I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 764

764 Chapter 802: Elder Fang’s thoughts

Both elder Li and the leader were stunned when they saw elder Fang again. Elder Fang’s son, Fang Jianming, said with a sobbing voice, “Dad… how did you become like this?”


Elder Fang flexed his muscular body and revealed a very satisfied expression. When he saw his son’s sad face, he couldn’t help but want to give him a kick. However, he still rationally suppressed his impulse. Because he knew that with his current body, his son might be kicked into sauce…

“Why are you doing intelligence analysis? Don’t you know the most popular racial model in the galaxy?”Elder Fang glared at his son.

“I know it…”Fang Jianming carefully looked at his father. “But I didn’t expect you to choose such a Model…”

He didn’t expect his father, who had been in the academic world all his life, to be so wild in his heart…

Being stared at by his son, the veins on elder Fang’s forehead twitched. “I’m Willing!”

“Old Fang…”elder Li couldn’t help but approach him. He touched elder Fang’s rock-hard muscles and swallowed his saliva. “How do you feel, Old Fang?”

“Very good!”Old Fang chuckled and said, “All the old problems of my aching back and back are gone. I feel like my whole body is filled with strength and my teeth are fine. In the past, I didn’t have any appetite for anything other than plain porridge. But now, I feel like I can eat an entire cow every day. When I see a pretty girl, I can’t help but feel excited. I feel like I’m 20 again. It feels great…”. “…”

“Dad… that last sentence was a little inappropriate…”Fang Jianming reminded him weakly.

Elder Li looked at Old Fang carefully and asked doubtfully, “Old Fang, why do I feel that your outline is still a little old?”

Old Fang smiled. “Because I’m already old…”

Elder Li was stunned. “But… but isn’t this… a change of body?”

Elder Fang knew what the other party meant. He looked at the leader who was also eager, he explained with a smile, “It is indeed a new body, but this body didn’t appear out of thin air. Instead, it was made using our own genes. It’s a little similar to cloning. My original cells are indeed old, so the ones made naturally can’t be compared to the ones made by young people…”. “…”

“But… but didn’t Jianming say that this is an immortal technique?”Elder Li stammered.

The leader remained silent at the side, but a hint of anxiety flashed in the depths of his eyes. When Fang Jianming heard this, he immediately broke into a sweat. He didn’t dare to be blamed, so he hurriedly said, “Ahem… that… that’s just a guess…”

“How can there be an immortal technique in this world?”Elder Fang shook his head and said, “In the ancient books, immortals who cultivate and become immortals also have the five decays of heaven and man…”

Elder Li and the leader’s faces darkened. It was not that they had not seen the light at this age. The key was that there were signs of this before, and now that they were told that there were no signs of it, they could not help but feel a little upset…

“However, there are techniques to extend life…”elder Fang smiled. “For example, my body has an average lifespan of 300 years. My cells are relatively old, and the gene body that I have produced only has a lifespan of 150 years…”

Old Li and the chief heard the eyes light up, one hundred and fifty years old? Another hundred and fifty years? . It may not sound as good as immortality, but it’s pretty good for an old man who’s only got ten years to live…

Elder Fang continued, “Of course, this is not the limit. Luo Fu and other genetic bodies have very strong evolutionary abilities. As long as you are willing, whether it is through training or strengthening resources, your lifespan can continue to increase after evolution. However, I don’t have much data on how much it can increase… “… “…”

The two old men relaxed after hearing the two pieces of good news. However, they soon turned serious, the leader who had been silent all this time finally spoke, “Old Fang, do you know how much trouble you will cause if you announce what you just said?”

Elder Li, who was initially excited, immediately fell silent. Among Luo Fu’s technology, this project could be said to be the most irresistible to all mankind, the other space teleportation technology, advanced mechanical technology, and the alchemy technology from Lei Xue’s intelligence reports were tempting, but they were not enough to make those humans in high positions lose their minds completely.

However, this was enough!

What was the biggest purpose of those top Jewish families in America spending huge amounts of money on genetic surgery every year? Wasn’t it to extend their lifespan?

After all, for rich people, how to live… … Was not enough to live…

Old Fang was silent for a while. Finally, he said faintly, “Sir, this has become a set pattern!”

“But if back then… if you had reminded me back then…”the leader said with rare excitement.

“Then what? What does Sir Leader Plan to do?”Old Fang sighed. “A full-scale ban? To let our Huazhong Miss This opportunity for a national evolution?”The leader was stunned, but then he said, “We can act according to the situation, and not be completely passive like now…”

“But the end result will still be the same…”. “No one can refuse Luo Fu. If you refuse, the people below will not listen to you, and the people will not listen to you. This is the general trend. I know what you are thinking. You want to use the power of the country to fight for greater benefits, and you even want to replace it. I know all of this. This is why I am not willing to tell you. Because if you fail, the result may be that the advantage of our Huazhong players will be destroyed. I can not let the interests of the entire Huazhong make a bet for your ambition!”

“But I’m doing this for our fellow countrymen!”The leader couldn’t help but say angrily, “Is it right to hand our entire nation over to a mysterious force that doesn’t even have a clear foundation?”

Elder Li looked at the two of them and didn’t know what to say for a moment. At this moment, it was hard to say who was wrong. One could only say that their political views were different and that they didn’t conspire against each other…

Elder Fang didn’t say anything. He did data, so he was more rational in doing things. It wasn’t that he didn’t agree with the leader’s method, but the hard conditions didn’t allow it. According to the comparison between the two sides, the leader’s chances of winning were too slim.

Luo Fu had a large number of extraordinary players and an incredible teleportation technique. Just these two points alone were enough to make him invincible. If you couldn’t find him, he could teleport advanced players to mess with you at any time, and the players could even resurrect, what could you use to fight him?

In addition to that alluring genetic technique, as long as it was announced, 80% of the world’s major forces would instantly fall in that direction. This was practically without a doubt. The leader wanted to act according to the situation, but once he had that thought, would he be able to stop halfway. Elder Fang deeply knew that the hardest thing to control in this world was the hearts of people…

That was why he did not hesitate to lean towards that side, because he did not dare to bet on whether the leader would be able to control himself when the time came. He was not willing to let the great situation in Huazhong take such a risk!

This was elder Fang’s thought, a thought where reason trumped emotion, and the first thing he chose to do was to protect the interests of the masses!

“Alright…”elder Li Sighed, finally, he interjected, “Now that things have come to this, there’s no point in dwelling on it anymore. What we need to do now is to look into the future. Elder Fang… How much do you know about the current situation of the city’s election?”

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