I’m sending you an invitation to participate in the election of the city lord of the Starry Sea World!”!

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