I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 705

705 Chapter 733: The Trail of Li Goudan

Those who were familiar with Mitilina would definitely remember this street. This was a very famous street in Linxi City. There were several most famous tailor shops in the western islands, and some of them had been around for thousands of years, they were world-renowned, and their exquisite craftsmanship had once attracted countless nobles to flock here.


However, he was now despised here. Countless people who were drawn to the tailor’s shop might not be able to resist killing them. Compared to tailors, they wanted the owner of a sausage shop or a bakery more.

Kudran was a person who admired culture, so even if he had fallen to such a state, he was willing to respect these former tailors and give them protection.

Over time, the name of Kudran spread here. Due to his strength, very few people would come here to provoke him, because he was one of the few powerful legends in this city.

Usually, those who could come here to fight were rookies… …

Kudran looked at the group of people in front of him. They should be rookies. Looking at their clean and tidy clothes, he knew that these people had not experienced any struggles in this desperate city. After all, in his impression.., the only people who could maintain decent clothes in this city were his group of people who occupied the tailor street.

In fact, according to his usual character, he did not like to make things difficult for the rookies, but who asked them to have women. Women were rare here, so he could not help but stop this group of rookies. However, he did not expect to kick an iron plate…

Just one person, a guy who looked very low-key in a sailor suit, was able to hold his own against him and the other five gold-rank teammates!

Moreover, if it wasn’t for the special weapons in their hands, just based on their strength alone, they would probably have been decapitated!

This wasn’t even taking into account the fact that the others hadn’t made a move.

When did such a character appear outside?

Fortunately, not everyone was as exaggerated as this guy. Kudran could see that not everyone in this group of rookies was so good at fighting. At the very least, those dancers and those guys dressed as bards looked very panicked, although the sailors were strong and strong, they did not look like they had practiced combat techniques. However, there were a few exceptions that were worth paying attention to.

First, the two orcs. He was not sure why there were orcs in a fleet, but he was sure that they should be orcs. He was a cultured person, and he was also involved in the orc culture. From the way he dressed.., the two orcs should be the witch doctors and shamans of the orc tribe.

Then there was the other old man. Although his body was floating, there was obviously a wave of energy surrounding him. With his years of sailing experience, he could tell at a glance that this was a high-level mage grandfather…

If he had known that it was such a powerful team, he might not have made a move just because of a few dancers.

“Stop! !”

In the midst of the anxious confrontation, a loud roar interrupted the fight between the two sides not far away. Regardless of whether it was the expert in the sailor’s uniform or Kurdistan’s group, they all retreated rationally. At this time, there was a third party involved.., naturally, they could not continue fighting. They had to see the situation first.

“It’s the second mate, and Lord Snow! !”Some sharp-eyed sailors suddenly cheered.

Seeing that it was snow and the others, the chief steward Lun Morsenkin immediately let out a sigh of relief. Although Lord Jack, who was hiding among the sailors, was powerful, he did not have the upper hand because of the strange weapon in the other party’s hands. It was true that he was an advanced mage.., but he was not a battle-type mage, so it was his side that felt guilty just now.

Once the other party realized that his mage was just putting on a show, he might attack the group behind him. When that time came, Lord Jack alone would not be able to protect his group…

Fortunately, Lord Lei Xue came in time…

Lei Xue’s group approached them without hesitation, causing Shawn to frown behind them. Generally speaking, those damn things would not appear in groups, so the possibility of imitating such a large group of people was not high, moreover, the person who was able to tie with Kurdistan’s group just now was definitely a real person.

However, it still did not mean that this group of people was fine. There might have already been a few of those monsters that could change their forms mixed in…

“This old man, can you explain what happened?”Lei Xue looked at the well-dressed old man opposite her and asked with a smile. She could tell that the other party should be the leader of the other party.

Hearing that, Kudran looked at Lei Xue and the others. He secretly cursed his bad luck in his heart. He did not expect that the person who came was actually the opposite party’s aid.

Moreover, this group of people who rushed over were not ordinary. Those sailors had strong physiques. From the way they held their weapons, it could be seen that they had received professional combat training. Moreover, their strength was not low. It was estimated that they were at least at the silver standard.

Then, there were the two middle-aged men with the first and second mate’s marks. Their auras were very powerful and were not inferior to his. It seemed that they had really kicked an iron plate today…

When he thought of this, Kudran no longer tried to resist. He put on a smiling face and saluted, “This is a misunderstanding. We did not intend to become enemies with you…”

The group of sailors laughed coldly when they heard this. They did not say this when they suddenly attacked just now.

Lei Xue looked at him with a smile that was not a smile. Then, she said softly, “It’s good that it’s a misunderstanding…”

“Haha…”Kurland saw that the other party did not seem to have any intention of pursuing the matter, so he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he looked at the sky and said, “The sky is already dark. If everyone is fine, then we will first…”

Before he could finish his sentence, lei xue directly interrupted him, “The old man is right. The sky is already dark, and we have nowhere to go. Can the old man keep us for a night…”

“This…”kurland immediately frowned, “It’s not appropriate, right?”

Lei Xue looked at the few large tailor shops around and smiled, “I heard that it’s quite dangerous here at night. It’s safer to stay in a room with light…”

Kurland frowned when he heard that. The other party must have some information. It seemed unrealistic to chase them away in such a situation.

From the bottom of his heart, he naturally did not want so many people to squeeze in. Who knew how many monsters had sneaked into this group of people?

However, if they refused, there was a high chance that the other party would fall out with them. Their chances of winning in a fight were not high…

Thinking of this, Kurland finally smiled. “A guest from afar is a guest. Come with me…”

After making his decision, he did not waste any more time. He took the lead and walked towards the largest tailor shop.

More than 200 people followed behind him one after another under the signal of Lei Xue. Among the group, a few people’s eyes flashed with a strange light.

“By the way, Old Man, have you ever seen such a person during the day?”Lei Xue walked in front, closing the distance between her and Kurland under Wilson’s protection.

Kurland looked at the person and saw that the person took out a colorful photo. He was a little surprised by this kind of photo that almost had a person’s face printed on it, however, when he saw the person’s face clearly, Kurland was stunned. “This person… do you know her?”

Lei Xue and Wilson were delighted. Lei Xue quickly asked, “Have you seen her before?”

Kurland nodded slowly. “We saw her during the day. Who Is She to you?”

Lei Xue replied, “She’s our captain.”

“Captain…”Kurland nodded. It made sense for such a powerful crew member to have such a powerful captain.

“May I ask where you saw her?”

“The position of the Crystal Palace…”Kurland hesitated for a while and said in a low voice, “Although it’s a pity, since you asked, I’ll remind you.”

“What?”Lei Xue and Wang Ye asked at the same time, feeling uneasy.

“Your captain… She should… have an accident…”

Snow:”! !”

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