I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 678

678 Chapter 707: The Specters!

“When did this thing come here?”A group of people stood under the triumphant return and looked at the old ship with a very retro structure. The wooden structure, the huge sail, and the huge chimney…


It was filled with the style of an old ship from the 17th century. For the Li Goudan people, they would usually only encounter it in movies or ancient Western fantasy games.

However, the color was a little dark. The entire ship did not look like a ship that was sailing a few months ago. Instead, it looked like it had been here for a century. The hull of the ship was obviously moldy… …

“I’ll go up and take a look. Second Mate, you bring two people with me. Third Mate, you stay here and protect Wang Ye and the others…”Goudan Li looked up and said.

Wang ye frowned. To be honest, he did not want Goudan Li to take such a risk. However, with his current appearance, he could not say such tough words.

The third mate, Johnny, and the second mate, Wilson, looked at each other. Then, big beard Wilson suggested, “Why don’t Johnny and I bring some people up to take a look? The captain can wait down there!”

“No…”Li Goudan shook her head. “I think it’s better for me to go up and take a look myself!”

She looked up faintly. Just now, she vaguely saw some movement up there…

The two of them looked at each other again and finally nodded, because the master had said before they came that they had to listen to the captain completely.

The second mate picked a few strong crew members. These crew members each brought their own professional weapons, a one-handed sword that was suitable for fighting in a small space, a sharp dagger, and a crossbow!

Wang ye glanced at the cold weapons. These daggers and crossbows all had a faint green light attached to them. The quality was excellent, and the shining sharpness felt like it could cut through the air at any time.

He had heard that the weapons that the armed sailors were equipped with were all of the finest quality custom-made from the cabbage tribe. It was said that they could easily cut large chunks of steel essence like tofu, and they even had an elemental effect attached to them.

And these armed sailors were not simple either. They were the elite guards that were once responsible for protecting the great mage of the Steel Martial Empire. Each of them had the strength of a bronze-rank!

Wang Ye did not really understand the concept of a bronze-rank. Usually, when he was bragging, he did not think that these armed sailors were any different from ordinary sailors. However, now that they encountered an emergency, he could see it clearly.

The breathing of these individuals suddenly became like thunder when they were preparing for battle. When more than a dozen of them breathed at the same time, they felt a little like the scene when a furnace compressed gas. The surrounding air was being pulled…

Moreover, after taking off their cotton-padded clothes, their muscles bulged. When they were tense, their blood vessels were like coiled steel bars, and their bodies were emitting hot air that was as vigorous as a furnace!

He had encountered this kind of feeling from the disciples of the sects who cultivated the physical sanctification technique, but they were all at the level of elders and disciples. At this moment, the sailors who were usually in charge of opening the sewer also had this level of skill. It made him feel rather strange… …

Third Mate Johnny directly took out a pitch-black broadsword and placed it on his shoulder. The gigantic broadsword felt about the same size as the others, exuding an eerie cold light. Moreover, his breathing was even more exaggerated.., it was as if he had sucked out the surrounding air, forming a golden energy that enveloped his entire body!

If the locals of the empire saw this, they would definitely know that this was the exclusive combat aura of a Gold Knight!

F * ck, why was he so Manly?

Lei Xue looked at the rebar-like muscles of the sailors and could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. Normally, they would not be able to tell that they were all dressed in cotton-padded clothes and looked like they were moving bricks on a construction site… …

“En…”Li Goudan nodded. “The few of you will stay below to protect Lei Xue and the rest. If you are attacked, remember to call for help. I will rush back immediately…”

“UH…”the two officers were stunned. They had not expected such an outcome after showing off their strength just now… …

Moreover, the captain seemed very calm…

“Let’s Go…”as he spoke, Goudan Li took the lead and walked towards the ladder by the side of the ship, the two first officers looked at each other in a daze. Finally, Wilson nodded to the third officer, Johnny. He took a short sword and followed with a few others.

Li Goudan stepped lightly on the side of the ship. He was like an elegant snowflake as he flew onto the ship. The sailors were stunned.

Wilson did not want to be outdone. He bent his legs slightly. Then, he jumped and flew onto the ship like a cannonball…

With a bang, Wilson landed heavily. He felt the entire ship shake!

He looked at Li Goudan beside him and said, “Captain, why don’t I scout the way first…”

Before he could finish his words, his vision suddenly blurred. Li Goudan, who had been beside him just now, instantly turned into an afterimage. By the time he reacted, Li Goudan was long gone. He immediately inhaled a breath of cold air, then, he heard the sound of metal clashing not far away!

Wilson was startled and rushed to the sound, body burst, as a golden knight in less than half a second he jumped over a dozen meters to the bow of a dark corner.

Then he saw the captain was confronting a tall man with a fine one-handed sword in his hand, who was wrestling with the captain’s weapon. … Uh… ? . Ice Chips?

Wilson took a deep breath when he saw what Li Goudan was holding. It was just a piece of ordinary thin ice.

The opponent was even more surprised than Wilson, watching his royal enchanted dagger was slowly cut open like a thin piece of ice like tofu, if not in the corner of nowhere to retreat, he would have been scared to jump away!

Who Was this woman?

Wilson, who had rushed over, was also shocked by this scene. He thought to himself, no wonder master placed so much importance on her and gave such a big ship to her… …

“Who are you?”Li Goudan asked in the common language of the alliance as he slowly used the thin layer of ice to cut the other party’s dagger.

Looking at his dagger that was almost completely cut off, Wilson’s heart went cold. However, when he heard the other party’s words, he was immediately stunned. “Someone from the Alliance?”Then, he revealed a pleasantly surprised expression, i’m Sean Alfa, Captain of the royal fleet triumph of the Land of Tanzania. Who Am I speaking with

“Sean?”Dog-egg Lee cocked his head. It sounded familiar.

Wait, isn’t that what the guy in the diary said about hallucinations?


In the distance, Marina, who was dressed in fine silk, looked at Li Goudan through a crystal on the boat very clearly.

At this moment, their ship was very far away from Goudan Li and the others. However, on the bow of the ship, a huge naked eye was like a precision telescope. It could clearly see Goudan Li and the others. The scene was so high-definition that one could even see a hair…

“This skill… is a bit exaggerated, isn’t it?”Another tall undead said in a hoarse voice.

Using this huge naked eye, they slowed down by sixteen times, but they still couldn’t see Goudan Li’s movements clearly…

“It’s good to be a little more aggressive…”marina looked at Li Goudan’s image faintly. “Just let her keep that damn thing in check!”

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