I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 603

603 Chapter 632: firm confidence

The ambition of a small cabbage is not ordinary. Some developers instantly calculated the other party’s thoughts.


Once this mode was activated, it would indeed be a win-win mode for a period of time. With the top exclusive material supply, it would naturally make their products more competitive, and it would also be easier for their products to lead the market. Once they led the market.., because the materials were supplied exclusively, the probability of being imitated would be greatly reduced.

However, the drawback was that their dependence would become stronger and stronger. Once they tasted the sweetness of leading the market, they would probably never be able to escape from the other party’s supply of raw materials.

For example, Ye Xu’s faction wanted to produce a hex mechanical bow. If they relied on the materials of the little cabbages and their own technology to dominate the market, they would indeed gain a lot of benefits in the early stages. However, once the other party’s materials were upgraded.., you would have to spend money to buy the exclusive supply rights. Otherwise, the market would very likely be replaced by other people. Even if it was not replaced, for example, their faction’s bow had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Just like a BMW Mercedes-benz, it had become a brand, however, once they were unable to buy the best materials and used the materials to make up the numbers, it would also cause the buyers who were already used to the quality of their bows to be greatly dissatisfied. Thus, it would give other competitors a chance to rise to the top!

In other words, as long as this cabbage faction’s materials technology was in the lead, the merchants who cooperated with them would always be tied to the same boat!

“This model is a little unfair to us, isn’t it?”One of the developers frowned and said, “You don’t have to worry about not having any sellers for your materials, but once we cut off the supply of materials, it will be greatly affected!”

Alice smiled and said, “The foundation of cooperation is trust. If it’s a win-win situation, why do we have to cut off your materials? Once the reputation of doing business is ruined, the market will become smaller and smaller, right?”

“That’s true…”. The siren class player, ice cap, frowned and said, “But once your materials level up, we have to re-bid. It’s too passive. Moreover, what if a competitor maliciously competes to block our supply of materials?”

This kind of situation would also occur. For example, if someone was jealous of Xu Xian’s glove market, and then took advantage of the appearance of new materials to bid maliciously, raising the price so high that it would disgust the other party, what would they do?

“Everyone, rest assured…”. “…”Alice smiled and said, “Since this system is out, we will naturally try our best to fill in the gaps. For example, the problem that you mentioned just now, first of all, when we come up with new products, we will prioritize the exclusive agreement with our current partners according to classification. We will not easily bid on them. Of course, the prerequisite is that you can maintain your competitiveness in the market. If the sales volume drops significantly due to poor management, we will consider re-bidding…”. “…”

Everyone nodded at first, but when they came to their senses, they realized that the other party seemed to have complete control of the initiative in this mode of cooperation. No matter what, the other party would not be at a disadvantage, and their expressions instantly fell.

Alice continued to smile and said, “Everyone, this is the mode of cooperation that we have set. I believe that everyone also feels that this is more in line with your interests than selling it publicly, right? If you still have any concerns, you can go back and think about it again. We welcome everyone to come here at any time!”

Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard that and thought to themselves, having level five players means that you have a lot of confidence…

Seeing that everyone was silent, Alice clapped her hands and said, “It seems that everyone has no objections. Then, everyone can go to our miniature base to conduct a material auction after you finish your meal. The auction will be held in the hall. The virtual screen will list out the various raw materials and products that we have now. On it, there will be a detailed description of the attributes, effects, and suggestions of each material. Of course, there will also be the price of the first auction. After you finish your meal, you can slowly choose according to your own needs…”. .”

Pausing for a moment, he smiled and said, “Friendly Reminder, please select your materials according to your own circumstances, and do not maliciously encroach on all kinds of materials that are not of much use to your own forces. We have a supply agreement, and once you find someone maliciously bidding, you will be permanently blacklisted. Please be careful…”. .”

The crowd:”…”


After the meal, many players with a round belly slowly walked into the base, and soon saw the hall of the huge virtual screen!

The list of nearly a thousand different materials dazzled a crowd.

Ye Xu was not long-winded. He quickly went to the metal area and began to scan the attributes of various materials. Their current priority was to enter the magic-powered weapons market. Their priority was magic-powered firearms and crossbows!

After locking on to these materials, he would see if he could buy some high-end food ingredients so that he could make more advanced snack products.

Flipping through the materials in the metal zone, ye Xu Lun quickly scanned the materials. The firearms and crossbows of the magic-powered civilization required very precise metals. They had very high requirements for their weight, strength, and conductivity, not only did they need to have a high enough load energy strength, but they also needed to be as light as possible so that the finished products could be carried easily. The materials needed to be carefully considered.

The developer beside him was also helping him quickly analyze the materials. A few minutes later, the other party pointed at a few materials and said, “These are not bad…”

Ye Xu looked over and his eyelids twitched. The attributes of these materials were indeed not bad, but the price really made his little heart unable to bear it, especially the fiber composite materials used to make bowstrings. They were actually as high as 0.6 points per gram, f * ck, this place was actually selling them in grams like the main base? Why didn’t they rob them?

Alice seemed to have noticed ye Xu’s expression, she smiled and explained, “Sir, fiber materials are currently very rare materials, mainly because the machine tools used to make them were purchased from the main base, so the cost is higher. This price may seem high, but in fact, we don’t make much money ourselves, so we can only be considered as keeping the capital…”. “…”


Ye Xu rolled his eyes. He wouldn’t believe such words even if they were punctuation marks. The aunty selling hardware downstairs always said that she was keeping the capital, but when the new auction opened, she bought several houses…

While he was speechless, he suddenly saw a player beside him bidding for forty to fifty kinds of metal materials as if he was having a stroke. He was stunned and said to Alice, “Is she bidding with malice?”

Alice glanced at that person. It was the siren player from before. Then, she shook her head and said, “She wants to build a ship. She needs a lot of metal types, so it’s not considered a maliciously bidding…”

“Build a ship?”Ye Xu was stunned and said, “What the heck? Are there players making such big items now? By the way, does anyone want to buy this thing if it’s made?”

“Well…”Alice looked at the player thoughtfully and said with a smile, “They may not be used to sell it…”

“Eh?”Ye xuanguan was stunned and said with a smile, “Why not use it to sell it? Do you want to go drifting on the sea?”

Alice shook her head and smiled without replying. Although she could see what the other party wanted to do, she could not point it out. After all, if this guy succeeded, he would be a rare big customer in the future. His potential was much higher than this ye guy.

However, it had to be said that this player named ice cap was a little bold.

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