I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 652

652 Chapter 681: Embrace a new life…

“What the hell is going on?”Xi Ye slammed the table and asked.


Sizzle sizzle sizzle sizzle sizzle!

Rainmaiden wugua sucked on the noodles and raised her head to look at her liege, she took another sip of the soup and said, “Liege, have you eaten? Wang Goudan’s family’s new ramen product tastes pretty good. It’s made from top-grade refined flour and is paired with the star Rhinoceros’s bone soup from the base. The taste is simply explosive!”

“Don’t change the topic…”Xi Ye glared at her, she did not even look at the noodles. What a joke. She was born into a wealthy family in the federation. Her father was once the head of a large clan. He had even eaten level-10 magical beast meat before. How could these foods tempt him now?

“Gulp…”rainy girl, Wu Gua, finished the soup in her bowl and burped. “It’s old Fang…”

“Huh?”Xi Ye was stunned. “Didn’t we switch him over? Why did he go back?”

“About that…”rain girl, Wu Gua, wiped her oily mouth. “He said he had something to ask the leader, so I let him go…”

“Do you know that the risk is very high?”Xi Ye frowned.

“It’s not high!”Rain Girl, Wu Gua, Shrugged. “He’s right. With our current situation, even if the country boycotted us, it would just be a waste of time…”

Xi Ye sighed. The worst thing he could do right now was to waste time. If he wanted to slowly develop like his smelly classmate for tens of thousands of years, then why would he panic? wasn’t it good to be a king every day?

“Don’t worry… I’m prepared!”Rainy girl smiled when she saw that her liege did not say anything. “If he dares to talk nonsense, just let him be a dog.”

Xi Ye sighed when he heard that, but then he said, “Why did he think of asking those questions?”

“I don’t know…”rainless melon shook her head and said, “Maybe… he wants to understand some of the principles of life…”rainless melon said with a profound expression.


“Haha, I’m Not Joking anymore. I’m here on business…”

“What’s the matter?”Xi Ye frowned and said.

“There are traces of the undead!”Said rainy girl with a serious expression.



On the other side, academician Fang, who had been resurrected, slowly climbed out of the nutrition cabin while dancing. He loosened his muscles and bones, and cracking sounds could be heard immediately.

At this moment, he no longer looked like the skinny old man from before. Instead, he had a huge Green Titan body. Looking at his full muscles and strong muscles and bones in the mirror, Old Fang grinned!

This feeling of being strong again was really good!

People only knew how important it was to be strong when they were old…

“How do you feel?”A developer player at the side took a notebook and asked.

“Well… very good!”Elder Fang loosened his muscles and bones.

“You’re at a disadvantage like this…”the developer player sighed. “Your Age advantage is your rich experience and knowledge. Choosing a battle bloodline is giving up your advantage. You should become a developer like us…”

Elder Fang shook his head with a smile. “I’ve been working with my brain all my life, and I suddenly want to try living a life where I make a living by using my muscles…”

“But as I said before, this Green Titan body is also based on your age. Due to the weakening of your cells in your old age, although the physical body you created has increased its activity, its performance is inferior to those young people. Its evolutionary potential is also far from being comparable…”. “…”

“If not, then so be it… It’s good to feel good now!”Elder Fang said with a laugh, he had read the information before. The lifespan of a Level 2 Green Titan was 400 years. As long as one broke through level 5, they would be able to obtain a lifespan of 1,000 years. Then, the gap between them and the young people would be further narrowed. As long as he worked hard, it did not mean that he did not have a chance.., moreover, even if he did not do anything now, he still had more than 80 years to live. What was there to be dissatisfied about?

After a lifetime of data analysis, he finally had a chance to start all over again. Why did he have to walk the same path? Couldn’t he enjoy life?

“That’s a pity…”the developer sighed. He somewhat understood this old man’s thoughts, but he did not quite agree with it. However, no matter what, he still respectfully said, “I hope that you can have a happy life here!”

“Thank you for your kind words…”elder Fang smiled, and then suddenly asked, “Oh, right, I heard that the initial stage of the Green Titan relied on moving bricks to accumulate points. May I know where to sign up?”

“Due to your cooperation, the possibility of galaxy being promoted has increased. The Lord has specially approved 100,000 points on your account, which is enough to cover the expenses of your training…”

“Oh, no, no, no…”old fang waved his hand and said, “Money is money, but you can’t stop earning it. It’s glorious to work…”

“Okay, follow me…”

Old Fang smiled and followed behind the other party with an eager expression. It was obvious that he was very interested in the following brick-moving work.

After leaving the temporary base, old Fang saw that an ordinary city had been built outside, and he took a deep breath.

When he was doing the intelligence, he had collected high-definition pictures of the main base cities posted by the players. However, pictures and reality were two different things. When that dreamy scene really appeared, Old Fang felt as if he was in a dream.

It was just like a fairytale city. Fortunately, he had chosen this city style. If it was the cyberpunk style in the post, this old man might not have gotten used to it.

Under the Sun, people come and go around, most are actively involved in the construction, a thriving state, everywhere full of hope smiling face.

It was nothing like the numbness with which he saw young people on the subway, and it made him want to fit in even more…

“It’s really a good place. It looks like I have to work hard and try to buy a house here…”old fang smiled and then looked at the sky and muttered, “Don’t let me down, Old Buddy…”

———- —

“Old Fang left?”Elder lei looked at his eldest son, who was reporting the situation, and asked in surprise.

“Yes…”elder lei nodded.

Hearing this, elder Lei lowered his head, thinking about something.

The surrounding Lei family members all exchanged glances with each other when elder Lei didn’t speak. In the end, it was elder Lei who took the initiative to stand up and carefully asked, “Dad… did Xiaoxue… say anything yesterday?”

Old Fifth of the Lei family glared at him when he heard that. “Xiaoxue’s current job is a state secret. Why are you asking about this?”

“I. . .”Old fifth bit his lips and finally mustered up his courage to say, “Dad, at this time, why do you care about secrets or not? Xiaoxue, that…”

“Bastard! !”Old Fifth of the Lei family did not wait for the other party to finish speaking and slammed the teacup in his hand onto the ground. He stood up and said with a livid face, “Say that again! !”

“I. . .”Lei Laowu looked at the old man who was showing off his might. The courage that he mustered instantly dissipated. In the end, he lowered his head and did not dare to speak anymore.

“Some things should not cross the bottom line!”Elder Lei glared at his own descendants. “This old man does not want to hear this kind of words a second time. If anyone dares to say such B * Stard words again, get out of the Lei family!”

The Lei family members immediately quieted down when they heard that. They lowered their heads and didn’t dare to speak again.

“Get the hell out of Here!”

Grandpa Lei showed his power, and the group of descendants finally dispersed in a panic. After the crowd dispersed, the boss of the Lei family slowly reduced the fragments on the ground. He wrapped them up with a tissue and said with a bitter smile, “Why Bother, Grandpa? This teacup is a treasure…”

“Don’t you have to make it look more like it?”Grandpa Lei looked at the Teacup fragments with heartache. He sighed and said in a low voice, “What do you think of Xiaoxue’s intelligence?”

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