I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 750

750 Chapter 788: the situation (part two)

“I can’t tell, Old Wang…”Yang Rui stared at him strangely. “You’re still playing the nationality discrimination game?”


“Hey, don’t talk nonsense…”the dog father glared at him and said, “I’m not a cynic, I’m doing this for a reason…”

“Oh?”Yang Rui raised his eyebrows, his face full of disbelief…

“This boning artisan is a very hard job…”. The dog father explained seriously, “You should know from the name that this is a butcher’s job. It’s dirty, tiring, and undignified. Although the pay is high, very few people can persevere. I’m recruiting long-term employees here, but I don’t have the time to recruit people who run away after a few days.” …”

“Is this the reason you discriminate against nationality?”Yang Rui laughed and said, “Don’t tell me that the people of Germania can persevere in this job?”

“You’re right!”The dog father said seriously, “This is not my prejudice, there are statistics. We, the owners of the shops, have made strict statistics over the past few days. Among all the overseas players, the ba-tie players and German players have the highest overall quality. First of all, they are more hardworking… “Of course, they are definitely not as hardworking as the greater Chinese people. But among the Western European people, the German players are considered more hardworking. Moreover, their work attitude is strict and they are eager to learn. Now, many shops like to recruit German players . . .”

“The laziest people are the British. None of them can last more than three days. However, most of the people on the Western European side are quite lazy. This is also related to the fact that they live too leisurely in their high-welfare society. Black people are also lazy. They are also sneaky and Sly. They like to take advantage of others. They often steal food ingredients to go out… <per_0> . The players of the Red Sun country are relatively good, they are more hardworking, and their ability to withstand pressure is also stronger. But you also know that 80% of the players in our country are angry youths, so they don’t really like the players of the Red Sun Country, causing them to find it quite difficult to find a job here. From here, you should be able to see the magnanimity of this boss, right? I have quite a few workers from the Red Sun country here… :”

Yang Rui stared blankly at the other party. This sort of topic where the boss of Huazhong was picking on the strengths and weaknesses of the workers from various countries, it felt quite strange, somehow it made Yang Rui interested.., he asked curiously, “Then why don’t you like Ah San and the people from the universe country? The people from these two countries are pretty good at resisting pressure, right?”

Dog Dad was silent for a while, before finally saying, “I hate the people from those two countries…”

Yang Rui immediately rolled his eyes, wasn’t this still discrimination based on nationality. It was just a change of preference… …

After that, under the other party’s lead, Yang Rui came to a separate cubicle, the environment of this cubicle was obviously much better than the underground cafeteria from before, there were a few other players sitting inside, it seemed like they had been waiting here for a long time.

“Let me introduce you…”. “This is the middle-level staff of our branch. This is the person with both hands off the keyboard, who is mainly responsible for the meat cooking of this branch. She practices Pengke’s cuisine. This is the person from the side of the Golden Smile, and she is also one of the chefs here. She practices the lanting cuisine, and she is good at cooking vegetarian food. This is the person who has merged with Pikachu, and she is our pastry chef. This is the girl from Crystal Heart, and she is our bartender “… “…”

Yang Rui was stunned for a moment. He looked at the few players that the other party had introduced. Among them, there was a big green man who looked exactly like old Wang, and there was also a very handsome humanoid creature. He thought to himself, these should be the elves in the game’s data, right?

But judging from the online names, they should be from Huazhong…

“Old Wang…”yang rui whispered, “Don’t you have any foreign chefs here?”

“Of course not…”. Dog father said righteously, “The cultivation of chefs is expensive. You need to go to the main base’s kitchen to receive professional chef courses. During the training period, you have to spend money to buy high-end ingredients for him to practice. The initial investment is not small. It’s a targeted cultivation position that requires a contract to be signed. How can you sign a foreigner?”

Yang Rui:”…”

“Actually, it’s not just chefs…”. The beautiful elven girl smiled and said, “It’s the same for lifestyle classes that have a higher threshold. For example, blacksmiths need specialized instructors to guide them and use good raw materials for them to practice. or tailors also need specialized instructors and good materials for them to practice. They all need to be trained at a certain cost. These lifestyle classes that have a higher threshold naturally have higher treatment. As for Chinese players, they naturally try their best to leave the opportunity to their own people “…”. “…”

Yang Rui was stunned for a moment. He gradually understood the situation here, so he carefully asked, “Can lifestyle classes like yours only be targeted?”?

“That’s not it…”. The Elven player shook his head. “Players can also study at their own expense. However, it’s difficult to earn points in the early stages, but there are many ways to spend money. Applying for a tutorial course, going to a training base, and even buying advanced nutrition products to improve one’s physique all require money. If you spend money to train such a high-threshold lifestyle class, it will greatly slow down your progress to the new territories. This is something that many players are unwilling to do, which is why this targeted cultivation strategy appeared “…”. “…”

Yang Rui narrowed his eyes and asked, “Was this strategy set up by the forces behind this base?”

He was actually quite curious. As an alien force, wouldn’t this give the players from central China too much of an advantage?

“Uhm…”. “This wasn’t set up by the government, it was proposed by private players.” The Elven player laughed and said, “Isn’t it because most players aren’t willing to pay for their own education?” “… so the various player forces, led by the Cabbage Patch Alliance, started this type of targeted training mode. So many private shops began to learn in a proper manner, and it became like this “…”. “…”

Yang Rui’s heart tightened when he heard that. He instantly heard some clues, so he asked curiously, “Then since you all want to go to the New World and come to receive training to become lifestyle classes, won’t it also slow down the process of your adventuring?”

“No…”. A player beside him interrupted, “If you don’t train a lifestyle profession and just rely on moving bricks, you’ll need at least a year to get out. But it’s different after you learn a lifestyle profession. If you earn more money, you’ll have more money to buy nutrition products to improve your physique. You Won’t feel bad applying for training rooms and courses. You’ll be able to level up quickly, and you’ll be able to go to the new territories in about half a year.”

Yang Rui asked, “Aren’t you guys going to work for party A for a few years?”

The player replied, “Yes, but most of the factions have their own shops in their locations. We can work and travel at the same time. Our working hours are very free. As long as we can complete the contract, we can do it. Moreover, if we make a lot of money while traveling, we can redeem the contract at any time…”. “…”

Yang Rui took a deep breath when he heard that. He finally understood. This was clearly a group of high-level players from central China monopolizing resources for their countrymen!

According to this model, the players from central China could earn money faster, enter the New World Faster, and improve themselves faster. However, the ordinary overseas players could only take it step by step. The gap would probably widen in the future…

“How is it?”Dog Dad looked at Yang Rui with a smile. “This place is actually not bad, right?”

Yang Rui:”…”

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